Translations - OPALE - 10.0 - Utilisation - Envoyer un mail avec un document PDF


De MappingDoc

Keywords used to automatically map data from input spool file

As seen previously, a prerequisite for the MAPSNDMAIL command is the design of a Designer model with generation in PDF language. To obtain the content of the spool file directly in the body of the e-mail or to have the address of the recipient and the sender taken from the spool file, there are several zones in Designer (type of METADATA zone):

List of keywords

  • mapFrom: Used to take the sender's email address from the spool file
  • mapSend: Used to take sender's recipient email address from spool file
  • mapCopy: Used to take the copy email address from the spool file
  • mapBCopy: Used to take cached copy email address from spool file
  • mapNote: Used to take data from the spool file and put it into the body of the sent email
  • mapSubject: Used to take data from the spool file and put it into the subject of the sent email