ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation - Tableaux dynamiques/en

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(Page créée avec « The first thing to do is to create a variable group delimiting the start row and the end row of the table. (Start line: Line containing the word “Designation” and the... »)
(75 révisions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 49 : Ligne 49 :
The first thing to do is to create a variable group delimiting the start row and the end row of the table. (Start line: Line containing the word “Designation” and the end line containing the character “-” in column 6)
The first thing to do is to create a variable group delimiting the start row and the end row of the table. (Start line: Line containing the word “Designation” and the end line containing the character “-” in column 6)
Pour cela allons créer un groupe variable:  
To do this, we will create a variable group:  
<u>Condition de début</u>
<u>Start Condition</u>
Dans les propriétés du groupe, sélectionnez « type of stop condition » à « Condition ». Cela aura pour effet de faire apparaitre la liste déroulante dans les conditions du groupe : « Beginning of the group » et « End of the group »
In the group properties, select "type of stop condition" to "Condition". This will cause the drop-down list to appear in the group conditions: “Beginning of the group” and “End of the group”
<u>Condition de fin</u>
<u>End Condition</u>
===Affichage du contenu du tableau===
A ce stade, le groupe a un début et une fin, mais celui-ci n’affiche rien car aucune zone n’a été placée à l’intérieur.
===Displaying table contents===
At this point, the group has a start and an end, but it displays nothing because no zone has been placed inside it.
====Toutes les lignes du groupe====
====All lines in the group====
Pour afficher le contenu du tableau, il faut mettre un zone par colonne.
To display the contents of the table, you must put one zone per column.
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Ligne 74 : Ligne 76 :
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Voici l’aperçu du tableau :
====Gestion des lignes horizontales séparatrice d'articles====
Here is the overview of the table:
Sur l’aperçu ci-dessus, on peut voir la discontinuité des lignes horizontales. Pour résoudre cette problématique, nous devons ajouter une ligne horizontale conditionnée sur la présence de la ligne séparatrice d'articles dans le fichier d’entrée. Cette ligne doit apparaitre uniquement si nous sommes sur la ligne avec des pointillés séparant 2 articles.
====Management of horizontal article separator lines====
In the preview above, we can see the discontinuity of the horizontal lines. To solve this problem, we must add a horizontal line conditioned on the presence of the article separator line in the input file. This line should only appear if we are on the dotted line separating 2 items.
Voici les propriétés de la ligne horizontale que nous venons de créer :  
Here are the properties of the horizontal line we just created:  
Voici le nouveau rendu de la prévisualisation :
Here is the new rendering of the preview:
Afin de centrer verticalement la ligne, nous pouvons lui appliquer un décalage verticale d'environ 0.1cm vers le haut.
In order to vertically center the line, we can apply a vertical offset of approximately 0.1cm upwards.
Important : Pour respecter la règle que chacun des objets doit rester dans l'espace de travail de la ligne dans laquelle il appartient, il conviendra donc d'ajouter un espacement après à la ligne séparatrice d'article. On lui ajoutera 0.1 cm en espacement après et pour garder la hauteur totale de 0.42cm, on lui mettra 0.32cm en espacement avant .
Important: To respect the rule that each object must remain in the workspace of the line in which it belongs, it will therefore be necessary to add spacing after the article separator line. We will add 0.1 cm in spacing after and to keep the total height of 0.42cm, we will add 0.32cm in spacing before.
====Gestion des lignes verticales====
====Vertical lines management====
=====Sur les lignes Aucune=====
=====On lines None=====
Sur l’aperçu ci-dessus, on peut voir qu’il manque les colonnes. Pour les ajouter, il faut inclure une ligne verticale de hauteur "espacement avant" + "espacement après" exécutée sur toutes les lignes de condition « Aucune » ayant un décalage Y de « – espacement avant »
In the preview above, we can see that the columns are missing. To add them, you must include a vertical line of height “spacing before” + “spacing after” executed on all the “None” condition lines having a Y offset of “– spacing before”
Le rendu est comme cela :  
The rendering is like this:  
Nous pouvons voir sur ce nouvel aperçu plusieurs problématiques :
We can see several issues in this new overview:
*La ligne séparatrice d'article n'a pas de ligne verticale
*The item separator line does not have a vertical line
*Le tableau n'est pas fermé
*The table is not closed
Ces 2 problématiques vont être adressées dans les chapitres suivants.
These two issues will be addressed in the following chapters.
=====On article separator lines=====
=====Sur les lignes séparatrices d'articles=====
Dans notre exemple, l'espacement avant de la ligne séparatrice d'articles est de 0.32cm et l'espacement après 0.1cm.
In our example, the spacing before the item separator line is 0.32cm and the spacing after 0.1cm.
Par conséquent, la ligne verticale pour cette ligne doit faire une hauteur de 0.42cm et doit avoir un décalage vers le haut de -0.32cm
Therefore, the vertical line for this line must be 0.42cm high and must have an upward offset of -0.32cm
Ligne 122 : Ligne 129 :
Il ne reste plus qu'à dupliquer la ligne verticale pour faire les autres colonnes.
All that remains is to duplicate the vertical line to make the other columns.
Le résultat est maintenant comme cela :  
The result is now like this:  
====Fermeture du tableau====
Il y a plusieurs manières pour faire la ligne de fin de clôture du tableau.
====Closing the table====
There are several ways to make the closing end line of the table.
Either :
Soit :
*We enlarge the table a little to take the end line
*We make a group of one line which follows the group of the invoice
*On agrandi un peu le tableau pour prendre la ligne de fin
*On fait un groupe d'une ligne qui suit le groupe de la facture
Dans notre exemple, nous allons utiliser la 1er méthode
In our example, we will use the 1st method
#Nous agrandissons le tableau afin que la dernière ligne inclus la ligne de fin du tableau.
#We enlarge the table so that the last row includes the end row of the table.
#Ensuite nous faisons une condition "EndOfTable" uniquement vrai à la toute fin du tableau
#Then we make an "EndOfTable" only true condition at the very end of the table
#Nous lui appliquons une ligne horizontale
#We apply a horizontal line to it
#Nous modifions l'espacement avant de la condition "EndOfTable" à 0.20cm
#We change the spacing before the "EndOfTable" condition to 0.20cm
#Nous traitons les lignes verticales de la même manière que vu précédemment
#We treat vertical lines in the same way as seen previously
Page 1 :
Page 1 :
Ligne 165 : Ligne 179 :
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Nous pouvons voir que le tableau s'adapte parfaitement au contenu sur toutes les pages du spool.
We can see that the table fits the content perfectly on all pages in the spool.
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Il ne manque plus qu'à gérer la partie entête
All that's left to do is manage the header part.
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==Gestion de la ligne entête (Optionnel)==
Précédemment, nous avons vu la partie purement "contour du tableau". Cependant, nous pouvons voir que la partie entête n'est pas prise en compte.
==Management of the header line (Optional)==
Previously, we saw the purely “outline of the table” part. However, we can see that the header part is not taken into account.
L'entête peut être géré selon les besoins soit :
The header can be managed as needed:
*Sur la partie draw (fond de page)
*Sur la partie map (partie dynamique)
*On the draw part (background)
*On the map part (dynamic part)
Nous allons voir la gestion de l'entête au niveau dynamique (partie la plus complexe dans ce cas de figure). Pour ce faire nous allons nous baser sur la ligne d'entête du spool  
We will see the management of the header at the dynamic level (the most complex part in this scenario). To do this we will base ourselves on the spool header line
Ligne 189 : Ligne 207 :
Pour ce faire, il faut :
To do this, you must:
*Faire commencer le tableau au début d'entête, soit 3 lignes avant. (condition, si Ligne + 1, on a le mot Désignation)
*Modifier tous les objets en condition "Aucune" en leur appliquant une condition "Details" de lignes ignorant les 2 lignes en pointillés de la ligne entête et imprimant toutes les lignes (si on a un ! en colonne 6)
*Start the table at the start of the header, i.e. 3 lines before. (condition, if Line + 1, we have the word Designation)
*Modify all objects in "None" condition by applying to them a "Details" condition of lines ignoring the 2 dotted lines of the header line and printing all the lines (if there is a ! in column 6)
Le résultat est comme cela :  
The result is like this:  
Nous devons traiter la problématique de trait verticaux présents au niveau de la toute première ligne du tableau.
We must deal with the problem of vertical lines present at the very first row of the table.
Ces traits sont dû au fait que la 1er ligne est prise par la condition de ligne horizontale séparatrice d'article.
Il faut simplement créer une condition prenant les 2 lignes en pointillés d'entête en prenant bien soin de ne pas lui mettre des traits verticaux.
These features are due to the fact that the 1st line is taken by the horizontal article separator line condition.
You simply have to create a condition taking the 2 dotted lines at the header, taking care not to put vertical lines on it.
Nous n'avons maintenant plus les petits traits verticaux en tout début de tableau.
We now no longer have the small vertical lines at the very beginning of the table.
Nous voulons mettre en évidence l’entête du tableau en la surlignant en gris et en mettant son contenu en gras.
Pour se faire, nous allons dessiner un rectangle ayant les caractéristiques suivantes :
*Hauteur : Espacement avant + Espacement après
We want to highlight the table header by highlighting it in gray and making its contents bold.
*Conditionné : Sur la ligne entête (Condition : HEADER).Présence du mot Désignation
To do this, we will draw a rectangle with the following characteristics:
*Contour du tableau : 0 point (sans contour)
*Dans la liste des objets, mettre la condition Header au dessus de la condition "Details"
*Height: Spacing before + Spacing after
*Conditioned: On the header line (Condition: HEADER). Presence of the word Designation
*Outline of the table: 0 points (without outline)
*In the list of objects, put the Header condition above the "Details" condition
Ligne 222 : Ligne 244 :
Voici le nouvel aperçu :
Here is the new preview:
Il reste maintenant à afficher le texte par dessus ainsi que les traits de colonnes.  
It now remains to display the text on top as well as the column lines.  
To do this, you must:
Pour ce faire, il faut :
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Dupliquer les zones affichant le contenu du spool ainsi que les traits en les affectant à la condition "header"
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Duplicate the areas displaying the spool content as well as the traits by assigning them to the "header" condition
<nowiki>*</nowiki>S'assurer que les traits verticaux respecte la règles de hauteur de et de décalage vertical vu précédemment dans la doc
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ensure that the vertical lines respect the height and vertical offset rules seen previously in the doc
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[[Fichier:Tabdynamique 49.png|alt=|centré|800x800px]]
[[Fichier:Tabdynamique 49.png|alt=|centré|800x800px]]
Ligne 241 : Ligne 266 :
Il suffit maintenant qu'à donner un peu d'espace juste en dessous des libellés d'entête. Pour ce faire il faut :
*Ajouter de l'espacement après : 0.1cm
Now all you have to do is give a little space just below the header labels. To do this you must:
*Modifier la hauteur du rectangle et les propriétés des traits verticaux d'entête pour respecter la règles vue précédemment
*Appliquer au rectangle un décalage vertical de "espacement après" soit 0.1cm
*Add spacing after: 0.1cm
*Modify the height of the rectangle and the properties of the vertical header lines to respect the rules seen previously
*Apply a vertical offset of “spacing after” to the rectangle, i.e. 0.1cm
Nous pouvons voir que la ligne de séparation d'articles a disparue. En effet, cette ligne n'est pas prise par la condition "InterItemLine" mais par la condition "details". Cela vient du fait que le groupe est en condition exclusive et que la condition de ligne "details" est vérifiée avant la condition "InterItemLine". Il faut donc positionner la condition "InterItemLine" au dessus de la condition "Details" dans la liste des objets.
We can see that the item separator line has disappeared. Indeed, this line is not taken by the "InterItemLine" condition but by the "details" condition. This is because the group is in an exclusive condition and the "details" line condition is checked before the "InterItemLine" condition. You must therefore position the "InterItemLine" condition above the "Details" condition in the list of objects.
Le résultat final sera alors :
The final result will then be:
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Version actuelle datée du 2 janvier 2025 à 09:27

Autres langues :
English • ‎français


This documentation describes the methodology for creating a table with contours based on its content. This will allow you to generate, for example, a document with several boxes following one another.
This documentation describes the methodology with a paginated text file as input, but the principle remains the same with an XML Designer file.

Step-by-step guide to creating a dynamic table

A dynamic table is a table that adapts its size according to its content. This increases or decreases depending on the spool and XML input file.

In the example below, we want to create a table displaying the data from the table present in the input spool. This looks like the table below:

    ! Designation                     !  ID    !  Quantity  !   PUHT   !  Amount  HT  !
    ! Infoprint 20 IBM                ! 432002 !        1   ! 11500,00 !   11500,00   !
    ! ** 20 pages/mn A4-A3            !        !            !                         !
    ! ** PCL5e - 8Mo                  !        !            !          !              !
    ! ** Standard 500+150             !        !            !          !              !
    ! Duplex                          ! 004402 !        1   !  4000,00 !    4000,00   !
    ! Drawer 500 pages                ! 004501 !        1   !  2500,00 !    2500,00   !
    ! Ethernet card                   ! 004161 !        1   !  2050,00 !    2050,00   !
    ! Total Infoprint 20              !        !            !          !   20050,00   !
    ! Infoprint 32 IBM                ! 433202 !        1   ! 18000,00 !   18000,00   !
    ! ** 32 pages/mn A4-A3            !        !            !          !              !
    ! ** PCL5e - 8Mo extensible       !        !            !          !              !
    ! ** Standard 2*500+50            !        !            !          !              !
    ! ** Parallel                     !        !            !          !              !
    ! Duplex                          ! 004402 !        1   !  4000,00 !    4000,00   !
    ! Bac 2500 pages                  ! 004520 !        1   !  7900,00 !    7900,00   !
    ! Ethernet card                   ! 004161 !        1   !  2050,00 !    2050,00   !
    ! Total Infoprint 32              !        !            !          !   31950,00   !


  • Always use default FRONT spacing
  • Put spacing AFTER only if you want additional space below the line
  • The size of vertical lines and rectangles must be: spacing BEFORE + spacing AFTER
  • Small vertical lines must have a Y offset of “- FRONT spacing”
  • Rectangles must have a Y offset of “+ spacing AFTER”
  • Rectangles must not have an outline (their outlines must be managed manually with lines and vertical strokes)
  • Objects in a line must remain in their workspace (vertical space of a line: Spacing before and Spacing after)

Creation of a variable group

The first thing to do is to create a variable group delimiting the start row and the end row of the table. (Start line: Line containing the word “Designation” and the end line containing the character “-” in column 6)

To do this, we will create a variable group:

Start Condition

In the group properties, select "type of stop condition" to "Condition". This will cause the drop-down list to appear in the group conditions: “Beginning of the group” and “End of the group”

End Condition

Displaying table contents

At this point, the group has a start and an end, but it displays nothing because no zone has been placed inside it.

All lines in the group

To display the contents of the table, you must put one zone per column.


Here is the overview of the table:

Management of horizontal article separator lines

In the preview above, we can see the discontinuity of the horizontal lines. To solve this problem, we must add a horizontal line conditioned on the presence of the article separator line in the input file. This line should only appear if we are on the dotted line separating 2 items.

Here are the properties of the horizontal line we just created:

Here is the new rendering of the preview:

In order to vertically center the line, we can apply a vertical offset of approximately 0.1cm upwards.

Important: To respect the rule that each object must remain in the workspace of the line in which it belongs, it will therefore be necessary to add spacing after the article separator line. We will add 0.1 cm in spacing after and to keep the total height of 0.42cm, we will add 0.32cm in spacing before.

Vertical lines management

On lines None

In the preview above, we can see that the columns are missing. To add them, you must include a vertical line of height “spacing before” + “spacing after” executed on all the “None” condition lines having a Y offset of “– spacing before”

The rendering is like this:

We can see several issues in this new overview:

  • The item separator line does not have a vertical line
  • The table is not closed

These two issues will be addressed in the following chapters.

On article separator lines

In our example, the spacing before the item separator line is 0.32cm and the spacing after 0.1cm. Therefore, the vertical line for this line must be 0.42cm high and must have an upward offset of -0.32cm

All that remains is to duplicate the vertical line to make the other columns.

The result is now like this:

Closing the table

There are several ways to make the closing end line of the table.

Either :

  • We enlarge the table a little to take the end line
  • We make a group of one line which follows the group of the invoice

In our example, we will use the 1st method

  1. We enlarge the table so that the last row includes the end row of the table.
  2. Then we make an "EndOfTable" only true condition at the very end of the table
  3. We apply a horizontal line to it
  4. We change the spacing before the "EndOfTable" condition to 0.20cm
  5. We treat vertical lines in the same way as seen previously


Page 1 :


Page 2 :


Page 3 :

We can see that the table fits the content perfectly on all pages in the spool.
All that's left to do is manage the header part.

Management of the header line (Optional)

Previously, we saw the purely “outline of the table” part. However, we can see that the header part is not taken into account.

The header can be managed as needed:

  • On the draw part (background)
  • On the map part (dynamic part)

We will see the management of the header at the dynamic level (the most complex part in this scenario). To do this we will base ourselves on the spool header line

    ! Designation                     !  ID    !  Quantity  !   PUHT   !  Amount  HT  !

To do this, you must:

  • Start the table at the start of the header, i.e. 3 lines before. (condition, if Line + 1, we have the word Designation)
  • Modify all objects in "None" condition by applying to them a "Details" condition of lines ignoring the 2 dotted lines of the header line and printing all the lines (if there is a ! in column 6)

The result is like this:


We must deal with the problem of vertical lines present at the very first row of the table.

These features are due to the fact that the 1st line is taken by the horizontal article separator line condition.

You simply have to create a condition taking the 2 dotted lines at the header, taking care not to put vertical lines on it.

We now no longer have the small vertical lines at the very beginning of the table.

We want to highlight the table header by highlighting it in gray and making its contents bold. To do this, we will draw a rectangle with the following characteristics:

  • Height: Spacing before + Spacing after
  • Conditioned: On the header line (Condition: HEADER). Presence of the word Designation
  • Outline of the table: 0 points (without outline)
  • In the list of objects, put the Header condition above the "Details" condition

Here is the new preview:

It now remains to display the text on top as well as the column lines.

To do this, you must:

*Duplicate the areas displaying the spool content as well as the traits by assigning them to the "header" condition

*Ensure that the vertical lines respect the height and vertical offset rules seen previously in the doc

Now all you have to do is give a little space just below the header labels. To do this you must:

  • Add spacing after: 0.1cm
  • Modify the height of the rectangle and the properties of the vertical header lines to respect the rules seen previously
  • Apply a vertical offset of “spacing after” to the rectangle, i.e. 0.1cm

We can see that the item separator line has disappeared. Indeed, this line is not taken by the "InterItemLine" condition but by the "details" condition. This is because the group is in an exclusive condition and the "details" line condition is checked before the "InterItemLine" condition. You must therefore position the "InterItemLine" condition above the "Details" condition in the list of objects.

The final result will then be: