ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation - Paramétrage de ONYX Designer/en

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(Page créée avec « ===Straight lines=== »)
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Ligne 2 : Ligne 2 :
=Configuring Designer=
=Configuring Designer=
After Designer was installed, the first step is to configure ''Preferences'' (see '''1''') of the application. They are accessed from the ''File'' menu (see '''2'''). The preferences are <span class="underline">local</span> to the current user and are stored in the Windows registry of the workstation under ''HKEY_CURRENT_USER''/''Software''/''Mapping''.
After Designer was installed, the first step is to configure the ''Preferences'' (see '''1''') of the application. They are accessed from the ''File'' menu (see '''2'''). The preferences are <span class="underline">local</span> to the current user and are stored in the Windows registry of the workstation under ''HKEY_CURRENT_USER''/''Software''/''Mapping''.
The first tab of the ''Preferences'' window displays the general options of the application.
The first tab of the ''Preferences'' window displays the general options of the application.
Ligne 32 : Ligne 32 :
===Enable script editor===
===Enable script editor===
This option allows you to create, edit, or delete its very scripts. (see Script editing link)
This option allows you to create, edit, or delete scripts. (see Script editing link)
===Show all component’s errors===
===Show all component errors===
This option affects the number of error windows appearing when opening a project with components that are unavailable in the project folder.
This option affects the number of error windows appearing when opening a project with components that are unavailable in the project folder.
Ligne 43 : Ligne 43 :
===Straight lines===
===Straight lines===
Cette option permet de forcer le tracé de lignes horizontales ou verticales uniquement (les plus couramment utilisées) en désactivant la possibilité de lignes obliques.
This option forces the application to only draw horizontal or vertical lines (most currently used) by disabling oblique lines.
===Répertoire temporaire===
===Temporary folder===
Cette option permet de définir le chemin du répertoire temporaire. Par défaut, il s’agit du répertoire d’installation de l’application mais cette valeur peut être modifiée si besoin.
This option defines the path of the temporary folder. By default, this is the folder for the installation of the application but this value can be changed if needed.
===Liste de caractères à afficher en double largeur===
===List of characters to be displayed in double width===
Cette zone de saisie permet d’ajouter les valeurs (ou plages de valeurs) hexadécimales de caractères spécifiques à considérer et à afficher en double largeur.
This input field allows you to add hexadecimal values (or ranges of values) of specific characters to consider and display in double width.
Cette option sert, côté Designer, pour l’affichage des flux de données dans la vue Spool et pour l’aperçu en temps réel du modèle de document. L’équivalent existe côté Onyx Server pour l’exécution, dans la variable de configuration ''MAPCPYSPLF_DBCSPITCH_LIST''.
This option is useful to display datastreams in the Spooled file view and preview the document template in real time. A similar feature can be found on Onyx Server in the configuration variable ''MAPCPYSPLF_DBCSPITCH_LIST''.
===Style par défaut===
===Default style===
Cette liste permet de sélectionner ou non un modèle de style pour définir une liste définie de couleurs, de type de trait, de polices, etc., pour votre projet.
This list is used to select or not select a style template to define a list of colours, line type, fonts, etc. for your project.
Cette option permet à l’utilisateur de choisir la langue d’affichage des interfaces de l’application. La langue, par défaut, de Designer sera la même que celle de votre système d'exploitation. Les langages proposés actuellement sont le français, l'anglais et le japonais.
This option is used to choose the display language of the interfaces of the application. The default language of Designer is the same as that of your operating system. The available languages are English, French and Japanese.
Le changement de la langue d’affichage de Designer impacte les autres outils de la Suite, notamment Connect, et tout changement nécessite un redémarrage de l’application.
Changing the language of Designer affects the other tools in the Suite, including Connect, and the application has to be restarted for any change to be registered.
==Paramétrage des serveurs==
==Configuring the servers==
L’onglet ''Serveurs'' de la vue ''Préférences'' permet de configurer les accès dont doit disposer l’application :
The ''Servers'' tab of the ''Preferences'' view is used to configure the paths the application must have access to:
*Au répertoire partagé des sources des projets Designer.
*The shared folder of the Designer projects sources.
*Au(x) répertoire(s) d’importation des formats dans Onyx Server.
*The import folders for formats in Onyx Server.
Le répertoire partagé des sources contient l’ensemble des projets développés par tous les utilisateurs Designer.
The shared sources folder contains all the projects developed by all the Designer users.
Une fois développés, les projets Designer doivent être générés sur le serveur de production dans le répertoire d’importation.
Once developed, Designer projects mut be generated on the production server in the import folder.
Voici les chemins par défaut du répertoire d’importation de Onyx Server suivant le type de plateforme :
Here are the default paths of the import folder of the Onyx Server according to the type of platform used:
*<span class="underline">Unix</span> : '''/apps/mapping/import/'''
*<span class="underline">Unix</span>: '''/apps/mapping/import/'''
*<span class="underline">Windows</span>: '''C:\Mapping\M-Processing Server\Import\'''
*<span class="underline">Windows</span>: '''C:\Mapping\M-Processing Server\Import\'''
Afin de permettre cette génération, une connexion doit donc être établie entre les postes de développement et le serveur de production. Deux types de configuration sont possibles.
To generate the project, a connection must be established between the development workstations and the production server. Two types of configurations are possible.
===Accès au serveur via un répertoire partagé===
===Access to the server using a shared folder===
<span class="underline">Paramètres requis</span> :
<span class="underline">Required settings</span>:
*'''Nom du serveur''' : Nom donné à la configuration.
*'''Name of the server''': Name given to the configuration.
*'''Répertoire de partage''' : Répertoire partagé pour les sources.
*'''Shared folder''': Shared folder for the sources.
*'''Chemin d'accès''' : Chemin de destination de la génération.
*'''Access path''': destination path of the generation.
*'''Répertoire d'importation''' : Répertoire d’importation de Onyx Server, utilisé uniquement pour l'option "Envoi mapping".
*'''Import folder''': Onyx Server import folder, only used for option "Send mapping".
Le répertoire d’accès au serveur peut être :
The server access folder can be:
*Un chemin UNC <span class="underline">Exemples</span>:  <code>\\test_server\ProgramData\M-Processing Server\Import\ (sous Windows)</code>  <code>\\test_server \home\mapping\ (sous iSeries)</code>
*A UNC path <span class="underline">Examples</span>:  <code>\\test_server\ProgramData\M-Processing Server\Import\ (under Windows)</code>  <code>\\test_server \home\mapping\ (under iSeries)</code>
*Un lecteur réseau pointant sur le répertoire d’importation <span class="underline">Exemple</span> : soit un lecteur réseau « M: » pointant sur le dossier « ...\M-Processing Server » du serveur de production. Le répertoire d’accès contiendra donc « M:\Import\ ».
*A network drive with the address of the import folder<span class="underline">Example</span>: either a network drive "M:" with the address of the "...\M-Processing Server" folder of the production server. The access folder thus contains "M:\Import\".
Dans le cas d’un serveur de production Unix, ce mode de connexion nécessite l’installation d’un logiciel de type « Samba » afin de faire communiquer le poste de développement et le serveur de production. La connexion en mode FTP sera préférée.
In the case of a UNIX production server, a "Samba" type software application must be installed for this connection mode so that the development workstation can communicate with the production server. Connections using the FTP mode are preferable.
===Accès au serveur via une connexion FTP===
===Access to the server using an FTP connection===
Dans ce cas, une connexion FTP (ou SFTP) doit être établie entre le poste de développement et le serveur de production.
In this case, an FTP (or SFTP) connection must be established between the development workstation and the production server.
<span class="underline">Paramètres requis</span> :
<span class="underline">Required settings</span>:
*'''Nom du serveur''' : Nom donné à la configuration.
*'''Name of the server''': Name given to the configuration.
*'''FTP/FTP Passif/Secure FTP''' : Choix du mode de connexion : FTP, FTP Passif, Secure FTP.
*'''FTP/FTP Passive/Secure FTP''': Choice of connection mode: FTP, FTP Passive, Secure FTP.
*'''Adresse IP on Nom''' : Adresse IP du serveur de production.
*'''IP address or Name''': IP address of the production server.
*'''Login''' : Nom d’utilisateur pour l’accès FTP.
*'''Login''': User name for the FTP access.
*'''Mot de passe''' : Mot de passe associé.
*'''Password''': Related password.
*'''Répertoire de partage''' : Répertoire partagé pour les sources.
*'''Sharing folder''': Shared folder for sources.
*'''Chemin d’accès''' : Chemin d’accès au répertoire d’importation de Onyx Server.
*'''Access path''': Access path to the Onyx Server import folder.
*'''Répertoire d'importation''' : Répertoire d’importation de Onyx Server, utilisé uniquement pour l'option "Envoi mapping".
*'''Import folder''': Onyx Server import folder, only used for the "Send mapping" option.
Le champ ''Génération des polices XPS par page de code'' permet de pré-charger les polices XPS en définissant un ou plusieurs code-pages afin d'optimiser les temps de traitement pendant le process. Le caractère de séparation des code-pages est le « ''';''' »'''.'''
The ''Generation of XPS fonts by code page'' field is used to pre-load XPS fonts by defining one or several code-pages to optimise processing time during the process. The separation character used is code-pages is "''';'''".
'''<span class="underline">Note</span> :''' Lors de l’importation d’un projet, si celui-ci est rédigé avec une police non enregistrée, une alerte signale alors que la police est manquante et elle apparaitra en rouge dans les ''Propriétés'' de la Zone concernée.
'''<span class="underline">Note</span>:''' When a project is imported, if it is written in a non-registered font, a warning message is displayed in red in the "Properties" of the zone affected, specifying that the font is missing.
==Options de calcul==
==Calculation options==
Les deux options présentes dans l’onglet ''Calcul'' définissent les types de séparateurs de milliers et de décimales. Ces informations sont utilisées pour la récupération de valeurs entières ou réelles dans l’application (par des zones mémoires), les calculs effectués et l’affichage des résultats à l’aperçu.
The two options in the ''Calculation'' tab define thousands and decimal delimiters. This information is used to retrieve integer or real values in the application (by memory zones), calculations and results display in the preview.
Elles n’ont pas d’influence sur la génération des projets.
Neither of them affect the generation of projects.
Deux variables équivalentes existent côté M-Processing Server pour l’exécution : ''MAPCPYSPLF_THOUSAND'' et ''MAPCPYSPLF_DECIMAL''.
Similar options exist for execution in M-Processing Server: ''MAPCPYSPLF_THOUSAND'' and ''MAPCPYSPLF_DECIMAL''.
Ces paramètres sont pris en compte pour l’exécution de toutes les maquettes, cependant ils peuvent être substitués avant exécution de ces commandes Mapping afin de correspondre à des paramètres régionaux différents de ceux du serveur.
These settings are used to run all templates, however, they can be set differently before running any Mapping commands, to use other delimiters and fit regional standards.

Version actuelle datée du 29 août 2019 à 09:42

Autres langues :
English • ‎français

Configuring Designer

After Designer was installed, the first step is to configure the Preferences (see 1) of the application. They are accessed from the File menu (see 2). The preferences are local to the current user and are stored in the Windows registry of the workstation under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Mapping.




The first tab of the Preferences window displays the general options of the application.

Automatic save

This option programs an automatic save of the projects being designed (opened in the application). The projects are saved at regular intervals defined in minutes in the corresponding input field.

Lock projects upon opening

As will be referred to later in this guide, several users can work with Designer at the same time using a common folder for projects. In this case activating this feature is recommended as it will prevent concurrent access to the same project.

As soon as a user opens a project, writing access is denied to other users. Other users can then only access the project in read-only mode.

Create .bak files

This option allows you to keep N-1 versions of the project when saving it. The corresponding files then have the ".bak" suffix added as their extension.

Select object before moving

As will be referred to later in this guide, All objects positioned in the document template can be edited and moved around. This option forces the user to select an object before he can move it. This prevents objects from being moved accidentally as you select them.

Enable script editor

This option allows you to create, edit, or delete scripts. (see Script editing link)

Show all component errors

This option affects the number of error windows appearing when opening a project with components that are unavailable in the project folder.

  • Activated by default, one window is displayed per missing component, asking for the user to provide said component.
  • Deactivated, component errors are gathered and displayed in the same window.

Straight lines

This option forces the application to only draw horizontal or vertical lines (most currently used) by disabling oblique lines.

Temporary folder

This option defines the path of the temporary folder. By default, this is the folder for the installation of the application but this value can be changed if needed.

List of characters to be displayed in double width

This input field allows you to add hexadecimal values (or ranges of values) of specific characters to consider and display in double width.

This option is useful to display datastreams in the Spooled file view and preview the document template in real time. A similar feature can be found on Onyx Server in the configuration variable MAPCPYSPLF_DBCSPITCH_LIST.

Default style

This list is used to select or not select a style template to define a list of colours, line type, fonts, etc. for your project.


This option is used to choose the display language of the interfaces of the application. The default language of Designer is the same as that of your operating system. The available languages are English, French and Japanese.

Changing the language of Designer affects the other tools in the Suite, including Connect, and the application has to be restarted for any change to be registered.

Configuring the servers

The Servers tab of the Preferences view is used to configure the paths the application must have access to:

  • The shared folder of the Designer projects sources.
  • The import folders for formats in Onyx Server.

The shared sources folder contains all the projects developed by all the Designer users.

Once developed, Designer projects mut be generated on the production server in the import folder.

Here are the default paths of the import folder of the Onyx Server according to the type of platform used:

  • Unix: /apps/mapping/import/
  • Windows: C:\Mapping\M-Processing Server\Import\

To generate the project, a connection must be established between the development workstations and the production server. Two types of configurations are possible.

Access to the server using a shared folder


Required settings:

  • Name of the server: Name given to the configuration.
  • Shared folder: Shared folder for the sources.
  • Access path: destination path of the generation.
  • Import folder: Onyx Server import folder, only used for option "Send mapping".

The server access folder can be:

  • A UNC path Examples: \\test_server\ProgramData\M-Processing Server\Import\ (under Windows) \\test_server \home\mapping\ (under iSeries)
  • A network drive with the address of the import folderExample: either a network drive "M:" with the address of the "...\M-Processing Server" folder of the production server. The access folder thus contains "M:\Import\".

In the case of a UNIX production server, a "Samba" type software application must be installed for this connection mode so that the development workstation can communicate with the production server. Connections using the FTP mode are preferable.

Access to the server using an FTP connection

In this case, an FTP (or SFTP) connection must be established between the development workstation and the production server.


Required settings:

  • Name of the server: Name given to the configuration.
  • FTP/FTP Passive/Secure FTP: Choice of connection mode: FTP, FTP Passive, Secure FTP.
  • IP address or Name: IP address of the production server.
  • Login: User name for the FTP access.
  • Password: Related password.
  • Sharing folder: Shared folder for sources.
  • Access path: Access path to the Onyx Server import folder.
  • Import folder: Onyx Server import folder, only used for the "Send mapping" option.


The Generation of XPS fonts by code page field is used to pre-load XPS fonts by defining one or several code-pages to optimise processing time during the process. The separation character used is code-pages is ";".

Note: When a project is imported, if it is written in a non-registered font, a warning message is displayed in red in the "Properties" of the zone affected, specifying that the font is missing.



Calculation options

The two options in the Calculation tab define thousands and decimal delimiters. This information is used to retrieve integer or real values in the application (by memory zones), calculations and results display in the preview.

Neither of them affect the generation of projects.

Similar options exist for execution in M-Processing Server: MAPCPYSPLF_THOUSAND and MAPCPYSPLF_DECIMAL.

These settings are used to run all templates, however, they can be set differently before running any Mapping commands, to use other delimiters and fit regional standards.