ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation - Interface de ONYX Designer/en

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Ligne 8 : Ligne 8 :
Window activation is explained in [[#menu-fichier|''<span class="underline">3.2.a File menu</span>'']].
Window activation is explained in [[#menu-fichier|''<span class="underline">3.2.a File menu</span>'']].
The following image shows an overview of the Designer user interface. In this example, the ''Spooled File View'', ''Properties'', ''Conditions'' and ''Object Tree'' windows are activated.
The following image shows an overview of the Designer user interface. In this example, the ''Spooled File View'', ''Properties'', ''Conditions'' and ''Object Tree'' windows are activated.
Ligne 31 : Ligne 31 :
The display positions of each view can be configured according to the user preferences and habits. To do so, hold the button of your mouse down when clicking on the title of the View, then drag the mouse to the required display area or on an already positioned view, a display space with several views is now shown.
The display positions of each view can be configured according to the user preferences and habits. To do so, hold the button of your mouse down when clicking on the title of the View, then drag the mouse to the required display area or on an already positioned view, a display space with several views is now shown.
==Menus and associated toolbars==
==Menus and associated toolbars==
Ligne 39 : Ligne 39 :
===File Menu===
===File Menu===
Ligne 79 : Ligne 79 :
*''Designer file'': imports another existing Designer overlay such as a component, or the static part of another project, in the static part of the current project.
*''Designer file'': imports another existing Designer overlay such as a component, or the static part of another project, in the static part of the current project.
*''XML Designer'': imports an entire Designer project in the application, after it was exported to XML. This imports the XML file as a new project, retrieving all its properties and design.
*''XML Designer'': imports an entire Designer project in the application, after it was exported to XML. This imports the XML file as a new project, retrieving all its properties and designs.
*''Resources'': imports an eternal resource as overlay of a new project, in the application. Resources can either be XPS documents or AFPDS overlays.
*''Resources'': imports an external resource as overlay of a new project, in the application. Resources can either be XPS documents or AFPDS overlays.
*''Imprimante (PCL5)'' : permet d’imprimer le fond de page du projet en cours sur une imprimante déclarée sur le poste.
*''Printer (PCL5)'': prints the overlay of the current project on a printer registered on the workstation.
*''Projet'' : permet de sélectionner un ou plusieurs projets à exporter dans une archive (''.zip'') avec les fichiers spools associés si présents.
*''Project'': selects one or several projects to export in an archive (''.zip'') with the potential associated spooled files.
*''XML Designer'' : permet d’exporter un projet en cours complet dans un fichier XML de description. Toutes les propriétés et la conception du projet sont inscrites dans le fichier résultant qui pourra ensuite être importé dans une autre instance de l’application sur un autre poste par exemple.
*''XML Designer'': exports the entirety of the current project in an XML description file. All properties and designs of the project are found in the resulting file which will then be imported in an other instance of the application, on an other workstation for instance.
'''Fermer :'''
*Permet de fermer le projet ou document en cours avec détection de modifications non sauvegardées.
*Closes the current project or document and detects unsaved changes.
'''Préférences :'''
*Voir le chapitre [[#général|''<span class="underline">2.1 Général</span>'']].
*See [[#général|''<span class="underline">2.1 General</span>'']].
===Menu Accueil===
===Home Menu===
Le menu ''Accueil'' donne accès à des options générales du projet ou du document en cours de conception :
The Home menu gives access to the general options of the project or document being created:
'''Presse papier :'''
*Fonctionnalités de couper / copier / coller d’un ou plusieurs éléments sélectionnés dans le projet (les raccourcis clavier standard Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C et Ctrl+V sont également disponibles)
*Cut/ copy/ paste one or several elements selected in the project (standard keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are also available)
*Fonctionnalité de reproduction de la mise en forme d’un élément à d’autres (textes ou formes)
*Copy the formatting of an element onto others (texts or shapes)
*Fonctionnalité de duplication d’un élément sélectionné avec paramétrage du nombre d’occurrences horizontales et verticales voulues (très utile lors de la production de planches d’étiquettes par exemple).
*Duplicate a selected element and set the required number of horizontal and vertical occurrences (this is useful when creating sheets of labels for instance).
'''Polices système :'''
'''System fonts:'''
*Fonctionnalités standards de mise en forme des textes : choix des polices système (Windows) TTF disponibles sur le poste utilisateur, de la taille, la couleur, les options de gras / souligné / italique, justification ou alignements
*Text standard formatting: choose the TTF system fonts available on the workstation (Windows), the size, colour, bold/ underlined/ italic, justified or aligned.
'''Générer :'''
*Génération du projet en cours. Cette option n’est disponible que pour un projet en cours de conception (ouvert dans l’application).
*Generate the project being created. This option is only available for projects being created (opened in the application).
*Génération d’une association de projet existante.
*Generate an existing project association.
*Fonctionnalité d’export du fond de page (voir la partie Menu ''Fichier'').
*Export overlay (see the ''File'' Menu part).
*Accès à l’utilitaire de script disponible dans l’application M-Designer.
*Access the script utility in the Designer application.
'''Prévisualisation :'''
*Fonctionnalité d’aperçu des projets en cours de conception.
*Preview project currently being created.
*Bouton de sélection et chargement d’un fichier Spool dans l’application (utile pour la conception du document et pour l’aperçu).
*Select and load a spooled file in the application (this is useful when designing a document and previewing it).
*Fonctionnalité d’aperçu multiple pour les projets multi-séquences.
*Multiple preview for multi sequence projects.
*Possibilité d’enregistrer une image de l’aperçu.
*Save an image of the preview.
*Possibilité de charger un fichier XPS comme calque (non inclus à la génération mais s’affiche à la conception comme un pré-imprimé).
*Load an XPS file as a layer (not included in the generation but displayed in the design as a pre-printed form).
*Possibilité de délier le fichier source (spool) à la maquette et de le fermer.
*Unlink the source file (spooled file) to the template and close it.
*Possibilité d’effectuer des traitements sur un fichier XML d’entrée à l’aide de scripts.
*Carry out processings on XML input file using scripts.
===Menu Mise en forme===
===Edit Menu===
Le menu ''Mise en forme'' donne accès à des options de conception du projet ou du document en cours :
The ''Edit'' menu gives access to designing options of the current project or document:
En plus des sections ''Presse papier'' et ''Polices système'', reprises dans ce menu, sont proposés les outils suivants :
In addition to the ''Clipboard'' and ''Font system'' sections, the following tools are also available in this menu:
'''Organiser :'''
*Pour un ou plusieurs éléments sélectionnés dans la vue de conception, il existe la possibilité de les placer au-dessus ou en dessous des autres, de gérer les alignements et les rotations. Ces options sont également disponibles dans le menu contextuel du ou des objets sélectionnés et seront détaillées dans les chapitre suivants.
*Applied to one or several selected elements, sorting can bring them to the front or to back, manage alignments and rotations. These options can also be accessed by right clicking on the selected elements and further detail will be given in the following parts of this documentation.
'''Positionner selon la grille :'''
'''Position according to grid:'''
*Comme aide à la conception, une grille peut être affichée à l’utilisateur afin de faciliter le positionnement des éléments. Les deux boutons de cette section permettent de régler le pas de la grille (taille du quadrillage et donc finesse de positionnement) et d’activer l’aimantation des objets sur la grille lors de leur déplacement.
* To help with designing, a grid can be displayed to make positioning elements easier for the user. The two options of this section help to adjust the spacing of the grid (size of the grid and thus the precision of element positioning) and snap objects to the grid while they are moved.
===Menu Affichage===
===Display Menu===
Le menu ''Affichage'' donne accès à des options d’affichage des différentes vues de l’application :
The ''Display'' menu gives access to display options of the different views of the application:
'''Afficher / Masquer :'''
Aucunes de ces options n'étant activées lors de la première ouverture du logiciel, les plus propices à une utilisation basique de Designer seront marquées du terme (''<span class="underline">conseillé</span>'').
Given that none of these options are activated when opening the software for the first time, the functions which are most suitable for the basic use of Designer will be marked with the term (''<span class="underline">recommended</span>'').
*''Grille'' : permet d’afficher la grille dans la vue conception.
*''Grid'': displays the grid in the designing view.
*''Règle Haute / Gauche'' : permet d’afficher les règles de mesure en haut et à gauche de la vue conception. Dans ces règles, il est possible de positionner des guides pour faciliter les alignements d’objets. Le clic gauche avec la souris sur une des règles permet de placer et réduire une ligne repère. Un clic droit sur le repère le supprime.
*''Top/Left Ruler'': displays the top and left hand rulers of the designing view. It is possible to place guides in these rulers in order to align objects more easily. A Left click on the ruler places and collapses a rule-guide. A Right click on an existing rule-guide deletes it.
*''Vue Spool'' : permet d’afficher la vue de chargement du fichier Spool (ou XML) d’exemple (''<span class="underline">conseillé</span>'').
*''Spooled file view'': displays the loading view of the example spooled file (or XML file) (''<span class="underline">recommended</span>'').
*''Propriétés'' : permet d’afficher la vue des propriétés du projet et des éléments (''<span class="underline">conseillé</span>'').
*''Properties'' : displays the properties view of the project and elements (''<span class="underline">recommended</span>'').
*''Conditions'' : permet d’afficher la vue des conditions (''<span class="underline">conseillé</span>'' dès lors que la conception s’attaque à partie dynamique).
*''Conditions'': displays the conditions view (''<span class="underline">recommended</span>'' whenever the design work deals with a dynamic part).
*''Liste des objets '': permet d’afficher la liste de tous les éléments positionnés dans le modèle de document avec accès à certaines fonctionnalités liées à chaque élément.
*''Object Tree'': displays the list of all the elements positioned in the document template, some features related to the elements can also be accessed.
*''Barre d’onglets'' : permet d’afficher la barre de navigation par onglets pour les différents projets ouverts dans l’application.
*''Tab bar'': displays the tab navigation bar for the different projects opened in the application.
'''Liste des caractères :'''
'''Characters list:'''
*Présente une liste exhaustive de l’ensemble des caractères supportés par l’application en fonction d’une page de code et d’une police. Peut être utile pour insérer des caractères spéciaux dans le document qui ne peuvent pas être directement saisi au clavier.
*Lists all the characters supported by the application according to a code page and font. This can be useful to insert special characters, which cannot be directly typed in, in a document.
'''Redessiner :'''
*Permet de rafraîchir l’écran.
*Refreshes the screen.
'''Fenêtres :'''
Petit utilitaire de manipulation des différentes fenêtres de projet ouvertes dans l’application avec possibilité d’activer l’une ou l’autre mais aussi d’enregistrer ou de fermer une ou plusieurs fenêtres en même temps.
This helps you manage the many windows of your projects opened in the application. It allows you to activate, save or close some of them or all of them all at once.
===Menu Formes===
===Shape Menu===
Ce dernier menu donne accès à l’ensemble des outils de dessin et de composition du modèle de document. Suivant la partie du projet concernée par la conception, à savoir soit la partie Fond de page (statique) soit la partie dynamique (variable), ce menu s’organisera différemment.
This menu features all the drawing and composition tools for your document template. This menu is arranged differently depending on the part of the project concerned, the overlay part (static) or the dynamic part (variable).
====Menu Forme de la vue Fond de Page (ou Statique)====
====Shape Menu of the Overlay (or Static)====
Outre les sections ''Presse papier'' et ''Polices système'', reprises dans ce menu, les outils suivants sont proposés pour la conception du fond de page :
In addition to the ''Clipboard'' and ''Font system'' sections, the following tools are also available in this menu:
'''Insérer :'''
*Ajouter et positionner une zone contenant du texte statique avec toutes les options de mise en forme associées.
* Add and position a zone which contains static text. This text can then be formatted using the associated formatting options.
*Ajouter et positionner une image statique (comme un logo société par exemple).
* Add and position a static image (such as a company logo).
*Ajouter, paramétrer et positionner un tableau statique en définissant le nombre de lignes et de colonnes, les styles de traits et leurs mises en forme, les entêtes de lignes / colonnes, …
* Add, parameter and position a static table by defining the number of rows, columns, the outline and their formatting, as well as the title of each row / column, …
'''Formes :'''
*Palette standard de dessin permettant d’ajouter des lignes, courbes, carrés, rectangles, rectangles arrondis, cercles, ellipses, ainsi que certaines formes complexes prédéfinies.
*Standard drawing palette to add lines, curves, squares, rectangles, rounded rectangles, circles, ellipses, as well as some preset shapes.
'''Styles :'''
*Options de mises en forme associées à chacun des éléments précédents : style et couleur de contours, style et couleur de remplissage, épaisseur des traits.
*Formatting options related to each of the previous elements: style and colour of the outline, filling style and colour, line thickness.
'''Générer :'''
*Option spécifique à la conception d’un composant permettant de générer ce dernier.
*This option is specific to components and is used to generate them.
====Menu Forme de la vue Dynamique====
====Shape Menu of the Dynamic view====
Outre les sections Presse ''papier'' et ''Polices système'', reprises dans ce menu, les outils suivants sont proposés pour la conception dynamique du document :
In addition to the ''Clipboard'' and ''Font system'' sections, the following tools are also available in this menu:
'''Donnée :'''
Ce groupe d'outils rassemble les utilitaires nécessaires au traitement des données du fichier source (spool). Il est composé de deux types d'outils :
These tools are used to process source file data (spooled file). There are two types of tools:
'''Groupe :'''
*Permet d’ajouter, de paramétrer et de positionner des groupes de données : groupe fixe et groupe variable.
*Adds, parameters and positions groups of data: fixed and variable groups.
*Permet également d’ajouter des ancres utilisées pour le positionnement des groupes variables.
*Also adds anchors used to position variable groups.
'''Zone :'''
*Permet d’ajouter, de paramétrer et de positionner des zones de récupération de données.
*Adds, parameters and positions data recovery zones.
'''Insérer :'''
*Permet d’insérer, en plus des données du fichier Spool, d’autres éléments dynamiques : lignes droites, rectangles, zones de texte saisi au clavier, images dynamiques, graphiques...
*Inserts other dynamic elements, in addition to the data from the spooled file: straight lines, rectangles, text zones input using the keyboard, dynamic images, graphs...
*Permet également d’ajouter dans le projet des composants et/ou des éléments variables conçus par ailleurs.
*Adds components and/or variable elements which were designed elsewhere in the project.
==Barre d'outils « Accès Rapide »==
=="Quick access" toolbar==
La barre de titre de l’application propose enfin une barre de raccourcis, ou barre d’outils, appelée ''Accès rapide'':
The title bar of the application features a shortcut bar, or toolbar, called "Quick access'':
Les outils et fonctions accessibles dans cette zone sont <span class="underline">complètement paramétrables</span> en fonction des habitudes de chaque utilisateur.
The tools and features accessible in this zone are <span class="underline">completely configurable</span> according to user habits.
Pour ajouter une fonction dans la zone d’accès rapide, il suffit de localiser la fonction en question dans les différents menus puis par un clic droit, il faudra sélectionner ''Ajouter à la barre d’outils Accès rapide''comme montré ci-après :
To add a feature in the Quick access zone, you need to find the feature using the menus and then, right click and select "Add to the Quick access toolbar" as shown below:
La nouvelle fonction apparaît alors dans la barre de titre :
The new feature is then displayed in the title bar:
Pour supprimer une fonction de la zone d’accès rapide, il suffit de cliquer dessus avec le bouton droit puis de sélectionner ''Supprimer de la barre d’outils Accès rapide''.
To delete a feature from the Quick access zone, right-click on it and select ''Delete from the Quick Access toolbar''.
Le menu déroulant à droite de la zone des fonctions rapides permet, par l’option ''Personnaliser la barre d’outils Accès rapide'', de personnaliser les fonctions accessibles ainsi que leur disposition (ordre d’affichage, ajout de séparateurs) :
The drop down menu on the right of this zone allows you to customize the features accessible as well as how they are arranged, using the ''Customize the Quick access toolbar'' section (display order, add separators):

Version actuelle datée du 29 août 2019 à 11:10

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Interface of the application

General presentation

When using Designer for the first time, only the overlay designing view is displayed. This simple display mode allows you to only activate the windows you need.

Window activation is explained in 3.2.a File menu.


The following image shows an overview of the Designer user interface. In this example, the Spooled File View, Properties, Conditions and Object Tree windows are activated.

It is divided in several parts:

  • 1: File Menu
  • 2: Tabs in the Ribbon
  • 3: Groups of tools associated with each tab of the Ribbon
  • 4: Status bar with the tools used to position and size objects
  • 5: Navigation between the static and the variable parts of a project + display zoom tools

The Designing Space where templates are designed is found between the menus and tools displayed at the top of the window and the status bar located at the bottom.

This design space can also be made up of several views, in addition to the central Designing view:

  • 6: Properties View: of the format, of an object selected in the template
  • 7: Spooled file View: included in the same display space as the Properties, multiple tabs are now available.
  • 8: Object Tree View list of all the objects in the template (static and variable parts)
  • 9: Conditions View: of the format, of a selected object.

The display positions of each view can be configured according to the user preferences and habits. To do so, hold the button of your mouse down when clicking on the title of the View, then drag the mouse to the required display area or on an already positioned view, a display space with several views is now shown.


Menus and associated toolbars

This part introduces you to the different menus and options available within them, in the Designer interface. Each notion will be further detailed in the following parts.

File Menu



  • Project: creates a new project with default properties (DEFAULT format, sequence 00010, in A4, simplex).
  • Component: creates a new component with default properties (A4, simplex).
  • Variable element: creates a new variable element with default properties (A4 simplex).
  • Document: creates a new Overlay document (.mpw) or Dynamic document (.mpi) according to the selected view (Draw F or Map F). This overwrites the current document.


  • Project: opens an existing project by browsing file paths. The folder selected by default depends on the Server preferences of the application.
  • Component: opens an existing component.
  • Variable Element: opens an existing variable element.
  • Document: opens an existing Overlay (.mpw) or a Dynamic document (.mpi), according to the selected view (Draw F or Map F). This overwrites the current document.
  • Spooled File: used to select a spooled file to load in the application as a designing data template.


  • Project: saves the curent project. Source files of the project will be saved, N-1 versions may also be saved according to user preferences.
  • Document: saves the current Overlay (.mpw) or Dynamic document (.mpi), according to the view displayed (Draw F or Map F).

Save as:

  • Project: saves the current project under an other name. Source files of the project will be saved under the new names given by the user.
  • Document: saves the current document (.mpw or .mpi) under an other name.

Project association:

  • Links several projects to make their generation easier. A project association creates a settings file on the disk, with a *.mpa extension, in which the projects concerned and the generation options are listed.

Multiple generation:

  • Selects multiple Designer projects to generate them all at once.


  • Designer file: imports another existing Designer overlay such as a component, or the static part of another project, in the static part of the current project.
  • XML Designer: imports an entire Designer project in the application, after it was exported to XML. This imports the XML file as a new project, retrieving all its properties and designs.
  • Resources: imports an external resource as overlay of a new project, in the application. Resources can either be XPS documents or AFPDS overlays.


  • Printer (PCL5): prints the overlay of the current project on a printer registered on the workstation.
  • Project: selects one or several projects to export in an archive (.zip) with the potential associated spooled files.
  • XML Designer: exports the entirety of the current project in an XML description file. All properties and designs of the project are found in the resulting file which will then be imported in an other instance of the application, on an other workstation for instance.


  • Closes the current project or document and detects unsaved changes.


Home Menu

The Home menu gives access to the general options of the project or document being created:



  • Cut/ copy/ paste one or several elements selected in the project (standard keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are also available)
  • Copy the formatting of an element onto others (texts or shapes)
  • Duplicate a selected element and set the required number of horizontal and vertical occurrences (this is useful when creating sheets of labels for instance).

System fonts:

  • Text standard formatting: choose the TTF system fonts available on the workstation (Windows), the size, colour, bold/ underlined/ italic, justified or aligned.


  • Generate the project being created. This option is only available for projects being created (opened in the application).
  • Generate an existing project association.
  • Export overlay (see the File Menu part).
  • Access the script utility in the Designer application.


  • Preview project currently being created.
  • Select and load a spooled file in the application (this is useful when designing a document and previewing it).
  • Multiple preview for multi sequence projects.
  • Save an image of the preview.
  • Load an XPS file as a layer (not included in the generation but displayed in the design as a pre-printed form).
  • Unlink the source file (spooled file) to the template and close it.
  • Carry out processings on XML input file using scripts.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu gives access to designing options of the current project or document:


In addition to the Clipboard and Font system sections, the following tools are also available in this menu:


  • Applied to one or several selected elements, sorting can bring them to the front or to back, manage alignments and rotations. These options can also be accessed by right clicking on the selected elements and further detail will be given in the following parts of this documentation.

Position according to grid:

  • To help with designing, a grid can be displayed to make positioning elements easier for the user. The two options of this section help to adjust the spacing of the grid (size of the grid and thus the precision of element positioning) and snap objects to the grid while they are moved.

Display Menu

The Display menu gives access to display options of the different views of the application:



Given that none of these options are activated when opening the software for the first time, the functions which are most suitable for the basic use of Designer will be marked with the term (recommended).

  • Grid: displays the grid in the designing view.
  • Top/Left Ruler: displays the top and left hand rulers of the designing view. It is possible to place guides in these rulers in order to align objects more easily. A Left click on the ruler places and collapses a rule-guide. A Right click on an existing rule-guide deletes it.
  • Spooled file view: displays the loading view of the example spooled file (or XML file) (recommended).
  • Properties : displays the properties view of the project and elements (recommended).
  • Conditions: displays the conditions view (recommended whenever the design work deals with a dynamic part).
  • Object Tree: displays the list of all the elements positioned in the document template, some features related to the elements can also be accessed.
  • Tab bar: displays the tab navigation bar for the different projects opened in the application.

Characters list:

  • Lists all the characters supported by the application according to a code page and font. This can be useful to insert special characters, which cannot be directly typed in, in a document.


  • Refreshes the screen.


This helps you manage the many windows of your projects opened in the application. It allows you to activate, save or close some of them or all of them all at once.

Shape Menu

This menu features all the drawing and composition tools for your document template. This menu is arranged differently depending on the part of the project concerned, the overlay part (static) or the dynamic part (variable).

Shape Menu of the Overlay (or Static)


In addition to the Clipboard and Font system sections, the following tools are also available in this menu:


  • Add and position a zone which contains static text. This text can then be formatted using the associated formatting options.
  • Add and position a static image (such as a company logo).
  • Add, parameter and position a static table by defining the number of rows, columns, the outline and their formatting, as well as the title of each row / column, …


  • Standard drawing palette to add lines, curves, squares, rectangles, rounded rectangles, circles, ellipses, as well as some preset shapes.


  • Formatting options related to each of the previous elements: style and colour of the outline, filling style and colour, line thickness.


  • This option is specific to components and is used to generate them.

Shape Menu of the Dynamic view


In addition to the Clipboard and Font system sections, the following tools are also available in this menu:


These tools are used to process source file data (spooled file). There are two types of tools:


  • Adds, parameters and positions groups of data: fixed and variable groups.
  • Also adds anchors used to position variable groups.


  • Adds, parameters and positions data recovery zones.


  • Inserts other dynamic elements, in addition to the data from the spooled file: straight lines, rectangles, text zones input using the keyboard, dynamic images, graphs...
  • Adds components and/or variable elements which were designed elsewhere in the project.

"Quick access" toolbar

The title bar of the application features a shortcut bar, or toolbar, called "Quick access:


The tools and features accessible in this zone are completely configurable according to user habits.

To add a feature in the Quick access zone, you need to find the feature using the menus and then, right click and select "Add to the Quick access toolbar" as shown below:


The new feature is then displayed in the title bar:


To delete a feature from the Quick access zone, right-click on it and select Delete from the Quick Access toolbar.

The drop down menu on the right of this zone allows you to customize the features accessible as well as how they are arranged, using the Customize the Quick access toolbar section (display order, add separators):