ONYX - Utilisation - Signature électronique de PDFs/en

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De MappingDoc
(Page créée avec « ==Remarks on certificates== ===Different types of certificates=== MAPPING handles different types of certificates »)
(Page créée avec « Execute the following command : »)
(42 révisions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 29 : Ligne 29 :
Un fichier PFX (ou PKCS#12) est un fichier qui contient à la fois la clé privée et le certificat X.509. La génération des demandes de signature de certificat (CSR, Certificate Signing Request) demeure un problème récurrent pour les clients. Avec un fichier PFX, le client n’a plus à créer son propre CSR. Une autorité de certification s’en charge pour lui de manière entièrement sécurisée pendant le processus de demande de certificat.
A PFX file (or PKCS#12) is a file containing at the same time a private key and a certificate X.509. The generation of the request of the certificate signature (CSR, Certificate Signing Request) remains a recurrent problem for the customers. With a PFX file, the customer is no longuer required to create its own CSR. A Certification authority will do it in a totally secured way during the Request for Certificate process.
L’ autorité de certification (AC) utilisera les données de votre demande de signature de certificat pour créer votre certificat SSL. Voici une liste des informations clés :
The Certification Authority (AC) uses the data of the request of the certificate signature to create your SSL certificate. Here is a list of the jey information :
1. Des informations sur votre entreprise et le site web que vous souhaitez sécuriser avec un certificat SSL. Elles comprennent :
Information about your company and the website that you want to secure via the SSL certificate. This one contains :
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Libellé || Description  
! Label || Description  
| Common Name (CN)(ex : *.exemple.fr www.exemple.fr mail.exemple.fr) || Le nom de domaine pleinement qualifié (FQDN) de votre serveur.
| Common Name (CN)(ex : *.example.fr www.example.fr mail.example.fr) || The  fully domain name qualified of your server. (FQDN)
| Organization (O) || La dénomination sociale de votre organisation. Veuillez ne pas utiliser d’abréviation et inclure la forme de l’entreprise, telle que « SA ».Pour les certificats EV et OV SSL, ces informations seront vérifiées par l’AC et incluses dans le certificat.
| Organization (O) || The social denomisation of your company. Make sure not to use abbreviation and include the company structure (Such as SA or other). For the EV and OV SSL, those information will be verified by the AC and be included in the certificate.
| Organizational Unit (OU) || Le service de votre organisation responsable de la gestion du certificat.
| Organizational Unit (OU) || Organization department in charge of certificates management
| City/Locality (L) || La ville où se situe votre organisation. Veuillez entrer le nom complet.
| City/Locality (L) || Town where your company is located.Please enter the full name.
| State/County/Region (S) || Le département ou la région où se situe votre organisation. Veuillez entrer le nom complet.
| State/County/Region (S) || Region where your company is located.Please enter the full name.
|Country (C) || Le code à deux lettres du pays où se situe votre organisation.
|Country (C) || 2 letter code of the country where your company is located.
| Email Address || L’adresse e-mail du contact de votre organisation.
| Email Address || Contact person email address of your company.
2. La clé publique qui sera incluse dans le certificat. Le SSL utilise la cryptographie à clé publique ou asymétrique pour chiffrer les données échangées lors d’une session SSL. La clé publique est utilisée pour le chiffrement et la clé privée correspondante est utilisée pour le déchiffrement des données.
2. Public key included in the certificate. The SSL uses the public key cryptography or asymetric to encode the exchanged data during a SSL connection. The public key is used for the encoding and the its private key used to decode the data.
3. Des informations sur le type et la longueur de clé. La longueur de clé la plus courante est RSA 2048 mais certaines AC acceptent des clés plus longues (ex : RSA 4096+) et les clés ECC.
3. Information on the type and length of the key. The length of the most common key is RSA 2048 but some Autority of Certification (AC) accept longeur keys (Ex : RSA 4096+) and the ECC keys.
Le CSR est généralement créé au format PEM encodé en Base64. Vous pouvez l’ouvrir avec un simple éditeur de texte
The CSR are in general created in the PEM format encoded in Base64. You can open it in a simple text editor.
Il est possible d'avoir le certificat et la clé privée dans des fichiers séparés ou bien dans le même fichier
It is also possible to have the certificate and the private key in separate files or within the same file.
=====Dans des fichiers séparés=====
=====In separate files=====
Voici un exemple d'un certificat et une clé privée dans deux fichiers séparés
Here is an example of a certificate and a private key in two separate files.
<u>Fichier private.pem</u>
<u>private.pem file</u>
Ligne 81 : Ligne 81 :
===Dans le même fichier===
===In the same file===
Voici un exemple d'un certificat et d'une clé privée définis dans le même fichier '''certifcle.pem'''
Here is an example of certificate and private key defined within the same file '''certifcle.pem'''
<u>Fichier certifcle.pem</u>
<u>certifcle.pem file</u>
Son contenu est une simple concaténation du contenu du fichier clé privé et du certificat.
Its content is a simple concatenation of the content of the private key and certificate files.
Ligne 100 : Ligne 100 :
L'utilisation de la signature électronique au sein de MAPPING nécessite la copie de la clé privé et du certificat sur le serveur. <br>
The usage of electronic signature within MAPPING requires the copy of the private key and certificate on the server.<br>
Son utilisation est alors possible dans les '''workflows''' MAPPING ou bien en ligne de commande via la commande '''map_xps'''
Its usage is then possible in the MAPPING '''workflows''' or with command line using the '''map_xps''' command.
===Copie des fichiers sur le serveur===
===Copy of the file on the server===
Il faut mettre le fichier de la clé privé et le fichier du certificat sur le système de fichier de serveur <br>
We need to place the private key file and the certificate file in the file system of the server.<br>
(Exemple : /apps/mapping/certificate)
(Example : /apps/mapping/certificate)
===Les différents paramètres===
===Different parameters===
La signature électronique requiert l'utilisation de plusieurs paramètres. Vous trouverez la liste dans le tableau ci-dessous :
The electronic signature requires the usage of many parameters. You can find the list in the bellow table :
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Nom du paramètre !! valeur !! Signification
! Parameter name !! value !! Signification
| '''signclass''' || < 3 || Signature électronique activée (Sinon mode debug non opérationnel)|-
| '''signclass''' || 0 || Electronic signature activated |-
| rowspan="4" | '''signdriver''' || VIDE|| Signature électronique désactivée (les autres paramètres n'auront alors pas d'effet)
|'''signdriver''' || blank|| Electronic signature deactivated (Other parameter will not have any effect)
| OPENSSL || Le mode OPENSSL est compatible avec toutes les plateformes supportées par Mapping. Il utilise un ou deux fichiers contenant les clés publiques et privées. Les fichiers doivent se trouver sur le serveur Mapping (chemins réseaux non supportés).
| '''signdriver''' || OPENSSL || The OPENSSL mode is compatible with all platforms supported by MAPPING. it uses one or two file containing the certificate and private key. Those file must reside on the serveur (Network path not supported).
| FIRSTSIGNATURE || Le mode FIRSTSIGNATURE est valable uniquement sous Windows car il utilise un certificat installé sur le poste. Le certificat utilisé est le premier de la liste des certificats affichés dans Internet Explorer.  
| '''signdriver''' || FIRSTSIGNATURE || The FIRSTSIGNATURE mode is only available on Windows because it uses a certificate installed on the workstation. The certificate used is the one on the top of the list of certificates displayed in Internet Explorer.  
| WINDOWS|| Activation du mode SHA1. Ceci est valable uniquement sous Windows car il utilise un certificat installé sur le poste. Le certificat utilisé est le défini par sa clé de hashage (empreinte numérique).  
| '''signdriver''' || WINDOWS|| Activation of SHA1 mode. Only available on Windows because it uses the certicate installed on the workstation. The certifacate used is defined by its hash key.(digital fingerprint).  
| '''signmode''' || FILENAME  || A utiliser pour les signatures électroniques activées en mode OPENSSL
| '''signmode''' || FILENAME  || To be used for the signature using the OPENSSL signdriver
| '''signpassword''' || Valeur de la passphrase du certificat || Utilisé dans le cas où le certificat contient une passphrase de sécurité
| '''signpassword''' || Passphrase valeur of the certifiate|| Used in the case of security passphrase in the certificate
| '''signsha1hash''' || Valeur du SHA1  || utilisé si le paramètre '''signdriver''' est renseigné avec la valeur "WINDOWS"
| '''signsha1hash''' || SHA1 value || Used if the parameter "signdriver" is set to "WINDOWS"
| '''signpemfile''' || Chemin complet du fichier de clé privé || Fichier de clé privée seul s'il est séparé du certificat ou fichier contenant à la fois la clé privée et le certificat
| '''signpemfile''' || Path and name of the private key file || Private key file alone or private key + certificate in the case both are in the same file
| '''signcerfile''' || Chemin complet du fichier de certificat || Utilisé uniquement si le fichier du certificat est séparé du fichier de clé privée
| '''signcerfile''' || Path and name of the certificate file || Used only in the case of CSR file
| '''signpfxfile''' || Chemin complet du fichier PFX || Utilisé uniquement pour les fichiers PFX (PKCS#12)
| '''signpfxfile''' || Path and name of the PFX file || Used only in the case of PFX file(PKCS#12)
| '''timestampurl''' || ?? || A documenter
| '''timestampurl''' || ?? || To be documented
La boite des workflows MAPPING à utilisée est la boite '''toPDF'''. (XPS to web format / toPDF)
The MAPPING workflow box to be used is the '''toPDF''' box (XPS to web format / toPDF)
De base, cette boite permet de générer un PDF à partir d'un fichier XPS.
By défaukt, this box allows to create a PDF file out of a XPS file.
Cependant il est possible d'y paramétrer une signature électronique.
However, it is possible to set an electronic signature
Onglet Signature
Signature tab
Cet onglet permet l'initialisation des paramètres listés dans le tableau des paramètres.
This tab allows to set the parameters listed in the list of parameters table.
<u>remarque</u> : A noté que le workflow initialise le paramètre signclass à la valeur 0.
<u>Remark</u> : Note that the workflow initialize the parameter '''signclass''' to the value '''0'''.
Il est également possible d'utiliser la commande MAPPING de conversion '''map_xps'''
It is also possible to use the MAPPING command '''map_xps'''
Il faudra alors initialiser les paramètres de signature électronique via des paramètres '''-param:CLE=VALEUR'''
We will then need to set the electronic parameters via parameters '''-param:KEY=VALUE'''
<u>Exemple</u> :  
<u>Example</u> :  
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" '''"-param:signmode=FILENAME"''' '''"-param:signclass=0"'''
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" '''"-param:signmode=FILENAME"''' '''"-param:signclass=0"'''
Ligne 171 : Ligne 171 :
===Exemple 1===
===Exemple 1===
Dans cette exemple, nous allons voir comment convertir le fichier d'entrée (fichier XPS) en PDF en lui appliquant un certificat.
In this example, we will see how to convert the input file (XPS file) into a sign PDF.
Nous allons voir comment faire cela à travers d'un workflow et comment faire la même chose en ligne de commande.
We will see how to do this in using the MAPPING workflow and in command line using map_xps
Création du worflow suivant :
Create the following workflow :
Détail de la boite toPDF (Onglet standard) :
Details of the toPDF box (Standard tab) :
Détail de la boite toPDF (Onglet Signature) :
Detail of the toPDF box (Signature tab)
====Ligne de commande sans profil de conversion====
====Command line without convertion profile====
Exécutez la commande suivante :
Executes the following command :
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signclass=0" "-param:signmode=FILENAME"  
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signclass=0" "-param:signmode=FILENAME"  
Ligne 196 : Ligne 196 :
  "-param:signcerfile=/apps/mapping/infile/certificate.cer" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"
  "-param:signcerfile=/apps/mapping/infile/certificate.cer" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"
====Ligne de commande avec profil de conversion====
====Command line with a convertion profile=====
<u>Profil de conversion utilisé</u> :  
<u>Convertion profile used</u> :  
Ligne 212 : Ligne 212 :
Exécuter la commande suivante :
Execute the following command :
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"
===Exemple 2===
===Example 2===
Dans cette exemple, nous allons voir comment utiliser un fichier contenant la clé privée et le certificat
In this example, we will see how to use a file containing the private key and the certificate.
Création du worflow suivant :
Create the following workflow :
Détail de la boite toPDF (Onglet standard) :
Detail of the toPDF box (Standard tab) :
Détail de la boite toPDF (Onglet Signature) :
Detail of the toPDF box (Signature tab) :
Le fichier ayant la clé privée et le certificat doit être mis dans le paramètre pem.
The file having the private key and the certificate must be entered in the pem parameter. Therefore we leave blank the cer parameter.
Ligne 240 : Ligne 240 :
====Ligne de commande sans profil de conversion====
====Command line without profil convertion====
Exécutez la commande suivante :
Execute the following command :
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signclass=0" "-param:signmode=FILENAME"  
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signclass=0" "-param:signmode=FILENAME"  
Ligne 248 : Ligne 248 :
====Ligne de commande avec profil de conversion====
====Command line with a profil convertion====
<u>Profil de conversion utilisé</u> :  
<u>Used conversion profile</u> :  
Ligne 266 : Ligne 266 :
Exécuter la commande suivante :
Execute the following command :
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"
  "/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"

Version actuelle datée du 5 mai 2020 à 14:51

Autres langues :
English • ‎français


Mapping gives you the possibility to numerically sign the PDF files generated. To do so, electronic signatures associated with private keys are used.


Prior to this, we need to have in possession a certificate and a private key.

Generation of a certifiate and a private key. (For our example, via openssl)

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.pem -out certificate.cer

Private key : private.pem
Certificate : certificate.cer

This command will generate a certificate and a private key named "autogenerated" without having to use an Certification authority. This makes sens only for testing purposes. For a real usage, we will need to obtain a certificate from the Certification Authority (CA)


The certificate is easily visible on Foxit Reader but not on Acrobat Reader.

To be done

  1. Check if the certificate is visible on Acrobat when issued by a CA
  2. Validate the PFX
  3. Documenting the timestampurl (Probably a bug on it)

Remarks on certificates

Different types of certificates

MAPPING handles different types of certificates


A PFX file (or PKCS#12) is a file containing at the same time a private key and a certificate X.509. The generation of the request of the certificate signature (CSR, Certificate Signing Request) remains a recurrent problem for the customers. With a PFX file, the customer is no longuer required to create its own CSR. A Certification authority will do it in a totally secured way during the Request for Certificate process.


The Certification Authority (AC) uses the data of the request of the certificate signature to create your SSL certificate. Here is a list of the jey information :

Information about your company and the website that you want to secure via the SSL certificate. This one contains :

Label Description
Common Name (CN)(ex : *.example.fr www.example.fr mail.example.fr) The fully domain name qualified of your server. (FQDN)
Organization (O) The social denomisation of your company. Make sure not to use abbreviation and include the company structure (Such as SA or other). For the EV and OV SSL, those information will be verified by the AC and be included in the certificate.
Organizational Unit (OU) Organization department in charge of certificates management
City/Locality (L) Town where your company is located.Please enter the full name.
State/County/Region (S) Region where your company is located.Please enter the full name.
Country (C) 2 letter code of the country where your company is located.
Email Address Contact person email address of your company.

2. Public key included in the certificate. The SSL uses the public key cryptography or asymetric to encode the exchanged data during a SSL connection. The public key is used for the encoding and the its private key used to decode the data.

3. Information on the type and length of the key. The length of the most common key is RSA 2048 but some Autority of Certification (AC) accept longeur keys (Ex : RSA 4096+) and the ECC keys.

The CSR are in general created in the PEM format encoded in Base64. You can open it in a simple text editor.

It is also possible to have the certificate and the private key in separate files or within the same file.

In separate files

Here is an example of a certificate and a private key in two separate files.

private.pem file


Fichier certificate.cer


In the same file

Here is an example of certificate and private key defined within the same file certifcle.pem

certifcle.pem file

Its content is a simple concatenation of the content of the private key and certificate files.



The usage of electronic signature within MAPPING requires the copy of the private key and certificate on the server.
Its usage is then possible in the MAPPING workflows or with command line using the map_xps command.

Copy of the file on the server

We need to place the private key file and the certificate file in the file system of the server.

(Example : /apps/mapping/certificate)

Different parameters

The electronic signature requires the usage of many parameters. You can find the list in the bellow table :

Parameter name value Signification
signclass 0 -
signdriver blank Electronic signature deactivated (Other parameter will not have any effect)
signdriver OPENSSL The OPENSSL mode is compatible with all platforms supported by MAPPING. it uses one or two file containing the certificate and private key. Those file must reside on the serveur (Network path not supported).
signdriver FIRSTSIGNATURE The FIRSTSIGNATURE mode is only available on Windows because it uses a certificate installed on the workstation. The certificate used is the one on the top of the list of certificates displayed in Internet Explorer.
signdriver WINDOWS Activation of SHA1 mode. Only available on Windows because it uses the certicate installed on the workstation. The certifacate used is defined by its hash key.(digital fingerprint).
signmode FILENAME To be used for the signature using the OPENSSL signdriver
signpassword Passphrase valeur of the certifiate Used in the case of security passphrase in the certificate
signsha1hash SHA1 value Used if the parameter "signdriver" is set to "WINDOWS"
signpemfile Path and name of the private key file Private key file alone or private key + certificate in the case both are in the same file
signcerfile Path and name of the certificate file Used only in the case of CSR file
signpfxfile Path and name of the PFX file Used only in the case of PFX file(PKCS#12)
timestampurl ?? To be documented



The MAPPING workflow box to be used is the toPDF box (XPS to web format / toPDF) By défaukt, this box allows to create a PDF file out of a XPS file. However, it is possible to set an electronic signature

Signature tab


This tab allows to set the parameters listed in the list of parameters table.

Remark : Note that the workflow initialize the parameter signclass to the value 0.


It is also possible to use the MAPPING command map_xps

We will then need to set the electronic parameters via parameters -param:KEY=VALUE

Example :

"/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signmode=FILENAME" "-param:signclass=0"
-param:signdriver=OPENSSL" "-param:signpemfile=/apps/mapping/certificate/private.pem"
"-param:signcerfile=/apps/mapping/certificate/certificate.cer" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/out/out.pdf"


Exemple 1

In this example, we will see how to convert the input file (XPS file) into a sign PDF. We will see how to do this in using the MAPPING workflow and in command line using map_xps


Create the following workflow :


Details of the toPDF box (Standard tab) :


Detail of the toPDF box (Signature tab)


Command line without convertion profile

Executes the following command :

"/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signclass=0" "-param:signmode=FILENAME" 
"-param:signdriver=OPENSSL" "-param:signpemfile=/apps/mapping/infile/private.pem" 
"-param:signcerfile=/apps/mapping/infile/certificate.cer" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"

Command line with a convertion profile=

Convertion profile used :

   <label>for Adobe Reader</label>

Execute the following command :

"/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"

Example 2

In this example, we will see how to use a file containing the private key and the certificate.


Create the following workflow :


Detail of the toPDF box (Standard tab) :


Detail of the toPDF box (Signature tab) :

The file having the private key and the certificate must be entered in the pem parameter. Therefore we leave blank the cer parameter.


Command line without profil convertion

Execute the following command :

"/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-param:signclass=0" "-param:signmode=FILENAME" 
"-param:signdriver=OPENSSL" "-param:signpemfile=/apps/mapping/infile/privatekey_certificate.pem" "-toPDF"

Command line with a profil convertion

Used conversion profile :

   <label>for Adobe Reader</label>

Execute the following command :

"/apps/mapping/bin/map_xps" "-infile:/apps/mapping/infile/infile.xps" "-toPDF" "-outfile:/apps/mapping/output/out.pdf"