OPALE - 10.0 - Utilisation - filtre de condition/en

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De MappingDoc
Ligne 49 : Ligne 49 :
Enter the columns between which the test is run.
Enter the columns between which the test is run.
Specify the columns where the value is (filter 1 and 2 in the previous example) or a range of columns where it is (filter 3).
Specify the columns where the value is (filter 1 and 2 in the previous example) or a range of columns between which it is (filter 3).

Version du 22 juillet 2019 à 08:07

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Type in the parameters of the condition to apply:

  • Comparison type: there is, there is not, greater than, less than..
  • Line to test: precise number, current line, related lines
  • Columns to test: beginning column and end column
  • Value to test: 15 characters maximum, be careful of case sensitivity
  • Logic: logical operators between each filter (AND, OR, brackets)

Comparison type

To be tested there is in the line: there is in a line or in the page there is not in the line: there is not in a line or in the page greater than (numerical): > greater than or equal to (numerical): => less than (numerical): < less than or equal to (numerical): =< the number of the page: Page the number of the line: Line

Line to test

If the object is fixed (does not belong to a group), in the drop down menu, select the number of the line to test or all the lines to search for the value in the page.

If the object belongs to a group, in the drop down menu, you can select:

  • the current line (by default)
  • relative lines
  • the line in the spooled file

current line

The value is tested on the line which is currently run by the group. Values are tested individually, one after the other on each line of the group. The object appears for each line of the group where the condition tested is true.

relative lines

The value is tested on lines -1,-2,...,-200 or +1,+2,...,+200 depending on the line which is currently run by the group. If the group is currently running line 30 and the line being tested is "-2", the value is tested on line 28.

line in the spooled file

The value is tested on a line in the spooled file (line belonging to the group or not). If the condition tested is true, the object appears on each line of the group. Otherwise, the object is never run.

Columns to test

Enter the columns between which the test is run.

Specify the columns where the value is (filter 1 and 2 in the previous example) or a range of columns between which it is (filter 3).


Dans le filtre 3, la condition est validée s'il y a la valeur "Prix" entre les colonnes 62 et 65 ou 63 et 66 ou ... ou 77 et 80.

Logique d'une condition

Il s'agit de l'opération logique reliant les différents filtres d'une condition. Les commutateurs logiques sont AND et OR. Il est possible d'utiliser les parenthèses dans cette opération.

Par défaut, le commutateur logique entre chaque filtre est AND. La logique par défaut lorsque vous entrez quatre filtres de conditions est donc 1 and 2 and 3 and 4.

En supprimant un numéro de filtre et un commutateur dans la logique, le filtre ne sera pas supprimé. La logique de ce filtre sera automatiquement ré-insérée dans l'opération.

Les commutateurs AND et OR peuvent être saisis en minuscule ou en majuscule.