ONYX - MMC - ONYX Mapping Management Console/en

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De MappingDoc
(Page créée avec « To start the HTTP API, you simply need to run the mapping-spooler-api, while the MAPPING_PATH environmeent variable define on the desired Onyx server. »)
(Page créée avec « This kind be done using the mappingenv command to select the desired Onyx environment, then run the mapping-spooler-api.</br></br> »)
Ligne 59 : Ligne 59 :
To start the HTTP API, you simply need to run the mapping-spooler-api, while the MAPPING_PATH environmeent variable define on the desired Onyx server.
To start the HTTP API, you simply need to run the mapping-spooler-api, while the MAPPING_PATH environmeent variable define on the desired Onyx server.
Cela peut se faire en appelant la commande mappingenv pour sélectionner l’environnement Onyx, puis lancer la commande mapping-spooler-api.</br></br>
This kind be done using the mappingenv command  to select the desired Onyx environment, then run the mapping-spooler-api.</br></br>

Version du 29 octobre 2021 à 14:36

Autres langues :
English • ‎français


The centralised console of MAPPING (Mapping Management Console : MMC) gives the possibility to monitore multiple MAPPING servers at the same time through a very intuitive Graphical User Interface.


  • one (or multiple) ONYX MAPPING servers installed and configured
  • Install NodeJS (v14 minimum) (Node.js )

Example of installation of NodeJS oncentos :

curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash - &&  yum -y install nodejs


Installation on a VM

Command of mapping-spooler-api

You use npm to installe the command

The registry npm used is private, and then requires an authentification.

npm login --registry http://npm-registry.mappingsuite.com:4873

username : partnermappingsuite
password : (Ask MAPPING, password on LastPass : [M-S] IT> NPM Registry for Partner )
email : partner_mappingsuite@mappingsuite.com

npm install -g mapping-spooler-api --registry http://npm-registry.mappingsuite.com:4873


one the command installed, you need to configure each ONYX server to define the HTTP porte used by the spooler APIs.

This can be done using the mapping.conf entry SPOOLER_API_PORT on each MAPPING server to monitore.

This value must be unique on each ONYX server installed on the VM.


<block name="WEB CONFIG">
   <info name="[SPOOLER_API_PORT]">8080</info>

Note:These port numbers will be useful when adding the server to the MMC server interface.

starting the API service

To start the HTTP API, you simply need to run the mapping-spooler-api, while the MAPPING_PATH environmeent variable define on the desired Onyx server.

This kind be done using the mappingenv command to select the desired Onyx environment, then run the mapping-spooler-api.

Note:La commande mapping-spooler-api ne rend pas la main et ne dispose pas d’option natives pour s’exécuter en arrière plan. Pour lancer la commande en arrière plan on peut utiliser ce genre de chose :

mapping-spooler-api > /dev/null 2>&1 &

(Ou utiliser un outils comme supervisor) L’option SPOOLER_API_PORTdu mapping.conf est optionnelle. Si l’entrée n’est pas trouvé l’api cherchera une variable d’environnement PORT.

Avec Docker

L’API Spooler doit absolument être installé sur le même hôte que le serveur Mapping Onyx.

Il faut donc ajouter l’installation de l’api spooler à l’image docker Mapping Onyx.

Exemple de Dockerfile
# Base Image Mapping Suite Server
FROM mappingsuite.azurecr.io/onyxserver:10.2.0
# NPM Registry Token for Authentication
ARG npm_token
# Update & Supervisor (for running Onyx + Rest API in parrallel)
RUN yum -y install epel-release && \ 
   yum -y update && \
   yum -y install supervisor
# Install NodeJS
RUN curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash - && \ 
   yum -y install nodejs	
# NPM Private Registry Authentication 
RUN npm set //npm-registry.mappingsuite.com:4873//:_authToken ${npm_token}
# NPM install mapping-spooler-api with private NPM Registry
RUN npm install -g mapping-spooler-api --registry http://npm-registry.mappingsuite.com:4873
# Required env var for API REST 
ENV MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/data/conf/mapping.conf
# Supervisor Configuration
RUN echo "[supervisord]" > /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
 echo "nodaemon=true" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
 echo "[program:spooler-api]" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
 echo "command=bash -c 'sleep 5 && exec mapping-spooler-api'" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
 echo "[program:onyx-server]" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
 echo "command=/home/docker/scripts/init.sh"  >> /etc/supervisord.conf 
# Run Supervisor
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]