ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Installation guidelines for the ONYX license server

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 4 juillet 2019 à 10:15 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « ===Configuring the client=== The configuration file for the client is located in the same configuration file (mapping.conf) as other ONYX Server modules. »)
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The use of a license server is an alternative to the use of traditional license keys (provided by Mapping).
It allows ONYX servers to obtain licenses upon request.
This can, for instance, allow you to manage a stock of ONYX servers that can adapt the number of licenses according to demand.

A license server is a central license server which must stay accessible to all devices in the stock.
Each ONYX server is linked to it as a client.

License Server

The license server has Mapping license keys available which it provides to clients requesting them.




The following librairies must be installed and updated on the installation server:

  • openssl1.0 (or equivalent, the binary file searched for is libcrypto.so.1)
  • libcap-progs (or libcap2-bin on some systems)

The license server is provided in the form of a .tar.gz file

  1. Unzip the file: tar -xvf Setup_LicenseServer_linux_xxxxxxxxx.tar.gz
  2. Launch the script install.sh (with root rights)
  3. Follow instructions

Extract from a usual installation process:

Where do you want to install the application? [/apps/M-LicenseServer/]
Installation directory: /apps/M-LicenseServer/
same for data directory: /apps/M-LicenseServer/

Which listening port for this server? [2005]
Listening port: 2005

The application was succefully installed!

Do you want to start the service now? [Y/n]
Starting M-LicenseServer...
Service started.

Entering software keys

The license keys (provided by Mapping) must be entered with the following command for the license server to be activated:

M-LicenseServer -key

The program then allows you to enter the software keys:

Your serial number: DEADD00D
Your type of processor: x86_x86_

Enter the product number:
Enter the key:

Information such as "serial number" and "your type of processor" must be transmitted to Mapping to obtain the software keys to activate the server.

Launching the server in service mode


systemctl start M-LicenseServer


A new entry point called Mapping Licence server was created in the operating system's list of services.

Launching the server in interactive mode

This launch mode is recommended for Docker containers:

M-LicenseServer -debug

This mode does not give control back.



The configuration file's location (mapping.conf) is given in the /etc/mappinglstab file


The configuration file's location (mapping.conf) is given in the Windows Registry:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mapping\Licence server\ConfigFileFullpath

(Or a similar location such as WOW6432Node, HKCU...)

Client (ONYX Server) needing a key

When a key is retrieved it is assigned to a specific binary file: LicenseRequester.

This binary file is provided with the rest of all Mapping binary files.

Configuring the client

The configuration file for the client is located in the same configuration file (mapping.conf) as other ONYX Server modules.

Pour activer l'utilisation d'un serveur de licence au niveau du client, il suffit d'ajouter le bloc suivant dans le fichier mapping.conf :

<block name="LICENSESSERVER">
      <info name="[LICENSE_SERVER]">ON</info>
      <info name="[LICENSE_SERVER_IP]"></info>
      <info name="[LICENSE_SERVER_PORT]">2005</info>

Et renseigner les éléments suivants :

  • LICENSE_SERVER : ON/OFF (permet d'activer ou non le mode serveur de licence)
  • LICENSE_SERVER_IP : adresse IP du serveur de licence (ne fonctionne pas avec une adresse DNS)
  • LICENSE_SERVER_PORT : port d'écoute du serveur de licence.


LicenseRequester est invoqué automatiquement dès lors qu'un module Mapping a besoin d'une clé pour fonctionner.

Cependant, il est également possible de lancer manuellement une demande de clés :

LicenseRequester -claim