Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation

Fonctionnement des groupes/76/en

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 30 juillet 2019 à 13:38 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions)
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  1. Processes the current line (if the line includes the term Mapping):
    Checks for the current line that the line type (condition) FIRSTLINE corresponds --> YES
    Checks that there is an object associated with the line type (condition) FIRSTLINE --> YES there is ADRMAPROUG
    Moves the cursor 0.60cm down (space before of the line type FIRSTLINE)
    Executes the objects associated with the line type FIRSTLINE (the ADRMAPROUG zone prints the content of the input datastream)
    Moves the cursor 0cm down (space after of the line type NOT_BLANK)
  2. Processes the current line (if the line does not include the term Mapping):
    Check for the current line that the line type (condition) FIRSTLINE corresponds --> NO
    Check for the current line that the line type (condition) NONE corresponds --> YES
    Checks that there is an object associated with the line type (condition) NONE --> YES there is ADRMAPPING
    Execute the objects associated with the line type NONE (the ADRMAPPING zone prints the content of the input datastream)
    Moves the cursor 0cm down (space after of the line type NONE)
  3. Processes the next line of the group: Line 3, checks point 2