ONYX - Utilization

queues duplication

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 21 avril 2020 à 10:02 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « The queue and description name correspond to the entries of the previous screen. The device (section printer) takes the copied queue caracteristics. »)
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Mapping 10.1 and behond integrates the queue copy function from a queue models site.


Mapping Onyx 10.1 or behond


In the event where the queue to be copied has multiple devices, only the first one will be copied

How it works


A new parameter has been added to the mapping.conf config file (in the Expert path section) :

[PATH_SITE_MODEL]: Give the name of the queue site models (Site containing all the template queues meant to be copied).

<block name="EXPERT PATH">
          <info name="[PATH_SITE_MODEL]">queue_models</info>

This new entry is automatically added to the configuration during the mapping ONYX 10.1 installation.

Its default value is queue_models

This given site is not automatically created. We will need to do so.

We will also need to create the queue models inside it.

GUI interface

A new button has been added to the SITES - PRINTERS - ENTRY POINTS screen


Model side creation

The first thing to do is to create the model site (it default name must be queue_models) Its name can be changed in the mapping.conf configuration file.

We also need to create its queue inside it.

In our example, the model site is queue_models and its queues queue1, queue2, queue3.


Queue creation in the main site via the new functionnality

From now on, we can use the new queues duplication functionnality.

  1. Place yourself in the main site level (MAIN)
  2. Click on the "duplicate queue" button of the main site (the main site is, then, the destination of the copy queue)
  3. The following screen shows up :
1 : queue name to create (mandatory)
2 : Description queue name to create (Optionnal) If blank, use the queue or device name
3 : Queue to be copied from (queue of the model site)
4 : Queue creation botton

For our example, we enter :

1 : copyqueue1
2 : (blank)
3 : queue1

The validation of this screen will instantly create the queue copyqueue1from the model queue queue1 and you will be redirected to the modification screen.


The queue and description name correspond to the entries of the previous screen. The device (section printer) takes the copied queue caracteristics.

Vous pouvez apporter les modifications que vous souhaitez et cliquer sur OK pour revenir sur la page principale.


La queue copyqueue1 avec sa device est créé dans le site MAIN.

Création de queues dans d'autres sites

Il est également possible d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité à partir d'un autre site se situant dans le site principal (SITE1 dans mon exemple) ou dans un site situé dans ce site 1 (SITE11 dans mon exemple)