OPALE - 10.0 - Utilisation

Convert PDF to PDF/A

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 12 mai 2020 à 13:23 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « <u>Example</u> : »)
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The command MAPPDFA converts a PDF to a PDF/A (Compatible PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-3b)


This command is not included with the basic installation. A separated install package needed to be installed. When executing MAPPDFA, the MAPPING library must be online. (edtlibl)

It is also recommanded not to have annotations and UTF16BE fonts inside the input PDF.

The libstdc++ library must be installed on the server prior to installing MAPPDFA


The setup in made of a SAVF containing the resources needed, the program and the MAPPDFA command. it needs to be restored in the QTEMP lib.


Then Execute the install : INSTALL + F4

Library destination : Lib where you will install the prog and command
Mapping Path : IFS mapping path folder (same path as the one defined in your configuration of your Mapping env Example : /home/mapping)

The program is then installed in the destination lib as well as the resources in the xxx/mapping/bin and xxx/mapping/conf folders


The MAPPDFA command has 5 different parameters (In bold the default values) :

  1. Infile : Input file
  2. Outfile : Output file
  3. Type : PDFA type (PDFA1, PDFA2, PDFA3)
  4. Quality : Compression rate when vectorial image mode for the licensed fonts (*HIGH, *MEDIUM, *LOW)
  5. Licensed fonts : Way to manage licensed fonts (*NONE, *ALL, *LIST)
    1. *NONE : Default valeur, if a licensed fonts restriction occurs, MAPPDFA will generate an error message, which could be caught by the gserror.txt config file to switch to vectorial mode.
    2. *ALL : With this mode, all licensed fonts restrictions will be ignore, MAPPDFA will then embbed all the fonts and no error message will occur.
    3. *LIST : Use a list of defined fonts in the conf/authorized_fonts.txt file (encoded in ANSI)

We ignore the licensed font restrictions only for the font listed in this file. MAPPDFA will keep generating error messages for the other non listed fonts, which can be caught by the gserror.txt to switch them to vectorial mode.

The authorized_fonts.txt file must contain the list of fonts to be authorised (one per line) The font names to add can be found looking at the stdout log of MAPPDFA

Example :

Warning: CFMZCH+DejaVuSans-Bold cannot be embedded because of licensing restrictions

Il faudra ajouter CFMZCH+DejaVuSans-Bold (ou juste DejaVuSans-Bold dans le fichier conf/authorized_fonts.txt



From MAPPDFA V1.1.1, it is possible to behave on an error message. In Version V1.1.1, it is possible to convert the font in vectorial.


The list of error messages to catch is in the following file :


Vectorisation des polices

La liste des messages d'erreur/warning pour lesquels on souhaite vectoriser les polices se situe dans le fichier :


Voici exemple de contenu :

cannot be embedded because of licensing restrictions=vectorize_fonts
A font missing from the input PDF has been substituted=vectorize_fonts

  • Si on obtient un message d'erreur content : cannot be embedded because of licensing restrictions ALORS on vectorise les polices
  • Si on obtient un message d'erreur content : A font missing from the input PDF has been substituted=vectorize_fonts ALORS on vectorise les polices

Acceptation des polices soumis à licences

Il est également possible de forcer l'acceptable de MAPPDFA des polices soumis à licences. Pour se faire il faut créer manuellement le fichier conf/authorized_fonts.txt. MAPPDFA va alors ignorer les restrictions de polices sous licences listées dans ce fichier.

Voici exemple de contenu :

  • Si on obtient un message d'erreur content : CFMZCH+DejaVuSans-Bold cannot be embedded because of licensing restrictions ALORS on forcera son acceptation et le fichier en sortie sera bien PDF/A.


Example 1 - Conversion of a simple pdf to PDFA/1-b

MAPPDFA INFILE('/home/mapping/simple_pdf.pdf') TYPE(*PDFA1) OUTFILE('/home/mapping/pdfa1_pdf.pdf')

Example 2 - Convert a simple pdf file to a PDF/A2-b

MAPPDFA INFILE('/home/mapping/simple_pdf.pdf') TYPE(*PDFA2) OUTFILE('/home/mapping/pdfa2_pdf.pdf') LICFONTS(*ALL)

Example 3 - Convert a simple pdf file to a PDF/A3-b

MAPPDFA INFILE('/home/mapping/simple_pdf.pdf') TYPE(*PDFA3) OUTFILE('/home/mapping/pdfa3_pdf.pdf') LICFONTS(*LIST)

Il faudra alors avoir le contenu suivant dans le fichier conf/authorized_fonts.txt :



  • En mode *LIST si le fichier conf/authorized_fonts.txt n’existe pas le fichier pdf de sortie fera 0 ko.
  • Le fichier conf/authorized_fonts.txt n’est pas fourni dans le setup.