ONYX - 9.0 - Usage

Generating an ONYX Designer project

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 26 juillet 2019 à 11:50 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « A post-generation window is displayed once the project is generated, to show you the result(s) of the generation. »)
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Generating a project

Once the template is completed, al you need to do is generate it to use it in Onyx server.


To do so, click on the Project button of the Home menu.

At this stage, make sure you have properly configured the server in Preferences.

The Save Project windows opens, check that the generation path is correct. By default, the project is generated in the docpc folder in the Import folder.

  • Unix: /apps/mapping/import/docpc/
  • Windows: C:\Mapping\M-Processing Server\Import\docpc\


A post-generation window is displayed once the project is generated, to show you the result(s) of the generation.


La maquette est désormais prête à être importée dans Onyx Server.