OPALE - 10.0 - KB

Best practices in Designer

De MappingDoc
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We recommend that you follow the good practices described below.

  • Name of the projets : FORMAT_SEQUENCE (example: INVOICES_00010.mpp).
An additional comment can be added afterwards (example: INVOICES_00010_Invoices-Clients.mpp). In all cases, it is essential that the first 20 characters in the name of the project be discriminant.
Creating a subfolder for each project where source files of Designer and Connect, components, variable elements and txt or xml example files are placed, is recommended.

  • No calculations: Avoid making calculations in Designer. It is best that you favour making calculations beforehand (ERP, Connect...)

  • TEXT memory zones: if no calculations are required, "Memory" type zones must always have the subtype "Text Memory" and never "Integer Memory" nor "Floating Memory" (even if the fields handled are numerical)

  • Space BEFORE: when creating groups, manage line breaks with space BEFORE. Spaces AFTER should only be used to add a blank space before the following line is printed. Do not write in a space which is destined to another line (that is to say the previous or following line), because each line has its own space, defined by "Space BEFORE + Space AFTER".