ONYX - 9.0 - KB

Clearing Spooler files

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 27 août 2019 à 14:23 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « ==Clearing logs== »)
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ONYX Server normally creates and keeps a certain number of files which we advise you regularly clear: kept jobs, logs, statistics. This can be done using an ONYX Server command: map_cron.

Clearing jobs

As per retention time

All the jobs in the Spooler have a specific attribute: the retention time (in days). The solution uses this attribute to clear the "expired" jobs in the Spooler, in other words, those with an exceeded retention time.

There are two ONYX Server commands which serve this purpose:

  • Deleting all the jobs kept (which were processed and kept) with an expired retention time:

Linux: /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron –date

Windows: E:\MappingWindows\Applications\map_cron.exe –date

  • Deleting all the jobs (whatever status) with an expired retention time:

Linux: /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron –dateall

Windows: E:\MappingWindows\Applications\map_cron.exe –dateall

As per clearing filters

One method to clear the Spooler of jobs consists in using filters to select the jobs to delete. Five filters are available:

- As per type of queue: input point ( -entry) or print queue ( -queue)

- As per date: absolute (jobs older than a given day, argument -before_date:JJ/MM/AAAA) or relative (jobs of more than N days ( -relative_date:d/m/y)

- As per owner user: argument -user:XXXX

- As per job status: argument -state:XXXX (ready, saved, held, error)

- As per queue name: argument -queue_name:XXXX

Here are some examples:

  • To delete all the spooled files:
map_cron –cleanspool
  • To delete spooled files owned by the mapadmin user:
map_cron -cleanspool -user:mapadmin
  • To delete spooled files kept by the mapadmin user:
map_cron -cleanspool -user:mapadmin -state:saved
  • To delete spooled files kept by the mapadmin user, in the input points:
map_cron -cleanspool -user:mapadmin -state:saved -entry
  • To delete spooled files kept by the mapadmin user, in the input points, which have a date prior to the 19th of January 2018:
map_cron -cleanspool -user:mapadmin -state:saved -entry -before_date:19/01/2018
  • To delete spooled files kept by the mapadmin user, in the input points, which are older than 10 days:
map_cron -cleanspool -user:mapadmin -state:saved -entry -relative_date:10/0/0
    • To delete spooled files kept by the mapadmin user, which are older than 10 days, in the mon_entry input point:
map_cron -cleanspool -user:mapadmin -state:saved -entry -relative_date:10/0/0 -queue_name:mon_entry


Pour fonctionner, l’exécution de ces commandes de nettoyage des travaux doit se faire avec le Spooler ONYX Server en état de marche. En effet, seul le Spooler peut interagir avec ses travaux alors que les commandes précédentes envoient des requêtes de suppression au Spooler.

Clearing logs

La commande map_cron permet également de nettoyer les fichiers correspondants aux journaux d’événements d'ONYX Server. Des options permettent de conserver, pour historique, des archives des journaux d’événements avant leur suppression.

  • Création d’une archive (ZIP) des journaux avant suppression :

Linux: /apps/mapping/bin/ map_cron -cleanlog

Windows: E:\MappingWindows\Applications\ map_cron.exe -cleanlog

L’archive est conservée par défaut à la racine du répertoire des logs Onyx Server (variable PATH_LOG de la configuration), nommée en fonction de la date/heure d’exécution de la commande.

  • Suppression des journaux sans sauvegarde :

Linux: /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron -cleanlog -delete

Windows: E:\MappingWindows\Applications\map_cron.exe -cleanlog -delete

Clearing statistics

Sur le même principe que précédemment, les fichiers correspondants aux statistiques et rapports d’utilisation d'ONYX Server peuvent être nettoyés :

Linux: /apps/mapping/bin/ map_cron -cleanstats [ -delete ]

Windows: E:\MappingWindows\Applications\ map_cron.exe -cleanstats [ -delete ]