Translations - OPALE - 10.0 - Utilisation
La commande MAP XPS/93/en
De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 12 juin 2019 à 14:00 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions)
STAPLE (numerical value)
- 1 = SaddleStitch (staples in the middle of the page)
- 2 = StapleBottomLeft (bottom left stapling)
- 3 = StapleBottomRight (bottom right stapling)
- 4 = StapleDualBottom (bottom stapling)
- 5 = StapleDualLeft (left stapling)
- 6 = StapleDualRight (right stapling)
- 7 = StapleDualTop (top stapling)
- 8 = StapleTopLeft (top left stapling)
- 9 = StapleTopRight (top right stapling)
- 10 = None (stop stapling)