ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation

XPSConfig and conversion to PDF

De MappingDoc
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Converting to PDF

This page explains how to use an XPS to PDF conversion profile to set the expected type of PDF output, electronic signature and the different protection options.

Language Tags

To set the conversion profile to produce PDF output, first add the Language tabs as shown:


PDF/A output

Us the tags below to enable PDF/A output:


The parameter is set to off by default

When <pdfa> is enabled, the next parameter is for which version of PDF/A you want to use.


Supported values include:

  • 1b (default, for PDF/A-1b)
  • 2b (for PDF/A-2b)
  • 2u (for PDF/A-2u)
  • 3b (for PDF/A-3b)

Electronic Signature

The tags below are used to enable electronic signature of PDF documents created with Mapping ONYX Server:


By default, the PDF documents produced using ONYX Server are not signed.

Protecting PDF Files

The tags below can be used to manage the supported protection settings for PDF files produced using ONYX Server:


By default, the PDF documents produced using ONYX Server are not protected.