ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation

Graphics management

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 2 janvier 2025 à 10:19 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « A graphic is considered as a fixed zone, so it is impossible to place it dynamically on the page based on the zones located before it. »)
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ONYX Designer includes a graphics creation module whose operation is explained below.

Create a new graphic

  1. - Click on the Graphic icon on the Variable toolbar.
  2. - Click on the page and drag the mouse to draw the frame where the graphic will be printed.
  3. - Enter a name, a number of zones, and check the type of chart you want to print.

The number of zones to enter is the maximum number of zones that your graph can contain.


Configure a chart

The graphics allow fairly advanced configuration. You can modify axis titles, number of intervals, maximum values…

For all these parameters, you can either set the values ​​for this graph or retrieve this information from the spool. The information retrieved from the spool will take priority over the values ​​defined “hard” for this graph.

This is useful, for example, in the case where the chart title is not present in all pages of the spool. This amounts to considering the values ​​in the chart as default values. In this case, the graphic type zones must be conditioned on the presence of a value in the spool.

  1. - Chart title
  2. - Title of the axes
  3. - Axis data
  4. - Minimum / maximum values
  5. - Number of Y axis intervals
  6. - Y axis origin
  7. - Round Y axis values

Graphic type area

These areas allow you to completely configure your graph according to the spool values: titles, legend, axes, etc.

  1. - Chart data
  2. - X axis data
  3. - Y axis data
  4. - Chart title
  5. - X axis title
  6. - Y axis title
  7. - Legend data
  8. - Minimum value of Y axis
  9. - Maximum value of Y axis
  10. - Number of Y axis intervals
  11. - Round to the nearest n in the Y axis
  12. - Y axis origin

Retrieving data field

A chart does not retrieve data from the spool on its own. It uses graphic type areas. This allows you to completely condition data recovery.

To associate zones with a graph, simply give them the same name.

The zones can of course belong to a group, fixed or variable, be conditioned... Font and style information is not used. A Graphic type zone does not print anything on its own.

Retrieve data from the spool as chart data

  1. - Create your zone (positions in the original file, condition, group membership, etc.)
  2. - Name it as the complex graph it depends on
  3. - Select type Graphic
  4. - Choose subtype Chart Data


Round Y axis values

To round the Y axis data values, you can either:

  1. - Create a zone of type Graphic / Round the Y axis to the nearest n recovering the value "n" in the spool
  2. - Set value in chart properties

To change the rounding pitch:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double-click on the image representing the graph
  3. - In the Y Axis tab, change the value

Font and style
The font and style of the axes are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes. Even if you don't set a label in the chart properties, you must set the font to use.

Axis data

To define the axis data, you must create a Graphic / X axis data (or Y) zone retrieving the values ​​in the spool.

Font and style
The font and style of the data are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes.

To change the font and style:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double click on the chart image
  3. - Change the values ​​of the Y Axis Font or X Axis Font tab

Number of Y axis intervals

To set the number of Y axis intervals, you can either:

  1. - Create a zone of type Graphic / Nbr of intervals of the Y axis recovering the value in the spool
  2. - Set this number in chart properties

To set the number of intervals in the chart properties:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double-click on the image representing the graph
  3. - In the Y Axis tab, modify the value

Font and style
The font and style of the axes are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes. Even if you don't set a label in the chart properties, you must set the font to use.

Y axis origin

To set the origin of the Y axis, you can either:

  1. - Create a zone of type Graphic / Origin of the Y axis recovering the value in the spool
  2. - Set value in chart properties

To set the origin of the Y axis in the chart properties:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double-click on the image representing the graph
  3. - In the Y Axis tab, modify the value

Font and style
The font and style of the axes are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes. Even if you don't set a label in the chart properties, you must set the font to use.

Axis titles

To give a title to the axes, you can either:

  1. - Create a Graphic / Title of the X axis (or Y) type zone retrieving the title in the spool
  2. - Set title in chart

To set the axis title in the chart:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double-click on the X axis title area
  3. - Enter a value in the label

Font and style
The font and style of the axes are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes. Even if you don't set a label in the chart properties, you must set the font to use.

Chart title

To give a title to the graph, you can either:

  1. - Create a zone of type Graph / Title of the graph retrieving the title in the spool
  2. - Set title in chart

To set the axis title in the chart:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double-click on the Graphic Title area
  3. - Enter a value in the label

Font and style
The font and style of the axes are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes. Even if you don't set a label in the chart properties, you must set the font to use.

Minimum / maximum values

To set the min and max values ​​for the Y axis, you can either:

  1. - Create a zone of type Graphic / Maximum (minimum) value of the Y axis retrieving the value in the spool
  2. - Set this value in chart properties

To set the min and max values ​​in the chart properties:

  1. - In the chart properties, select the Positioning tab
  2. - Double-click on the image representing the graph
  3. - In the Y Axis tab, modify the values

Font and style
The font and style of the axes are defined in the chart properties and not in the chart type boxes. Even if you don't set a label in the chart properties, you must set the font to use.


Round to the nearest n in the Y axis

This type of zone allows you to round the values ​​of the vertical axis (for histograms and lines).

X axis data

This type of zone retrieves values ​​from the spool to use as horizontal axis data (for histograms and lines).

Y axis data

This type of zone retrieves values ​​from the spool to use as vertical axis data (for histograms and lines).

Legend data

This type of zone retrieves from the spool the values ​​which will be used to draw the legend.
This is the caption text.

Chart data

This type of zone retrieves from the spool the values ​​which will be used to draw the graph.
It only retrieves signed digital data. Other characters are ignored.

Number of Y axis intervals

This type of zone retrieves values ​​from the spool to use as the number of vertical axis intervals (for histograms and lines).

X axis origin

This type of zone retrieves a value from the spool as the origin of the vertical axis (for histograms and lines) i.e. as the first value of the axis.

X-axis title

This zone type retrieves a value from the spool as the title of the horizontal axis (for histograms and lines).

Y-axis title

This zone type retrieves a value from the spool as the title of the vertical axis (for histograms and lines).

Chart title

This zone type retrieves a value from the spool as the graph title.

Maximum value of Y-axis

This zone type returns a value of the spool as the maximum value of the vertical axis (for histograms and lines).
Attention, if a chart data exceeds this value, it will not be displayed corre

Minimum value of Y-axis

This zone type returns a value from the spool as the minimum value of the vertical axis (for histograms and lines).
Attention, if a chart data is less than this value, it will not be displayed correctly.


To create a barcode in MapDraw, simply create an object of type “Graphics”.


In the “Type” tab, the number of zones represents the number of types of values ​​to represent, in most cases only one zone is required. The use of multiple zones allows you to define a particular color and style for each value of the chart.

The “Attributes” tab allows you to define the appearance, color, fill type, etc. of each zone.

The “Positioning” tab allows you to position each element of the graph, including the graph itself, the title of each axis, the title of the graph as well as the legend.


By double-clicking on a particular element, the Properties window is accessed allowing you to modify the properties of the object (character police, color, etc.)

Defining Chart Values

To define the graph attributes and add values, graph type zones must be added.

The possible parameters are:

  1. - Graph Data
  2. - X-axis data
  3. - Y-axis data
  4. - Chart title
  5. - X-axis titer
  6. - Y-axis title
  7. - Legend data
  8. - Minimum value of Y-axis
  9. - Maximum Y-axis value
  10. - Number of Y-axis intervals
  11. - Rounding the Y-axis values ​​to n
  12. - Y-axis origin

These zones allow you to retrieve information from the spool and use it in the graph.

Graph type areas must have the same name as the graph they are linked to.

Overlaid histograms

To obtain this type of graph, it is necessary to superimpose several graphs:


It is enough to play on the spacing in percentages Left and Right:


By default, a bar of a histogram takes up the entire available width (100%), but by modifying these parameters, it is possible to reduce the width of the bar as well as its position in it by providing a different scale to the left and right .

It is then sufficient to overlay multiple graphs with different spacing settings to obtain the desired rendering:


Here, four graphics are superimposed giving a 3D look.







Dynamic Graph Positioning

A graphic is considered as a fixed zone, so it is impossible to place it dynamically on the page based on the zones located before it.

Cependant, on peut jouer autour de cette règle grâce à des conditions.

Avec un spool PAG/TXT


Voici un exemple simple de spool paginé qui contient des données à utiliser dans un camembert. Il faut mettre des conditions d’apparitions pour que le graphique n’apparaisse que si les lignes sont à certaines valeurs.

Ensuite il faut dupliquer le graphique. Par exemple, on va créer 15 nouveaux graphiques avec les même paramètres, mais chacun décalé de 1cm vers le bas de plus que le précèdent. Il est important d’incrémenter les conditions, sinon la zone ne va se baser que sur les mêmes lignes.


Après duplication, on obtient ceci, chaque graphique est décalé de plus en plus vers le bas et vérifie des lignes différentes dans le spool.


Première image : Les données commencent ligne 12. Seconde image : les données commencent ligne 22.


Le graphique a donc changé de position selon la position de ses données dans le spool.

C’est la seule façon de positionner une zone fixe de façon pseudo-dynamique, mais une évolution future d’ONYX devrait permettre de fournir une solution plus simple et adaptée.

Avec un spool XML

Le meilleur moyen de rendre la position d’un graphique dynamique avec un spool XML et de rajouter un field dans le fichier d’entrée contenant le nombre de zones présentes avant le graphique, car on ne peut pas se baser sur le nombre de ligne ou toutes autres informations provenant du spool car le graphique n’en fait pas parti.

Par exemple : Le field “BEFORECAM” indique combine de zones sont présentes avant le camembert, pour l’exemple, sa valeur est de 1.


Voici la condition sur le premier graphique :


On peut utiliser le bouton dupliquer, mais il faut changer la valeur manuellement car ce n’est pas une ligne, donc l’incrémentation ne changera rien.

Le premier graphique n’apparait que si la valeur est égale à 1, le deuxième si c’est 2, etc…

Le problème de cette solution, c’est qu’elle demande une modification du potentiel Connect qui génère le fichier XML pour rajouter le champ, et lui attribuer une valeur en fonction du contenu des fields précédents.

La méthode XML est plus risqué car on ne connait pas le nombre de ligne présent dans les champs XML précédant le camembert, il faudrait donc rajouter beaucoup plus de graphique, ou faire plusieurs code-lettre pour s’adapter en fonctions des différents blocs.