OPALE - 10.0 - Usage
Opale/IBM i commands
Managing spools
Copying an ASCII spool in a physical file : MAPSPLPF
Duplicating a spool: MAPDUPSPLF
Sorting and merging de spools: MAPSORTPAG
Sending a spool to a network: SNDTCPSPLF
Automating Mapping operations: MAPCPYSPLF
Merging two spools: MAPMOVDATA
Qualifying a spool: MAPQUALSPL
Transferring an AS/400 spool to PC: MAPSPLF (option P)
Sending a spool via web service: MAPRMTPROC
Sending an ASCII spool via FTP: MAPSNDFTP
Sending mapping objects to a printer: SNDMAPPRT
Remapping a physical file: MAPCPYDB
Creating a PDF file: MAPSPLPDF
Sending an object to flash memory: SNDFLASH
Sending objects to flash memory using PJL: MAPFLHPJL
Resetting printer memory: MAPRAZPRT
Spliting an EBCDIC spool: MAPECLAT
Selecting pages for printing: MAPSPLF(option R)
Managing e-Mails
Sending a PDF via e-mail: MAPSNDMAIL
Setting up e-mail delivery: MAPSNDMAIL
Starting e-mail management: STRMAPMAIL
Stopping e-mail management: ENDMAPMAIL
Sending e-mails with AS/400 : MAPSNDDST
Displaying e-mail output queue: MAPDSPMAIL
Connect Development Server
Executing a report to set off spool creation: MAPRUNRPT
Mapping Robot
Adding or deleting a library: MAPRBTJOBD
Creating a new JOBD: MAPCRTJOBD
Adding an Outq to the spool manager: MAPADDOUTQ
Executing an action for multiple spools : MAPRUNSPL
Starting the robot : STRRBTDTA
Informations on the latest MAP400 update: DATESOFT
Reorganising Mapping physical files: MAPRGZ
Duplicating Mapping format: MAPDUPFMT
Managing libraries
Adding or deleting a library: MAPRBTJOBD
Updating another library's Mapping files: MAPUPDPF
Other commands
Restoring a .PAG file: RESTOREPAG
Displaying DTAQ content: DSPDTAQ
Charger les objets d'une imprimante : MAPRSTPRT
Renvoi d'information : MAPRTVNFO
Modification d'une table de caractères : MAPTABLE
Affichage du contenu d'une DTAQ : DSPDTAQ
Créer la table de conversion ASCII / EBCDIC pour les polices AFPDS : CALL MAP_847