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Fonctionnalités gamme IBM i
Fonctionnalités gamme Linux / Windows
Fonctionnalités Mapping
Installation de Designer de différentes versions sur le même poste
MAP C031P9
Mapout-M-Storage:Script d'export
Mapping Knowledge Center
ONYX:10:Message d'erreur à la lecture des PDFs sur Acrobat Reader
ONYX:9.0:Envoi de fichiers PDF par e-mail
ONYX:9.0:Exploitation:Guide d'exploitation ONYX Server sur Linux
ONYX:9.0:Exploitation:Guide d'exploitation ONYX Server sur Windows
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Duplication d'une instance ONYX Server Linux
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Duplication d'une instance ONYX Server Windows
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Désinstallation ONYX Server sur Linux
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Guide d'installation de ONYX Serveur de licence
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Guide d'installation ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Guide d'installation ONYX Server sur Windows
ONYX:9.0:Installation:Installation ONYX Server sur Linux
ONYX:9.0:Installation:MAJ ONYX Server sur Linux
ONYX:9.0:KB:Designer cesse de fonctionner sous Windows 10
ONYX:9.0:KB:Designer Erreur de polices manquantes
ONYX:9.0:KB:Erreur chargement de la console d'administration ONYX
ONYX:9.0:KB:ifFileExist : Différence de comportement entre Windows et Linux
ONYX:9.0:KB:Le port map lpr n'écoute pas
ONYX:9.0:KB:Le service MappingSpooler n'apparait pas
ONYX:9.0:KB:Le service MappingSpooler ne demarre pas
ONYX:9.0:KB:Le spooler ne fonctionne pas
ONYX:9.0:KB:Nettoyage des fichiers du Spooler
ONYX:9.0:KB:Nettoyage des fichiers temporaires
ONYX:9.0:ONYX Server
ONYX:9.0:utilisation des profils de conversion
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Agrafage de documents en XPS
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Autres menus d'administration
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Commandes ONYX Server
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Concaténation de fichiers XPS
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Configuration des imprimantes
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Convertisseurs de sortie
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Création d'un code barre avec plusieurs informations du spool
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Création Projet de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Designer - Utiliser des étiquettes RFID avec des imprimantes Zebra
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Droits d'accès sur les spools
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Fonctionnalités avancées de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Fonctionnement des graphiques
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Fonctionnement des groupes
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Fond de page de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion Connect
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion d'indexation
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion des codes OMR(KERN)
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion des droits d'accès
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion des options de finition (PrintTickets)
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion des pieds de documents en mode XML
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion des workflows-Les fondamentaux
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Gestion Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Guide de prise en main ONYX Server
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Guide M-Engine
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Généralité du XPSConfig
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Génération d'un projet de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Génération de fichiers PDF
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Interface de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Introduction de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Les bonnes pratiques
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Les bonnes pratiques ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Les principaux menus d'administration
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Menus Personnalisés
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Paramètres de configuration principaux (mapping.conf)
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Paramétrage de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Partie Dynamique de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Tableaux dynamiques
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Traitements divers
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Traitements XSL
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Utilisation de ONYX Designer
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Workflows d'automatisation
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Workflows-Guide avancé
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:XPSConfig et conversion PCL
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:XPSConfig et conversion PDF
ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:XPSConfig et conversion ZEBRA
ONYX:9.1:Utilisation:Gestion des logs AMETHYST
ONYX:9.1:Utilisation:Rollback des formats Designer et Connect
ONYX:MMC:ONYX Mapping Management Console
ONYX:Utilisation:Convertisseur CII UBL
ONYX:Utilisation:Convertisseur Texte paginé vers XML Pivot
ONYX:Utilisation:Duplication de queues MAPPING
ONYX:Utilisation:Eclatement XML Pivot
ONYX:UTILISATION:Guide d'utilisation de mapaudit
ONYX:Utilisation:PCL(UTF8) to XPS
ONYX:Utilisation:Personnalisation de l'interface Designer
ONYX:Utilisation:Signature électronique de PDFs
OPALE:10.0: Accueil
OPALE:10.0:About:A propos de Designer
OPALE:10.0:About:A propos de la suite OPALE
OPALE:10.0:About:A propos de OPALE Server
OPALE:10.0:Designer:Paramètres de génération
OPALE:10.0:Dupliquer un format Mapping: MAPDUPFMT
OPALE:10.0:Exploitation:Guide d'exploitation OPALE Server
OPALE:10.0:Exploitation:Résoudre les incidents de production du robot
OPALE:10.0:Installation:Installation et mise à jour M-Designer version Opale
OPALE:10.0:Installation:Installation OPALE Server
OPALE:10.0:KB:Bonnes pratiques Designer
OPALE:10.0:KB:Créer un fichier dump à partir d'un spool remappé
OPALE:10.0:KB:Designer Erreur de polices manquantes
OPALE:10.0:KB:Dupliquer un format Mapping : MAPDUPFMT
OPALE:10.0:KB:Informations sur la dernière mise à jour MAP400 : DATESOFT
OPALE:10.0:KB:Réorganisation des fichiers physiques de Mapping : MAPRGZ
OPALE:10.0:KB:Saisie de la clef logicielle : MAPKEY
OPALE:10.0:KB:Sauvegarder l'ifs: SAV
OPALE:10.0:Migration:Abaques de migration
OPALE:10.0:Migration:Passage natif vers XPS
OPALE:10.0:Migration:Process de migration
OPALE:10.0:Saisie de la clef logicielle
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Ajouter ou supprimer une bibliothèque: MAPRBTJOBD
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Association de projets
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Créer ou modifier une ligne de commande d'une action
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Créer une nouvelle action dans le robot
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Fichiers spools d'exemple pour la conception des Mappings
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Formats de fichier
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Générer une association de projets
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Gérer les actions et lignes de commande par action
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Gérer les relations entre Outq d'origine et Outq de destination
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Manipulations et astuces
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Maquette
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Modifier une association de projets
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Nouvelle association de projets
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: OUTQ
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Ouvrir une association de projets
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Paramétrage du mail
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Projet
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Récupérer en critère d'archivage la date du spool d'origine
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation: Répertoires de travail
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Affichage du contenu d'une DTAQ : DSPDTAQ
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Afficher l'historique du robot : MAPDSPLOG
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Afficher la file d'attente des mails : MAPDSPMAIL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Agrafer en PCL direct
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Agrafer un PCL en mode XPS
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Ajout d'une Outq dans le gestionnaire de spool : MAPADDOUTQ
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Ajouter ou de supprimer une bibliothèque : MAPRBTJOBD
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Arrêter la gestion du mail : ENDMAPMAIL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Arrêter M-Connect : ENDMAPRPT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Automatiser l'exécution d'un Mapping : MAPCPYSPLF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Barre d’outils « Accès rapide »
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Cas d'usages de la commande MAP XPS
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Charger les objets d'une imprimante : MAPRSTPRT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Commande MAPOFFICE
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Commandes Opale/AS400
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Conversion PDF vers PDFA
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Convertir AFPDS en ACIF : MAPACIF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Copier un spool ASCII dans un fichier physique : MAPSPLPF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Créer la table de conversion ASCII / EBCDIC pour les polices AFPDS : CALL MAP 847
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Créer un fichier PDF : MAPSPLPDF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Créer une nouvelle JOBD pour le robot : MAPCRTJOBD
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Dupliquer un spool : MAPDUPSPLF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Démarrer la gestion du mail : STRMAPMAIL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Démarrer le robot : STRRBTDTA
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Démarrer M-Connect : STRMAPRPT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoi d'objets dans la mémoire flash en PJL : MAPFLHPJL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer des objets d'un mapping dans une imprimante : SNDMAPPRT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer un mail avec un document PDF : MAPSNDMAIL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer un mail depuis l'AS/400 : MAPSNDDST
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer un objet dans la mémoire flash : SNDFLASH
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer un spool ASCII en FTP : MAPSNDFTP
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer un spool au réseau : SNDTCPSPLF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Envoyer un spool via service web : MAPRMTPROC
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Exporter les fichiers : MAPREPORT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Exécuter un rapport pour déclencher la création du spool : MAPRUNRPT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Exécuter une action du robot sur plusieurs spools : MAPRUNSPL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:filtre de condition
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Fond de page (Draw)
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Gestion des codes OMR
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Gérer les fichiers spools : MAPSPLF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:La commande MAP XPS
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Le paramètre EXTRACT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Les menus et barres d’outils associées
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Manipulation MAP XPS ( change format + paper + rotation + pagerotation )
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:MAPPING DEBUG
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:MAPPING TRACE
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Menu Accueil
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Menu Affichage
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Menu Fichier
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Menu Formes/Mapping
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Menu Mise en forme
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Merger deux spools : MAPMOVDATA
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Mise à jour des fichiers Mapping d'une autre bibliothèque : MAPUPDPF
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Modification d'un spool : MAPSPLSPL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Modification d'une table de caractères : MAPTABLE
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Nettoyer l'historique: MAPCLRLOG
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Partie Dynamique (Map)
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Présentation générale
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Qualification d'un spool : MAPQUALSPL
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Remapper un fichier physique : MAPCPYDB
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Remise à blanc de la mémoire de l'imprimante : MAPRAZPRT
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Renvoi d'information : MAPRTVNFO
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Repagination d'un fichier spool IBM-i
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Reprise de page : MAPSPLF(option R)
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Restaurer un fichier.PAG : RESTOREPAG
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Réaction sur erreur
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Réaction sur succès
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Send FROM
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Send TO
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Tableaux dynamiques
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Transférer un spool AS/400 vers le PC : MAPSPLF(option P)
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Tri et regroupement de spools : MAPSORTPAG
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Utiliser le robot d'exploitation Mapping
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:XML DRAW
OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Éclater un spool EBCDIC : MAPECLAT
OPALE:10.1:Récupérer une valeur d'un spool et l'utiliser dans une commande
OPALE:10.1:Utilisation:Gestion des envois de ressources vers les imprimantes
OPALE:deploiementEnvironnement MAPDEPLOY
OPALE:Utilisation:Ordre de priorités des règles sur le moteur de règles MAPPING IBM-i
Partner:ONYX:Plan de formation Server
Versions Mapping Suite
Versions Mapping Suite sur IBM i
Versions Mapping Suite sur Windows et Unix / Linux
aa - Afar
ab - Abkhazian
abs - Ambonese Malay
ace - Achinese
ady - Adyghe
ady-cyrl - Adyghe (Cyrillic script)
aeb - Tunisian Arabic
aeb-arab - Tunisian Arabic (Arabic script)
aeb-latn - Tunisian Arabic (Latin script)
af - Afrikaans
ak - Akan
aln - Gheg Albanian
am - Amharic
an - Aragonese
ang - Old English
anp - Angika
ar - Arabic
arc - Aramaic
arn - Mapuche
arq - Algerian Arabic
ary - Moroccan Arabic
arz - Egyptian Arabic
as - Assamese
ase - American Sign Language
ast - Asturian
atj - Atikamekw
av - Avaric
avk - Kotava
awa - Awadhi
ay - Aymara
az - Azerbaijani
azb - South Azerbaijani
ba - Bashkir
ban - Balinese
bar - Bavarian
bbc - Batak Toba
bbc-latn - Batak Toba (Latin script)
bcc - Southern Balochi
bcl - Central Bikol
be - Belarusian
bg - Bulgarian
bgn - Western Balochi
bho - Bhojpuri
bi - Bislama
bjn - Banjar
bm - Bambara
bn - Bangla
bo - Tibetan
bpy - Bishnupriya
bqi - Bakhtiari
br - Breton
brh - Brahui
bs - Bosnian
btm - Batak Mandailing
bto - Iriga Bicolano
bug - Buginese
bxr - Russia Buriat
ca - Catalan
cbk-zam - Chavacano
cdo - Min Dong Chinese
ce - Chechen
ceb - Cebuano
ch - Chamorro
cho - Choctaw
chr - Cherokee
chy - Cheyenne
ckb - Central Kurdish
co - Corsican
cps - Capiznon
cr - Cree
crh - Crimean Turkish
crh-cyrl - Crimean Tatar (Cyrillic script)
crh-latn - Crimean Tatar (Latin script)
cs - Czech
csb - Kashubian
cu - Church Slavic
cv - Chuvash
cy - Welsh
da - Danish
de - German
de-at - Austrian German
de-ch - Swiss High German
de-formal - German (formal address)
din - Dinka
diq - Zazaki
dsb - Lower Sorbian
dtp - Central Dusun
dty - Doteli
dv - Divehi
dz - Dzongkha
ee - Ewe
el - Greek
eml - Emiliano-Romagnolo
en - English
en-ca - Canadian English
en-gb - British English
eo - Esperanto
es - Spanish
es-419 - Latin American Spanish
es-formal - español (formal)
et - Estonian
eu - Basque
ext - Extremaduran
fa - Persian
ff - Fulah
fi - Finnish
fit - Tornedalen Finnish
fj - Fijian
fo - Faroese
fr - French
frc - Cajun French
frp - Arpitan
frr - Northern Frisian
fur - Friulian
fy - Western Frisian
ga - Irish
gag - Gagauz
gan - Gan Chinese
gan-hans - Gan (Simplified)
gan-hant - Gan (Traditional)
gcr - kréyòl gwiyanè
gd - Scottish Gaelic
gl - Galician
glk - Gilaki
gn - Guarani
gom - Goan Konkani
gom-deva - Goan Konkani (Devanagari script)
gom-latn - Goan Konkani (Latin script)
gor - Gorontalo
got - Gothic
grc - Ancient Greek
gu - Gujarati
gv - Manx
ha - Hausa
hak - Hakka Chinese
haw - Hawaiian
he - Hebrew
hi - Hindi
hif - Fiji Hindi
hif-latn - Fiji Hindi (Latin script)
hil - Hiligaynon
ho - Hiri Motu
hr - Croatian
hrx - Hunsrik
hsb - Upper Sorbian
ht - Haitian Creole
hu - Hungarian
hu-formal - magyar (formal)
hy - Armenian
hyw - Western Armenian
hz - Herero
ia - Interlingua
id - Indonesian
ie - Interlingue
ig - Igbo
ii - Sichuan Yi
ik - Inupiaq
ike-cans - Eastern Canadian (Aboriginal syllabics)
ike-latn - Eastern Canadian (Latin script)
ilo - Iloko
inh - Ingush
io - Ido
is - Icelandic
it - Italian
iu - Inuktitut
ja - Japanese
jam - Jamaican Creole English
jbo - Lojban
jut - Jutish
jv - Javanese
ka - Georgian
kaa - Kara-Kalpak
kab - Kabyle
kbd - Kabardian
kbd-cyrl - Kabardian (Cyrillic script)
kbp - Kabiye
kg - Kongo
khw - Khowar
ki - Kikuyu
kiu - Kirmanjki
kj - Kuanyama
kk - Kazakh
kk-arab - Kazakh (Arabic script)
kk-cn - Kazakh (China)
kk-cyrl - Kazakh (Cyrillic script)
kk-kz - Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
kk-latn - Kazakh (Latin script)
kk-tr - Kazakh (Turkey)
kl - Kalaallisut
km - Khmer
kn - Kannada
ko - Korean
ko-kp - Korean (North Korea)
koi - Komi-Permyak
kr - Kanuri
krc - Karachay-Balkar
kri - Krio
krj - Kinaray-a
krl - Karelian
ks - Kashmiri
ks-arab - Kashmiri (Arabic script)
ks-deva - Kashmiri (Devanagari script)
ksh - Colognian
ku - Kurdish
ku-arab - Kurdish (Arabic script)
ku-latn - Kurdish (Latin script)
kum - Kumyk
kv - Komi
kw - Cornish
ky - Kyrgyz
la - Latin
lad - Ladino
lb - Luxembourgish
lbe - Lak
lez - Lezghian
lfn - Lingua Franca Nova
lg - Ganda
li - Limburgish
lij - Ligurian
liv - Livonian
lki - Laki
lmo - Lombard
ln - Lingala
lo - Lao
loz - Lozi
lrc - Northern Luri
lt - Lithuanian
ltg - Latgalian
lus - Mizo
luz - Southern Luri
lv - Latvian
lzz - Laz
mai - Maithili
map-bms - Basa Banyumasan
mdf - Moksha
mg - Malagasy
mh - Marshallese
mhr - Eastern Mari
mi - Maori
min - Minangkabau
mk - Macedonian
ml - Malayalam
mn - Mongolian
mni - Manipuri
mnw - Mon
mo - Moldovan
mr - Marathi
mrj - Western Mari
ms - Malay
mt - Maltese
mus - Muscogee
mwl - Mirandese
my - Burmese
myv - Erzya
mzn - Mazanderani
na - Nauru
nah - Nāhuatl
nap - Neapolitan
nb - Norwegian Bokmål
nds - Low German
nds-nl - Low Saxon
ne - Nepali
new - Newari
ng - Ndonga
niu - Niuean
nl - Dutch
nl-informal - Nederlands (informeel)
nn - Norwegian Nynorsk
nov - Novial
nrm - Norman
nso - Northern Sotho
nv - Navajo
ny - Nyanja
nys - Nyunga
oc - Occitan
olo - Livvi-Karelian
om - Oromo
or - Odia
os - Ossetic
pa - Punjabi
pag - Pangasinan
pam - Pampanga
pap - Papiamento
pcd - Picard
pdc - Pennsylvania German
pdt - Plautdietsch
pfl - Palatine German
pi - Pali
pih - Norfuk / Pitkern
pl - Polish
pms - Piedmontese
pnb - Western Punjabi
pnt - Pontic
prg - Prussian
ps - Pashto
pt - Portuguese
pt-br - Brazilian Portuguese
qu - Quechua
qug - Chimborazo Highland Quichua
rgn - Romagnol
rif - Riffian
rm - Romansh
rmy - Romani
rn - Rundi
ro - Romanian
roa-tara - Tarantino
ru - Russian
rue - Rusyn
ruq - Megleno-Romanian
ruq-cyrl - Megleno-Romanian (Cyrillic script)
ruq-latn - Megleno-Romanian (Latin script)
rw - Kinyarwanda
sa - Sanskrit
sah - Sakha
sat - Santali
sc - Sardinian
scn - Sicilian
sco - Scots
sd - Sindhi
sdc - Sassarese Sardinian
sdh - Southern Kurdish
se - Northern Sami
sei - Seri
ses - Koyraboro Senni
sg - Sango
sh - Serbo-Croatian
shi - Tachelhit
shi-latn - Tachelhit (Latin script)
shi-tfng - Tachelhit (Tifinagh script)
shn - Shan
shy-latn - Shawiya (Latin script)
si - Sinhala
sk - Slovak
skr - Saraiki
skr-arab - Saraiki (Arabic script)
sl - Slovenian
sli - Lower Silesian
sm - Samoan
sma - Southern Sami
sn - Shona
so - Somali
sq - Albanian
sr - Serbian
sr-ec - Serbian (Cyrillic script)
sr-el - Serbian (Latin script)
srn - Sranan Tongo
ss - Swati
st - Southern Sotho
stq - Saterland Frisian
sty - cебертатар
su - Sundanese
sv - Swedish
sw - Swahili
szl - Silesian
ta - Tamil
tay - Tayal
tcy - Tulu
te - Telugu
tet - Tetum
tg - Tajik
tg-cyrl - Tajik (Cyrillic script)
tg-latn - Tajik (Latin script)
th - Thai
ti - Tigrinya
tk - Turkmen
tl - Tagalog
tly - Talysh
tn - Tswana
to - Tongan
tpi - Tok Pisin
tr - Turkish
tru - Turoyo
ts - Tsonga
tt - Tatar
tt-cyrl - Tatar (Cyrillic script)
tt-latn - Tatar (Latin script)
tum - Tumbuka
tw - Twi
ty - Tahitian
tyv - Tuvinian
tzm - Central Atlas Tamazight
udm - Udmurt
ug - Uyghur
ug-arab - Uyghur (Arabic script)
ug-latn - Uyghur (Latin script)
uk - Ukrainian
ur - Urdu
uz - Uzbek
uz-cyrl - Uzbek (Cyrillic script)
uz-latn - Uzbek (Latin script)
ve - Venda
vec - Venetian
vep - Veps
vi - Vietnamese
vls - West Flemish
vmf - Main-Franconian
vo - Volapük
vot - Votic
wa - Walloon
war - Waray
wo - Wolof
wuu - Wu Chinese
xal - Kalmyk
xh - Xhosa
xmf - Mingrelian
yi - Yiddish
yo - Yoruba
za - Zhuang
zea - Zeelandic
zgh - Standard Moroccan Tamazight
zh - Chinese
zh-cn - Chinese (China)
zh-hans - Simplified Chinese
zh-hant - Traditional Chinese
zh-hk - Chinese (Hong Kong)
zh-mo - Chinese (Macau)
zh-my - Chinese (Malaysia)
zh-sg - Chinese (Singapore)
zh-tw - Chinese (Taiwan)
zu - Zulu
info - Message documentation
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:ONYX:9.0:Usage:ONYX Server Supervision Guide under Linux}}<languages/> === Introduction === This article provides you with examples of operations on ONYX Server under Linux. This needs to be adapted according to your internal processes. This only regards ONYX Server. The administration of Apache web server (stop / restart) is not described in this article. === General Operations === ==== Selecting the Mapping instance ==== Several different ONYX Server instances can be installed on the same Unix/Linux server. This way, specifying the Mapping environment is required before entering any command. This is done by changing the MAPPING_PATH environment variable. In interactive mode: with the "mappingenv" command -bash-4.2$ mappingenv Which environment must be changed: 1 : Mapping_PROD /apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf 8002 Enter the name or number of the environment:1 bash-4.2$ The list of environments is is based on the /etc/mappingtab file The mappingenv command is located in " /bin " by default In a script: The MAPPING_PATH environment variable must be exported with the complete path of the mapping.conf file which corresponds to the desired Mapping environment. export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf === Log Files === ==== General information on log files ==== Most Mapping log files are not in text format, they thus cannot be edited as is. There are two methods used to see them: * Via the Mapping Web interface * Using the /apps/mapping/bin/map_log_txt command For more information on this command: /apps/mapping/bin/map_log_txt --help Display example of the content of the log file of the map_lpd: /apps/mapping/bin/map_log_txt -log_file:/apps/mapping/spool/logs/map_lpd.log ==== Common log files ==== Most log files are located in the /apps/mapping/spool/logs folder. Log file examples: {| class="wikitable" |- | <name of the queue>.log || Logs linked to queues (printer or entry points) |- | map_daemon.log || General log of the spooler |- | map_lpd.log || Log of the LPD server |- | map_lpr.log || Log of the LPR Mapping client if called in a command line |} To access it via the interface: "Main menu" / "View log" ==== Log files linked to standard outputs and errors ==== /apps/mapping/temp/stdout.txt /apps/mapping/temp/stderr.txt These are text files which can be edited as is without needing to be converted. ==== Log files of the jobs in the spooler ==== Each job has its own log file. These files are located in the /apps/mapping/spool/global file. Their name starts with the letter L followed by the number of the job (MAP_JOBNUM). === Processes === ==== Description of the main Mapping processes ==== The following processes are frequently seen when displaying the list of current processes. This is often done using the following command: ps -eaf | grep map {| class="wikitable" |- | map_daemon || Processes of the spooler which allow jobs to be managed in the queues. |- | map_lpd || Recovery process of the jobs sent via LPR. This is a child of the map_daemon process. |- | map_splf || Process which notably allows you to add a job in a queue. This is a child of the map_lpd process, it communicates with the map_daemon process via the port defined by the PORT_SOCKET_DAEMON parameter in the mapping.conf file. It can also be directly triggered in command line to manage queues or jobs. |- | map_exec || Process which handles jobs in queues to apply processes to them (workflow, script execution, delivery to a printer…). This is a child of the map_daemon process. There is one map_exec per queue being processed. |- | map_lpr || Process which sends a printing stream to a printer using the LPR protocol. This is a child of the map_exec process. It can also be directly triggered in command line. |- | map_809 || Execution Process of a Workflow. This is a child of the map_exec process. |- | mapcpysplf || Process which calls for the mapping of a document. It can be triggered in command line, in a script, in the workflow (map_809)… |- | map_815UCS || Mapping processus of a document (called by the mapcpysplf command). |- | map_mail || Process which sends an e-mail with an attachment. |- | map_scanfolder || Process linked to a robot which allows you to monitor files in a folder so as to launch a workflow processing on each of them. |} Other processes with the prefix " map_ " can also be seen, notably if they are called via scripts or in the workflow. ==== Starting and stopping Mapping processes ==== =====<u> Starting the spooler</u> ===== The following command launches the map_daemon process as well as its child map_lpd export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_daemon start When starting the map_daemon process, a flag file which contains the process identifier of map_daemon process is created in the spooled file folder. The process cannot start because of it. /apps/mapping/spool/map_daemon.ID <u>Spooler start-up check list</u> *'''map_daemon''' process must be stopped *The '''map_daemon.ID''' file must be deleted *The '''map_daemon port''' (by default 2000) must not be used *The '''map_lpd port''' (by default 515) must not be used =====<u> Stopping the spooler</u> ===== The following command stops the map_daemon process as well as its child map_lpd export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_daemon stop Caution: if "scanfolder" robots processing consists in sending a file to a queue of the spooler, stopping the map_daemon process will result in errors each time a file is processed. It is therefore essential to stop the "scanfolder" robots before stopping the map_daemon process. =====<u> Starting the "scanfolder" robots </u> ===== The following command starts a "scanfolder" robot export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -name:nom_du_robot Example of a script to start all the robots: export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf LISTROBOT=`/apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -listRobot | awk ' { print $2 } '` for ROBOT in $LISTROBOT do /apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -name:${ROBOT} done When starting the map_scanfolder process, a flag file which contains the process identifier of the map_scanfolder process is created in the temp folder. The process cannot start because of it. It needs to be deleted. /apps/mapping/temp/_apps_mapping_temp_nom_du_robot_map_scanfolder.ID Caution: deleting this .ID file should only be done if the robot is not being run. When deleting this file, launching another instance of the same robot is possible which causes concurrency conflicts. =====<u> Stopping the "scanfolder" robots </u> ===== The following command stops a "scanfolder" robot export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -stop -name:nom_du_robot Example of a script to stop all the robots: export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf LISTROBOT=`/apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -listRobot | awk ' { print $2 } '` for ROBOT in $LISTROBOT do /apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -stop -name:${ROBOT} done ==== Processes to monitor ==== =====<u> map_daemon and map_lpd</u> ===== These 2 processes are services and need to be run incessantly. Because they are often forked, there may be several of these processes at some point. -bash-4.1$ ps -eaf | grep map_ mapadmin 29551 1 1 Oct25 ? 04:00:29 /apps/mapping/bin/map_daemon start mapadmin 27424 29551 0 Oct30 ? 00:00:00 /apps/mapping/bin/map_lpd -port:515 -nbfork:100 =====<u> map_scanfolder</u> ===== There are as many map_scanfolder processes as there are robots being executed. They can be identified with the "-name" option. These processes do not depend on one another, neither do they depend on the map_daemon process. mapadmin 8271 1 0 17:02 ? 00:00:00 /apps/mapping/bin/map_scanfolder -name:test =====<u> httpd </u> ===== To check that Apache runs smoothly, use the httpd process. Because this process is often forked, several lines can be seen in the list of processes. -bash-4.2$ ps -eaf | grep httpd apache 4590 11849 0 10:56 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND apache 4874 11849 0 08:23 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND apache 4876 11849 0 08:23 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND apache 4890 11849 0 08:23 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND root 11849 1 0 oct.15 ? 00:01:42 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND apache 15641 11849 0 08:54 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND apache 16301 11849 0 08:56 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND ==== In case a Mapping process crashes ==== =====<u> map_daemon crashed </u> ===== 1- Try stopping the Mapping spooler properly: export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_daemon stop 2- Stop the active scanfolder processes properly (see starting and stopping Mapping processes) 3- Kill (kill -9) the other mapping processes which are still active: * map_daemon * map_lpd * map_exec * map_lpr * map_809 It is worth noting that processes can become children of the system process (PID=1) in case the process they originate from crashes, common characteristic: they are owned by "mapadmin". Example (adapt this depending on your system and its configuration): ps -f -U mapadmin | grep -v bash | grep -v "ps \-f" | grep -v "UID" | while read LINE do PID=`echo $LINE | awk ' { print $2 } '` kill -9 $PID done 4- Delete the flag file /apps/mapping/spool/map_daemon.ID 5- Start the Mapping spooler /apps/mapping/bin/map_daemon start =====<u> map_lpd crashed </u> ===== If the map_daemon process is still active, sretarting the map_lpd can be done using the following command: export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_control -start_lpd =====<u> a "scanfolder" robot crashed </u>===== When starting a robot, a file with the same name as the robot and a ".ID" extension is created, as well as a file with the process number and and a .pid extension Example: _apps_mapping_temp_nom_du_robot_map_scanfolder.ID Were the robot to crash, these files would not be deleted and would prevent the robot from being restarted. To restart the robot, the ".ID" file which corresponds to the crashed robot must then be deleted from the " /apps/mapping/temp " folder === Maintenance === ==== Regular cleaning ==== The following commands can be set to be executed regularly. Ideally, at least once a day. =====<u> Deleting finished and expired jobs</u> ===== export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron -date =====<u> Deleting non finished jobs (no matter their status), after 30 days</u> ===== export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron -cleanspool -relative_date:30/0/0. # jour/mois/années =====<u> Deleting outdated web session files </u> ===== context_menu.*, history.*, and *.id files in the /apps/mapping/temp folder export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron -cleanid =====<u> Suppression des fichiers temporaires de conversion XPS et de Workflow</u> ===== Ces fichiers se trouvent dans le dossier temporaire /apps/mapping/temp. Normalement, ils sont supprimés automatiquement. Mais en cas de problème (crash, interruption forcée…), ils peuvent subsister dans le dossier temp. Ce n’est donc pas une situation normale. find /apps/mapping/temp -name "*cri.tmp" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find /apps/mapping/temp -name "*ttf.tmp" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find /apps/mapping/temp -name "compress_*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find /apps/mapping/temp -name "*.[0-9]" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find /apps/mapping/temp -name "*.[0-9][0-9]" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find /apps/mapping/temp -name "xps_*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find /apps/mapping/temp -name "tmp_report*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; ==== Log cleaning and rotation ==== For practical reasons, the following commands must not scheduled for more than once a day. The aim is to prevent increasing the number of archives created, thus preventing the loss of the logs of the last days. The ideal frequency is 2 times a week, for instance monday night and thursday night, before the night batches are trigerred. =====<u> Archiving logs</u> ===== This command allows you to convert any log file to text format and afterwards, to archive it in a zipped file which shows the date and time. export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron -cleanlog -folder:/apps/mapping/spool/logs -format:TXT Result: bash-4.2$ ls -lrt /apps/mapping/spool/logs/*.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 mapadmin staff 254186924 30 oct. /apps/mapping/spool/logs/ -rw-r--r-- 1 mapadmin staff 58479965 7 nov. /apps/mapping/spool/logs/ =====<u> Log rotation of the standard outputs and errors </u> ===== mv /apps/mapping/temp/stderr.txt /apps/mapping/temp/stderr.txt.bak mv /apps/mapping/temp/stdout.txt /apps/mapping/temp/stdout.txt.bak =====<u> Deleting log archives that are older than 30 jours</u> ===== find /apps/mapping/spool/logs -name "*.zip" -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \; =====<u>Archiving logs</u>===== This command allows you to convert any log file to text format and afterwards, to archive it in a zipped file which shows the date and time. export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf /apps/mapping/bin/map_cron -cleanlog -folder:/apps/mapping/spool/logs -format:TXT Result: bash-4.2$ ls -lrt /apps/mapping/spool/logs/*.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 mapadmin staff 254186924 30 oct. /apps/mapping/spool/logs/ -rw-r--r-- 1 mapadmin staff 58479965 7 nov. /apps/mapping/spool/logs/ =====<u> Log rotation of the standard outputs and errors</u> ===== mv /apps/mapping/temp/stderr.txt /apps/mapping/temp/stderr.txt.bak mv /apps/mapping/temp/stdout.txt /apps/mapping/temp/stdout.txt.bak =====<u> Deleting log archives that are older than 30 days</u>===== find /apps/mapping/spool/logs -name "*.zip" -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \; ====Exemple de script de purge==== #Purge script example #!/bin/bash echo "------------- Initialization of the parameters necessary for the execution of the script ---------------------" echo "Set environment" export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf echo "Variable creation containing the path of the Mapping binaries" PATH_BIN="/apps/mapping/bin" echo "Creation of the other variables used in the script" TIMEDATE=`date "+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"` echo "My variable PATH_BIN : $PATH_BIN" echo "MAPPING_PATH : $MAPPING_PATH" echo "Variable creation and population set with the content of the mapping.conf file used by the script" PATH_LOG_BACKUP=`$PATH_BIN/map_004 PATH_LOG_BACKUP` PATH_BASE_MAPPING=`$PATH_BIN/map_004 PATH_BASE_MAPPING` echo "My variable PATH_LOG_BACKUP : $PATH_LOG_BACKUP" echo "My variable PATH_BASE_MAPPING : $PATH_BASE_MAPPING" echo "My timedate : $TIMEDATE" echo "-------------------------- Compression and archiving of the log files/folders ---------------------------------------------" echo "Archiivng of the log folder /apps/mapping/spool/logs in to the log backup folder" $PATH_BIN/map_cron -cleanlog -folder:$PATH_BASE_MAPPING/mapping_temp/log_temp echo "Packaging of the content of the mapping log folder and mapping Log Custom folder" tar -cvf $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/mapping_temp/log_temp/Archive_M-Connect_$TIMEDATE.tar $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/spool/mapping_log_custom tar -cvf $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/log_archive/log_Archive_$TIMEDATE.tar $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/mapping_temp/log_temp echo "Compression of the archive log folder" gzip $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/log_archive/log_Archive_$TIMEDATE.tar echo "--------------------- Clean of the log folder and mapping log custom folder --------------------------" echo "Suppression du contenu du répertoire de log de M-Connect" rm -f $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/spool/mapping_log_custom/* echo "Suppression du contenu du répertoire de log temporaire" rm -f $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/mapping_temp/log_temp/* echo "clean of the saved spool files" $PATH_BIN/map_cron -cleanspool -state:saved echo "Clean of .id , .pid , historique , context_menu files of the mapping /apps/mapping/temp folder" $PATH_BIN/map_cron -cleanid echo "Clean of the temporally files older than 2 days of the /apps/mapping/temp folder" find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "*cri.tmp" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "*ttf.tmp" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "compress_*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "*.[0-9]" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "*.[0-9][0-9]" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "xps_*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/temp -name "tmp_report*" -mtime +2 -exec rm -f {} \; echo "Suppression du contenu de plus de 30 jours du répertoire d'archivage /apps/mapping/log_archive" find $PATH_BASE_MAPPING/log_archive -name "*" -mtime +30 -exec rm -f {} \;
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