Toutes les traductions

De MappingDoc

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Il existe 2 traductions.

NomMessage actuel
 h anglais (en)# Base Image Mapping Suite Server
 # NPM Registry Token for Authentication
 ARG npm_token
 # Update & Supervisor (for running Onyx + Rest API in parrallel)
 RUN yum -y install epel-release && \ 
   yum -y update && \
   yum -y install supervisor
 # Install NodeJS
 RUN curl -sL | bash - && \ 
   yum -y install nodejs
 # NPM Private Registry Authentication 
 RUN npm set // ${npm_token}
 # NPM install mapping-spooler-api with private NPM Registry
 RUN npm install -g mapping-spooler-api --registry
 # Required env var for API REST 
 ENV PORT=8080
 ENV MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/data/conf/mapping.conf
 # Supervisor Configuration
 RUN echo "[supervisord]" > /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "nodaemon=true" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "[program:spooler-api]" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "command=bash -c 'sleep 5 && exec mapping-spooler-api'" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "[program:onyx-server]" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "command=/home/docker/scripts/"  >> /etc/supervisord.conf 
 EXPOSE 8080
 # Run Supervisor
 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]
 h français (fr)# Base Image Mapping Suite Server
 # NPM Registry Token for Authentication
 ARG npm_token
 # Update & Supervisor (for running Onyx + Rest API in parrallel)
 RUN yum -y install epel-release && \ 
   yum -y update && \
   yum -y install supervisor
 # Install NodeJS
 RUN curl -sL | bash - && \ 
   yum -y install nodejs
 # NPM Private Registry Authentication 
 RUN npm set // ${npm_token}
 # NPM install mapping-spooler-api with private NPM Registry
 RUN npm install -g mapping-spooler-api --registry
 # Required env var for API REST 
 ENV PORT=8080
 ENV MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping/data/conf/mapping.conf
 # Supervisor Configuration
 RUN echo "[supervisord]" > /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "nodaemon=true" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "[program:spooler-api]" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "command=bash -c 'sleep 5 && exec mapping-spooler-api'" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "[program:onyx-server]" >> /etc/supervisord.conf  && \
  echo "command=/home/docker/scripts/"  >> /etc/supervisord.conf 
 EXPOSE 8080
 # Run Supervisor
 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]