OPALE - 10.0 - Usage
Using the Mapping operations robot
The robot is a sub-system of the software called MAPSROBOT. This robot listens to a specified DTAQ. The sub-system is launched by the Mapping user upon installation.
The spooled files generated by the robot are generated by the owner of the original spooled file except if he does not have the right to submit a job (that is the case with QSECOFR rights)
If this is the case then Mapping is the owner of the new spooled file created by the robot.
The robot does not constantly analyse Outqs, it only does so when a spooled file needs to be processed.
Defining input Outqs managed by the robot
All spooled files placed in Outqs will be processed by the robot. Input Outqs are linked to destination Outqs (where the remapped spooled files will be printed) and to a DTAQ. These relations are defined in Option 5 of the Operations Menu.
When a spooled file is placed in an original robot Outq in RDY status, a message is sent to the DTAQ, launching a job in the sub-system of the robot.
Le spool doit tomber à l'état RDY ou être libéré s'il est à l'état HLD. Dans le cas contraire, aucun message n'est envoyé à la DTAQ et le robot ne traite pas le spool.
Dans le PRTF, le paramètre SCHEDULE : Prévision de sortie spool (disponibilité du fichier en attribut de spool) doit être à *FILEEND : Le fichier spool en
sortie est disponible pour l'éditeur dès sa fermeture (et non pas en *IMMED).
En effet, le robot traite le spool dès que celui-ci est disponible. Si celui-ci est à l'état OPN, le robot attaque un spool incomplet.