ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Uninstalling ONYX Server on Linux

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 15 juillet 2019 à 07:17 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « The script guides you through the steps of the uninstallation, as can be seen below: »)
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To uninstall Onyx Server, first, stop all Onyx Server processes. Repeat the first steps of the installation process to download and unzip the installation package.


In the "mapping_install" file which was created, run the installation script (with the root profile):

cd mapping_install

The script guides you through the steps of the uninstallation, as can be seen below:

 Control user permissions
 Checking installation files folder
 Do you want to update mappingenv binary?
 yes | no ?

Remarque: Le binaire mappingenv est le gestionnaire d’environnement de Onyx Server. Il est fortement recommandé de le mettre à jour afin de supprimer correctement l'environnement.

 Enter installation path of mappingenv binary
 default: /bin
 Do you confirm this path: /bin
 yes | no ?
 Detecting existing version
 1 : MAPPING_DEV  /apps/mappingdev/conf/mapping.conf    8002    Active
 2 : MAPPING_PROD /apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf       8003    Active
 Do you want to use one of the above versions?
 yes | no ?
 Enter the name of the version you want to use or ":q" to exit
 Do you want to:
 1 : install a new version?
 2 : update current version?
 3 : uninstall current version?
 4 : exit?
 > 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ?
 Do you confirm the removal of this environment?
 yes | no ?
 Removing current version...
 Searching environment variables...
 Removing version...
 Caution: Some folders may contain files that do not belong to M-Processing Server.
 List of folders to be deleted:
 Confirm removal or ":q" to exit
 Do you want to delete sdterr.txt and stdout.txt folder (/apps/mappingdev/temp)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete log files folder (/apps/mappingdev/spool/logs)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete web log files folder (/apps/mappingdev/spool/logs)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete configuration files folder (/apps/mappingdev/conf)?
 yes | no ?
 Deleting version in the version manager
 Do you want to delete binaries folder (/apps/mappingdev/bin)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete web configuration files folder (/apps/mappingdev/MapHTTPServer)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete import files folder (/apps/mappingdev/import)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete temporary files folder (/apps/mappingdev/temp)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete archive files folder (/apps/mappingdev/mapout)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete production files folder (/apps/mappingdev/map400)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you wish to delete spooler folder (/apps/mappingdev/spool)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete M-Processing Server root folder (/apps/mappingdev)?
 yes | no ?
 Removal finished!