Mapping Suite Versions on Windows and Unix / Linux

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 27 septembre 2019 à 13:15 par Rdal (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « * Release date: 2019 * Supported OS: Windows Server 2012, 2016 and 2019. RHEL 6 and 7. * Optimised PDF file handling without conversion. Concatenation of PDF files and pag... »)

This page lists all available versions available on Windows and Unix / Linux systems as well as some key features. It also includes roadmap information for the current year and the year to come.

Mapping 7.1

  • Release date: 2012
  • Supported OS:
  • End of support:
  • XPS conversion format

Mapping 7.2

  • Release date: 2014
  • Supported OS:
  • End of support:
  • "Microsoft Office" ribbon style menu interfaces for Designer and Connect

Mapping 8.0

  • Release data: 2016
  • Supported OS:
  • End of support:
  • Optimised performance of XPS processes via new m-engine

Mapping ONYX 9.0

  • Release date: 2019
  • Supported OS: Windows Server 2012, 2016 and 2019. RHEL 6 and 7.
  • Optimised PDF file handling without conversion. Concatenation of PDF files and page extraction without using XPS format. Simpler. Safer. Faster.
  • Pre-processing of XML files natively in M-Designer. Sort, group, deduplicate, transform, prefixing, and support for widows and orphans.
  • Simplified handling of resources: Optimised call for resources. Dynamic referencing of fonts, images, logos and overlays. No more LSTOBJ.TXT file
  • Improved Datamatrix barcodes meeting the GS1 standard
  • Environment banners with text and colour. A customised Production, Development or Testing banner is added to each Mapping environment and is configured in the application's general settings (mapping.conf)
  • Support for additional PDF standards: PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3b


Mapping ONYX 9.1

  • Date prévisionnelle de sortie : Octobre 2019
  • Nouveau système de gestion des logs
  • Versioning des formats et workflows (restauration des versions précédentes)
  • Ajout de filtres de tri sur les interfaces
  • Suivi des performances et tableau de bord

Fonctionnalités prévues courant 2020

  • Codes-barres AZTEC
  • Clonage d'imprimantes et de modèles d'imprimantes
  • Version Web de Designer
  • Gestion de la langue Khmer
  • Amélioration de la gestion des erreurs dans les workflows
  • Tableaux dynamiques
  • Passage 64-bit
  • Envoi d'alertes lorsqu'une queue comprend trop de travaux en attente
  • Console d'administration centralisée