Main Configuration Settings

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 17 janvier 2020 à 14:47 par Gbarret (discussion | contributions) (WORKFLOW)

Main Configuration Settings

In M-Processing Server on Windows or Unix/Linux, most configuration settings can be changed in the Web UI.

From the homepage, select Administration Menu and choose Configuration Management.

Alternatively, you can change the configuration settings by editing the file 'mapping.conf' stored in the Settings folder by default. See [CONFIG] below for the exact path.

Note: Please note that the settings listed here are intended for application administrators. If you are unsure, do not change anything and ask an administrator.

Note: On/Off or Yes/No values are not case sensitive.

Below is a list of all the settings broken down per category.


Basic M-PS settings

  • [SYSTEM] operating system
  • [VERSION] operating system version
  • [ARCHIVE_RELEASE] archiving version (used for archiving)
  • [COMPANY_NAME] company name
  • [LANGUAGE] language used. English or French
  • [DATE_FORMAT] date format e.g. DD/MM/YYYY
  • [TIME_FORMAT] time format. 12 or 24
  • [PATH_BASE_MAPPING] default application folder e.g. C:\Mapping\M-Processing_Server
  • [PATH_BIN] binaries folder e.g. C:\Mapping\M-Processing_Server\Applications
  • [CONFIG] configuration file e.g. C:\Mapping\M-Processing_Server\Settings\mapping.conf
  • [GROUP_ADMIN] administrator group e.g. mapadmin (default)
  • [USER_ADMIN] administrator username e.g. mapadmin (default)
  • [EDITOR] path to text editor. Linux only e.g. vi (default)
  • [MAPPING_VERSION] M-PS version installed e.g. autogenbuild_v8.0.5.35287


Web server settings

  • [CGI_BIN] Location where the Web server executables are stored
  • [MAPWEB_CMDIN] History of executed commands
  • [MAPWEB_LOGIN] History of addresses reached (mouse clicks over icons and buttons)
  • [MY_SERVER] Folder where the files used by the Web server are stored. Do not change!
  • [PATH_MENU] Folder where the menu files are stored. Do not change!
  • [ROOT_MENU] Root folder where the menu structure starts
  • [MAPPING_TRANSLATE] Path to translation files
  • [PATH_VIEW_SETTINGS] Path to the configuration file used to configure how the different kinds of spool files are displayed in the spooler
  • [PCL_SPOOLS_VIEW] Default preview format for PCL spool files: TEXT or PDF. If set to TEXT, the files will display in the preferred text editor (text/plain). If set to PDF, the files will open in the specified PDF application. See the content of ViewSettings.conf for the commands.
  • [NB_LINE_IN_VIEW] Max. number of lines displayed in the spooler, 1000 being the recommended value.
  • [CONTEXT_MENU] To enable (« on ») or disable (« off ») the drop-down (actually drop-right!) menu in the top-left corner. If set to « off », the menu is hidden. Values are not case-sensitive.
  • [TOOLSBAR_MENU] To enable (« on ») or disable (« off ») the 4 icons in the bottom-left corner (Previous, Refresh, Main menu and Log out) and the menu pictures.
  • [VIEW_SECURITY_LEVEL] To manage access permissions to the different objects for user profiles or groups.
  • [SPOOL_SECURITY] To manage access permissions to the different files for user profiles or groups.


Configuration settings for the M-PS spooler.

  • [PATH_SPOOLER] Folder where the spooler configuration files are stored e.g. ...\Spooler
  • [DAEMON_ID] Spooler daemon e.g. map_daemon.ID
  • [PORT_SOCKET_DAEMON] Daemon port e.g. 2000
  • [IP_SERVER_DAEMON] Daemon IP address e.g.
  • [NB_SOCKET_DAEMON] Number of sockets for the daemon e.g. 100
  • [LISTEN_PORT] Daemon listen port e.g. 515
  • [MAP_SERVER_MAIL] Mail server IP address e.g.
  • [MAP_DOMAIN_MAIL] Mail server domain e.g. domain.local
  • [TIMEOUT_TO_WAIT_SEC] Connection timeout for client applications to the daemon e.g. 60


Configuration settings for the program (robot) that scans a given folder (hot folder).

  • [SCANFOLDER_ID] Program identifier e.g. map_scanfolder.ID
  • [MAP_SCANFOLDER_TIMER] Time interval between two folder scans – expressed in seconds e.g. 6
  • [CONFIG_PATH_ROBOT] Path to the robot configuration file e.g. ...\Settings\robot.conf
  • [FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC] If the files are sent via FTP, this is the maximum waiting time to access the files – expressed in seconds e.g. 10
  • [SCANFOLDER_PATH_DUP_FILES] Path where the files already processed by the rules engine will be moved.


Configuration settings for the listen server (robot) on a given port number.

  • [MAPRAWD_ID] Listen server identifier
  • [MAPRAWD_CONFIGFILE] Path to the listen server configuration file e.g. ...\Settings\maprawd.conf
  • [MAPRAWD_SERVERSTDIN] Path to the listen server's input file
  • [MAPRAWD_SERVERSTDOUT] Path to the listen server's output file
  • [MAPRAWD_SERVERSTDERR] Path to listen server's error file


Dashboard configuration settings (statistics server) !OBSOLETE!



Configuration settings for the scheduled tasks server.

  • [SCHEDULER_ID] Server identifier
  • [SCHEDULER_SERVERSTDIN] Path to the scheduled tasks server's input file
  • [SCHEDULER_SERVERSTDOUT] Path to the scheduled tasks server's output file
  • [SCHEDULER_SERVERSTDERR] Path to the scheduled tasks server's error file


Settings for the server portion of the MapReport / M-Connect module

  • [PATH_MAPREPORT] Path to MapReport import files e.g. ...\Import\mapreport
  • [MAPREPORT_ID] Program identifier e.g. map_report.ID
  • [MAPREPORT_PORT] Listen port for preview e.g. 6789
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERSTDIN] Path to input file e.g. ...\Temp\mapreport.stdin.txt
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERSTDOUT] Path to output file e.g. ...\Temp\mapreport.stdout.txt
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERSTDERR] Path to error file e.g. ...\Temp\mapreport.stderr.txt
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERTYPE] Database type e.g. mysql
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERADDRESS] Database server IP address
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERPORT] Database server port number e.g. 3306
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERUSER] Database username e.g. root
  • [MAPREPORT_SERVERPASSWORD] Database password


Configuration settings for users and groups of users

  • [USERS_CONF] Path to the user accounts configuration file without connection to Active Directory e.g. ...\Settings\USERS.conf
  • [GROUPS_CONF] Path to the group accounts configuration file without connection to Active Directory e.g. ...\Settings\GROUPS.conf
  • [HTPASSWD_BIN] Path to the executable that creates passwords e.g. ...\apache\bin\htpasswd.exe
  • [HTPASSWD_FILE] File where passwords are stored e.g. ...\MapHTTPServer\htpasswd
  • [USER_INFO] Password filename on the system e.g. ...\passwd on Windows or /etc/passwd on Unix
  • [GROUP_INFO] !Obsolete!
  • [PRINTER_INFO] !Obsolete!
  • [AUTH_MOD]


Log file settings

  • [PATH_LOG] Path where the spooler log files are stored e.g. ...\Spooler\logs
  • [PATH_LOG_CONF] "Translation" file for Mapping log files (the messages aren’t stored in the log but they are replaced with an index translated using this file). e.g. ...\Settings\log.conf
  • [DAEMON_LOG] Spooler log file e.g. map_daemon.log
  • [LPR_LOG] LPR log file e.g. map_lpr.log
  • [CONTROL_LOG] map_control log file e.g. map_control.log
  • [LPD_LOG] LPD log file e.g. map_lpd.log
  • [PJL_LOG] map_raw log file e.g. map_raw_log
  • [LOG_LEVEL] Log verbosity level 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest level
  • [STATS_TRACES] To enable the use of statistics. Up or down. Not case sensitive.
  • [MAPPING_USAGE_REPORT] To enable/disable statistics for how much CPU resources is used by Mapping, MapReport and the spooler.


Main document mapping command

  • [MAPCPYSPLF_MAPMOD] Processing mode: C to print; D to print and archive in M-Storage format; O to archive in M-Storage format only; U: Unix Archive, the spool files are copied to the folder; K: Print and Unix Archive, the spool files are printed then copied to [PATH_ARCHIVE].
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_PAGM] Page size e.g. A4
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_LANG] Print language, PCL by default. Values are not case sensitive.
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_STATE] Spool file status. Ready to print (RDY) or held (HLD). Values not case sensitive.
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_KEEP] Keep spool file in the Saved state. YES or NO
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_SNDFDP] Send overlay. YES or NO
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_SNDPOL] Send fonts. YES or NO
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_SNDLGO] Send images. YES or NO
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_LENGTHREC] Spool file width (length of a record)
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_SPOOLNAME] Spool file title
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_OVERFLOW] Number of lines per page
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_DECIMAL] Decimal separator
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_THOUSAND] Thousands separator


Default spool file attributes retrieved if not specified in the command.

  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_SAVE] Save spool file. YES or NO. Values not case sensitive.
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_PTY] Spool file priority, 1 being the lowest. Supported values 1 to 20.
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_NBCOPY] Number of copies.
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_RETENTION] Number of days during which the spool files will be kept.
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_COMPRESS] "Compression date" fields. Attribute inherited from the AS/400 world sometimes used by upstream and downstream client applications.
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_SECURITY] Security level. 0 by default, equivalent to 777.
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_CODECOMPTA] Spool file numbering code used in accounting (not used internally).
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_FIDELITY] "Fidelity" attribute (not used internally). Attribute inherited from the AS/400 world sometimes used by upstream and downstream client applications e.g. DEFAULT_FIDELITY
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_PAPERSTATUS] Type of paper loaded in the printer e.g. DEFAULT_PAPER
  • [DEFAUT_SPOOL_USER] Default username e.g. DEFAULT_USER


Expert MapReport settings

  • [SHELL_MAPREPORT] Path to MapReport menu script.
  • [MENUS_MAPREPORT] Folder where reports are imported e.g. ...\map400\mapreport\maprptmnu
  • [PATH_DES] Folder where reports are imported e.g. ...\map400\mapreport\maprptdes
  • [PATH_DBF] Folder where reports are imported e.g. ...\map400\mapreport\maprptdbf
  • [PATH_DBL] Folder where reports are imported e.g. ...\map400\mapreport\maprptdbl
  • [PATH_DBC] Folder where reports are imported e.g. ...\map400\mapreport\maprptdbc
  • [PATH_DBW] Folder where reports are imported e.g. ...\map400\mapreport\maprptdbw
  • [MAPREPORT_DEFAULT_FILTRE_TABLE] Default value of the table name filter in MapReport --> Extract e.g. %
  • [MAPREPORT_DEFAULT_FILTRE_OWNER] Default value of the table owner filter in MapReport --> Extract e.g. %%


General path information

  • [PATH_IMPORT] Path where the document templates are generated by MapDraw/M-Designer e.g. ...\Import
  • [PATH_PGM] Path where document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400
  • [PATH_HELP] Path where binary translation files are stored e.g. ...\map400\help
  • [PATH_PCL] Path where PCL document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\pcl
  • [PATH_AFPDS] Path where AFP document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\afpds
  • [PATH_ZEBRA] Path where ZEBRA document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\zebra
  • [PATH_DPL] Path where DPL document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\dpl
  • [PATH_IGP] Path where IGP document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\igp
  • [PATH_TEC] Path where TEC document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\tec
  • [PATH_IPL] Path where IPL document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\ipl
  • [PATH_F_D] Path where F_D document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\f_d
  • [PATH_PDF] Path where PDF document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\pdf
  • [PATH_XPS] Path where XPS document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\xps
  • [PATH_EPL] Path where EPL document templates are imported e.g. ...\map400\epl
  • [PATH_FONT_TTF] Folder where the font files (*.ttf) used in document templates are stored i.e. ...\map400\ttf
  • [LIB_PATH] Path to spooler binaries e.g. ...\Applications
  • [PATH_ARCHIVE] Path where Unix archive files are stored (mapcpysplf –mapmod:U) e.g. ...\Archive
  • [PATH_TEMP] Path to temporary folder e.g. ...\Temp
  • [PATH_STATBIN] Obsolete
  • [PATH_MAP_DAEMON] Name of the map_daemon binary i.e. map_daemon
  • [PATH_MAP_EXEC] Name of the map_exec binary i.e. map_exec
  • [PATH_MAP_LPD] Name of the map_lpd binary i.e. map_lpd
  • [PATH_MAP_LPR] Name of the map_lpr binary i.e. map_lpr
  • [PATH_MAP_AXIOHM] Name of the Axiohm driver binary i.e. driverAxiohm
  • [PATH_MAP_SAMSUNG] Name of the Samsung binary i.e. driverSamsung
  • [PATH_MAP_RAW] Name of the map_raw binary i.e. map_raw
  • [PATH_MAP_MAIL] Name of the map_mail binary i.e. map_mail
  • [PATH_MAP_RAWD] Name of the map_rawd binary i.e. map_rawd
  • [PATH_MAP_SPLF] Name of the map_splf binary i.e. map_splf
  • [PATH_MAP_LPSTAT] Name of the map_lpstat binary i.e. map_lpstat
  • [PATH_CONF_IMP] Path and name of the information number file returned by the printer e.g. ...\Settings\configImp.conf
  • [PATH_QUEUES] Folder where the spooler queues and devices are stored e.g. ...\Spooler\queues
  • [PATH_FIFOS] Folder where the spooler FIFO files are stored e.g. ...\Spooler\fifos
  • [PATH_ETC_QUEUES] Folder where the configuration files of the queues and devices are stored e.g. ...\Settings\queues
  • [PATH_INFO] Folder where the information files of the queues and devices are stored e.g. ...\Spooler\infos
  • [PATH_STDIN] Path + name of the file that receives the stdin e.g. ...\Temp\stdin.txt
  • [PATH_STDOUT] Path + name of the file that receives the stdout e.g. ...\Temp\stdout.txt
  • [PATH_STDERR] Path + name of the file that receives the stderr e.g. ...\Temp\stderr.txt
  • [RULES_PATH] Path where the spooler's operational rules are stored e.g. ...\Settings\rules
  • [STATS_PATH] Path where usage reports are stored e.g. ...\Spooler\stats
  • [PATH_COUNTER_SPLF] Name of the file that contains the spool file id counter e.g. counter.splf
  • [PATH_QUEUE_DEF] Name of the queues and devices configuration file i.e. queues.def
  • [ARCHIVE_IMPORT_PATH] Path from which backups are imported (Deployments management) e.g. ...\Import\archive_in
  • [ARCHIVE_EXPORT_PATH] Path where backups are exported (Deployments management) e.g. ...\Import\archive_out
  • [DEPLOYMENT_CUSTOM_LOGFILE] Path + filename of backup log i.e. ...\Import\deployment.log
  • [MAPPING_PATCH] To manage patches in a multiplatform environment i.e. ...\patch. Not used today.


Additional expert settings

  • [AIXTO19U_TABLE] Character conversion table e.g. ...\Settings\AIXTO19UTB
  • [19UTOAIX_TABLE] Character conversion table e.g. ...\Settings\19UTBTOAIX
  • [EBCDICTOASCII_TABLE] Character conversion table i.e. ...\Settings\Q29733719U
  • [ASCIITOEBCDIC_TABLE] Character conversion table i.e. ...\Settings\Q19U_1147
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_TMPCNT] Count file for temporary remap files i.e. ...\Settings\count.tmp
  • [MAPCPYSPLF_MAPCNT] Remap count file i.e. ...\Settings\
  • [LIST_OBJ] Path to lstobj.txt file i.e. ...\Import\lstobj.txt
  • [PRINT_INFO] Path + name of the printer bin configuration file i.e. ...\Settings\mapbac.conf
  • [EURO] Path + name of the currency conversion rates configuration file i.e. ...\Settings\mapeuro.conf
  • [MESSAGES] Path + name of the binary message file i.e. ...\Settings\messages.conf
  • [PASSWORD] Password file to connect to MapOut i.e. ...\Settings\mapout.pwd
  • [MAPKEY] Path + name of the software license file i.e. ...\Settings\mapkey.txt
  • [UCINFO] Text file containing processor and system information i.e. ...\Settings\ucinfo.txt
  • [MAPWEB_FUNCTIONS] Not used.
  • [RULES_CONDITIONS] Path + filename containing the default values of the rules engine settings conditions i.e. ...\Settings\rules\map_809.conditions
  • [RULES_PARAMETERS] Path + filename containing the default values of the rules engine settings i.e. ...\Settings\rules\map_809.parameters
  • [RULES_COMMANDS]Path + filename containing the default values of the rules engine commands i.e. ...\Settings\rules\map_809.commands
  • [RULES_809] Default name of the rules file i.e. map_809.rules
  • [RULES_TABLES] Path + filename containing the list of resolution tables i.e. ...\Settings\rules\map_809.tables
  • [HOST_LPD] "Host" files for the LPD i.e. ...\Settings\hosts.lpd (same as "/etc/hosts" on Unix systems)
  • [RESLIB] Path where AFP resources are stored (for InfoPrint Manager)
  • [STATS_SHELL] Name of the binary that executes the statistics i.e. map_stats.bat
  • [IMPORT_BACKUP] If set to "yes", this will back up the files when a format is imported.
  • [IMPORT_FONT] To overwrite fonts when importing a format. YES or NO.
  • [PATH_EXPORT_SETTINGS] Path + name of the deployment configuration file i.e. ...\Settings\exportSettings.conf
  • [PATH_COUNTER_EXPORT] Deployment count. Path + filename i.e. ...\Settings\export.cnt
  • [DAEMON_NO_HOLD_ON_ERROR] Queues of Printer type do not fall in error. YES or NO.
  • [DAEMON_DONT_HOLD_ENTRY_ON_ERROR] Queues of Entry point type do not fall in error. YES or NO.


Additional configuration settings

  • [KILL_ON_REFRESH] To suppress the binaries running in the background when refreshing the web UI. YES or NO.
  • [REFRESH_VIEW_DELAY] To refresh the spool files view automatically every n seconds.
  • [ARCHIVEROOT] Folder where the .MAP files are stored – for use with MapOut i.e. ...\Archive
  • [USER_ICON] Enable/Disable user icons in main navigation bar. YES or NO.
  • [UNICODE] Enable/disable Unicode programs. YES or NO.
  • [MAP_006FILE_BASE] In the Files Management interface, this is the location from which Mapping will start to browse the files. By default, it is empty, which means the files will be browsed from the root of the « C: » drive on Windows and « / » on Unix.
  • [CASHTRANSACTION_ID] For use with MPCM, the couponing solution for retailers developed by Mapping. Obsolete.
  • [CASHREDIRECTOR_ID] For use with MPCM, the couponing solution for retailers developed by Mapping. Obsolete.


The settings described in this section are used to configure automatic email alerts. For example, you may want to send an email automatically when the product software keys are about to expire.

  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_ENABLED] Enable/disable email alerts. YES or NO.
  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_SERVER] SMTP mail server e.g.
  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_DOMAIN] Domain controlled by the server
  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_LOGIN] Server connection username
  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_PASSWD] Server connection password
  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_FROM] Sender’s email address
  • [MAP_MAIL_ALERT_TO] Recipient’s email address


The settings described in this section are used to configure the connection to an LDAP directory.

  • [LDAP_ACCESS] Enable/disable LDAP access. ON or OFF.
  • [LDAP_HOST] LDAP server IP address
  • [LDAP_HOST_BACKUP] Backup LDAP server IP address
  • [LDAP_DN] CN=Firstname LASTNAME,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local
  • [LDAP_PWD] Password
  • [LDAP_BASE_USERS] CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local
  • [LDAP_BASE_GROUPS] OU=Distribution Groups,OU=MyBusiness,DC=domain,DC=local
  • [LDAP_UID] Login e.g. sAMAccountName
  • [LDAP_USERSFILTER] User class filter e.g. sAMAccountName=*)
  • [LDAP_GROUPSFILTER] Groups class filter e.g. sAMAccountName=*)
  • [LDAP_USERSLIST] Members list e.g. member
  • [LDAP_GROUPSLIST] Groups list e.g. memberOf


Process automation workflow settings