ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation

Création d'un code barre avec plusieurs informations du spool/en

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 26 juin 2020 à 12:44 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « <u>Remark</u> : In the preview or composition, this zone will display a barcode having the 4 zones separated with underscores. (or in the format specified in the the label... »)
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Comment concaténer plusieurs valeurs du spool d'entrée (XML ou PAG) pour les imprimer, reformater ou en créer un code barre.



The solution would be to use memory zones which, each, retrieve different desired values from the spooled file and then concatenate them in a zone. (To be simply displayed as text or barcoded or others)


In your Designer project, follow the bellow steps :

  1. Create a zone with the first value to be retrieave from the spooled file
    1. Drag and drop from the spooled file on to the sheet
    2. Name the zone : MEM1
    3. Turn the zone into Memory / Text Memory
  2. Repeat the process with the other wanted values : MEM2, MEM3, MEM4 for instance
  3. Create a blank zone (length = 0)
  4. In the label after, call the value of those memory zones in the format we want them to be concatenated in the zone (Example : [[MEM1]]_[[MEM2]]_[[MEM3]]_[[MEM4]])
  5. In the proprieties of the zone, select Bar Code and the sub type of barcoded desired(Example : QRCODE)

OX D TA1.jpg

Remark : In the preview or composition, this zone will display a barcode having the 4 zones separated with underscores. (or in the format specified in the the label after)

OX D TA2.jpg