Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Utilisation

Tableaux dynamiques/39/en

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 2 janvier 2025 à 08:46 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « #We enlarge the table so that the last row includes the end row of the table. #Then we make an "EndOfTable" only true condition at the very end of the table #We apply a ho... »)
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  1. We enlarge the table so that the last row includes the end row of the table.
  2. Then we make an "EndOfTable" only true condition at the very end of the table
  3. We apply a horizontal line to it
  4. We change the spacing before the "EndOfTable" condition to 0.20cm
  5. We treat vertical lines in the same way as seen previously