Mapaudit user guide

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 2 janvier 2025 à 13:30 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « #Information taken from environment variables, configuration files and the registry (Windows version for the latter) #Version tests on installed binaries. #Error messages... »)
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Mapaudit is an Onyx mapping server installation and audit reporting tool.


The application is launched from the command line. It generates a file named MappingInfos.txt which will contain a certain amount of information. It can generate a mapaudit.log file if the application returns errors. The files appear where the binary is executed.

Contents of the MappingInfos.txt file

  1. Information taken from environment variables, configuration files and the registry (Windows version for the latter)
  2. Version tests on installed binaries.
  3. Error messages present in the main logs over the last 7 days (editable).
  4. the result of an analysis of inconsistencies and possible problems.
  5. Various other information such as:
  •      les robots configurés
  •      les processus mapping en cours
  •      l'identifiant machine
  •      les licences détenues
  •      les fichiers id présents
  •      des infos sur l'installation et les mises a jours du serveur mapping
  •      ...

Comment exécuter le binaire

mapaudit [-help] [-nolog] [-nobin] [-noping] [time] [-tlog=days(default:7)] [-llog=[123]] [-audit] [-nofile]

-help: Displays this help
-nolog: Avoids log recovery
-nobin: Avoids testing binaries
-noping: Avoids connection tests
-time: Displays the execution time of the application
-tlog=[X]: Sets the number of days (x) for log retrieval (default: 7)
-llog=[X]: Sets the log level (x) for log retrieval (default: 1) (1=EE, 2=WW, 3=OK)
-audit: make an audit for formats, fontes and queues.
-nofile: Avoid file writing


Voici une vidéo explicative sur l'utilisation de mapaudit. la vidéo parle de feedback-tool qui est l'ancien nom de mapaudit.

Lien vidéo mapaudit