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The spooler is not working

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 8 janvier 2025 à 08:22 par Jdieu (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « If when you start the spooler nothing happens, it is possible that something in the server's temporary directory is causing a problem. In this case, you must delete the c... »)
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The spooler does not work

Problem: The spooler is started but there is an error in the log and no processing is carried out.

If you make a

map_daemon -stop 


map_daemon -start

an error appears: "map_daemon id already exists".

You must therefore force the service to stop and restart it.

On Linux :

  • Kill map_daemon
  • Kill PID
  • Delete the map_daemon.ID file in the spooler folder
  • Restart the spooler with:
map_daemon -start

On Windows :

  • Delete the map_daemon.ID file in the mapping/spooler folder
  • Restart the spooler via services

If when you start the spooler nothing happens, it is possible that something in the server's temporary directory is causing a problem. In this case, you must delete the contents of the temporary directory (by default: .\temp in the server mapping installation directory).