OPALE - 10.0 - Migration

Switching from direct language to XPS

De MappingDoc


Barcode type Encountered problem How to solve it
Code 128 alphanumeric optimized with digits (barcodes generated solely with numbers) Problem with the digits: right numbers with wrong digits Generate barcode in Code128 Numeric
Code 128 alphanumeric NON optimized with digits (barcodes generated solely with numbers) and a CCCCC chain Problem with the digits: right numbers with wrong digits Generate barcode in Code128 Numeric
Code 128 alphanumeric optimized with digits (barcodes generated with numbers and letters) Problem with the digits: right numbers with wrong digits Generate barcode without digits, add a small zone underneath to put digits in
Code 128 numeric WITHOUT digits digits automatically included make sure the "data printed under barcode" box is left unticked
Code 128 Alpha Numeric optimized WITHOUT DIGITS (barcodes generated with numbers and letters) Exported to XPS properly ALL CLEAR
Code 128 Alpha Numeric NON optimized WITHOUT DIGITS (barcodes generated with numbers and letters) and a C chain Exported to XPS properly ALL CLEAR

Tramage d'objets

Contrast Encountered problem How to solve it
Bars Opale : Non available

Onyx : OK

Opale : NECESSARY UPGRADE, if required, generate it directly in PCL

Onyx : OK

Shades of grey Darker shades of grey in XPS than in native (matches the Designer preview) If necessary, change the template to lighten the grey shades

Managing images

Image type Encountered problem How to solve it
Special characters in the image's name: Example: ImageB&N.jpeg Error message during mapping Rename image without &
BMP image in lgobitmap Dynamic images in BMP format are not printed Convert images in JPEG


Subject Encountered problem How to solve/overcome it
Printing two spool pages on one sheet using Designer's advanced parameters Does not work in XPS mode Have the template in native (Evolution créée)
Sending PDFs via email Using the MAPSNDMAIL command Always generate the template in native PDF, for MAPSNDMAIL only manages native PDF files