OPALE - 10.0 - Usage

Stapling a PCL in XPS mode

De MappingDoc
Cette page est une version traduite de la page OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Agrafer un PCL en mode XPS et la traduction est complétée à 100 %.

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When stapling with Opale Server in XPS mode, use the CUSTOM tag of the CPSconfig.conf.

To do so, call a conversion profile with the stapling command (the profiles are located in the Mapping XPSConfig.conf configuration file).

Here are 2 examples of profiles that do so:

1. The XPSSTAPLE profile staples the entire job regardless of the number of documents in the XPS file

   <before>@PJL SET STAPLE=TOPLEFT\x0D\x0A</before>

N.B. The \x0D\x0A character chain generates a line break.

Example with 2 PJL commands :


2. The XPSSTAPLEM profile staples each document in the XPS individually (Because of the multijobpcl parameter set to ON)

   <before>@PJL SET STAPLE=TOPLEFT\x0D\x0A</before>