OPALE - 10.1 - Utilisation

Sending Resources to Printers

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 25 mars 2020 à 14:36 par Rdal (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Specify the name of the queue configured to reload the resources. »)
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Mapping allows you to not always send fonts and overlays to the printer so you can save network bandwidth, which can also be a problem when the printer does not have the resources in its memory anymore.

The MAPRSTPRT command sends resources to the printer.

Configuring which resources to send

Step 1: Configuring the resources

To configure the resources, enter CALL MAP_C022 on a command line in Mapping.

Note: From version 10.1.0, the MAPRSTPRT command has a new *CONFIG value in parameter "Editor name".

Press F6 to create a new association and enter the name of the queue you want to configure.

Next, you can see the list of existing Mapping formats. Enter 1 before each format you want to send the resources for to the printer.

Step 2: Sending the resources

To send the resources configured on the printer, run command MAPRSTPRT:

Specify the name of the editor. In general it is the name of the queue that is used. You can stop and/or restart the Editor. Enter the type of Stop you want:

*PAGEEND waits for the current page to be printed *CNTRLD waits for the current spool file to be printed *IMMED stops the Editor immediately

Choose *YES if you wish to restart the Editor, or else choose *NO.

Specify the name of the queue configured to reload the resources.


Vous pouvez configurer la commande MAPRSTPRT dans le planning des travaux de l’AS/400, en faisant attention que la jobd indiquée utilise les bibliothèques Mapping.

Par exemple, utilisez la jobd MAPDMIDDLE de la bibliothèque contenant les objets Mapping.