Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Installation - Installation ONYX Server sur Linux/10/en

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:An Apache Web server, version 2.4 is required. It must be installed prior to installing ONYX Server. The paths to the Apache binaries and configuration file is asked upon installation.
:Apache Web server 2.4 is required. It must be installed prior to installing ONYX Server. The paths to the Apache binaries and configuration file are asked upon installation.
:Example: <code>#yum install httpd</code>
:Example: <code>#yum install httpd</code>

Version actuelle datée du 5 octobre 2023 à 09:50

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Définition du message (ONYX:9.0:Installation:Installation ONYX Server sur Linux)
:La présence d’un serveur Web Apache en version 2.4 est requise, son installation devant avoir été réalisée avant d’installer ONYX Server. Les chemins d’accès aux binaires et au fichier de configuration d’Apache seront demandés lors de l’installation.
:Exemple : <code>#yum install httpd</code>
Traduction:Apache Web server 2.4 is required. It must be installed prior to installing ONYX Server. The paths to the Apache binaries and configuration file are asked upon installation.
:Example: <code>#yum install httpd</code>
Apache Web server 2.4 is required. It must be installed prior to installing ONYX Server. The paths to the Apache binaries and configuration file are asked upon installation.
Example: #yum install httpd