Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Installation ONYX Server sur Linux/55/en

De MappingDoc
Révision datée du 12 juillet 2019 à 14:27 par Alestoquoi (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « bash-4.2$ mappingenv Which environment do you want to load: 1 : MAPPING /apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf 8002 Active 2 : MAPPING_test /apps/mapping_test/conf/m... »)
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bash-4.2$ mappingenv

Which environment do you want to load:

1 : MAPPING  /apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf    8002    Active
2 : MAPPING_test  /apps/mapping_test/conf/mapping.conf    8003    Active
Enter the name or number of the environment: 1

bash-4.5$ /apps/mapping/bin/mapkey
Serial number of your device: FFD8F1E6
Your processor type: x86_x86_