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De MappingDoc
(Redirigé depuis Mapsndmail)


This command remaps a PDF document and e-mails it via SMTP.

-infile:XXXX             Input file
-mapnam:XXXX             Mapping format name
-from:XXXX               From (e.g. user@mydomain.local)
-to:XXXX                 To  (e.g. user@otherdomain.com)
-subject:XXXX            Message subject
-message:XXXX            Message body (message or stdin)
[ -login:XXXX           ]  Login for authentication to SMTP server
[ -passwd:XXXX          ]  Password for authentication to SMTP server
[ -server:XXXX          ]  SMTP server (e.g., smtpserver.mydomain.local)
[ -domain:XXXX          ]  SMTP domain (e.g. mydomain.local)
[ -mapseq:XXXX          ]  Sequence 00010,*ALL,*MRG
[ -outfile:XXX          ]  Output file
[ -attachment_name:XXXX ]  Attachment name (e.g. myfile.txt)
[ -cc:XXXX              ]  Carbon copy (e.g. user@otherdomain.com)
[ -bcc:XXXX             ]  Blind carbon copy (e.g. user@otherdomain.com)
[ -overflow:YY          ]  Max number of lines per page
[ -startpage:YY         ]  Start page
[ -stoppage:YY          ]  End page
[ -lengthrec:YY         ]  Spool file width
[ -port:YY              ]  SMTP port  (default:25)
[ -verbose     | -debug ]  Verbose mode