OPALE - 10.0 - Usage

Display Menu

De MappingDoc
Cette page est une version traduite de la page OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Menu Affichage et la traduction est complétée à 100 %.

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The "Display" menu gives access to the display options of the different views of the application:


Show / Hide:

  • Grid: displays the grid in draw view.
  • Top / Left Ruler: displays rulers on top and on the left of the draw view. A dashed line that serves as reference can be set by clicking on the ruler(s) to make aligning objects easier.
  • Data View: displays the reference spooled file loaded (or XML file) (recommended).
  • Properties: displays the properties of the project and elements (recommended).
  • Conditions: displays conditions (recommended if the design uses dynamic elements).
  • Object tree: displays the list of all elements in the document and some associated features.
  • Tab bar: displays the navigation bar with tabs for each project opened in the application.

Characters list:

  • Gives a list of all characters supported by the application, classified per code page and font. This can be useful when adding special characters, which cannot be typed in, to documents.


  • Gives access to the properties of the project.

Printer fonts:

  • lists the different embedded, downloaded or integrated printer fonts per formats.