Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Duplication d'une instance ONYX Server Linux/20/en

De MappingDoc
  1. Find the best export strategy for the current production environment to be copied over to the target environment.
    • This depends on the way jobs are injected in mapping:
      • Injected directly in the spooler, via protocole LPR or a WebService call.
      • Using "scanfolder" robots.
      • Mapping binairies are called directly via the entreprise software.
      • A WebService called with simultaneous processing.
      • Different methods are used depending on the type and origin of the job.
  2. A target environment is installed with the destination version of the ONYX Server.
  3. The configuration of the production environment is copied onto the target environment
  4. Tests are run on the new target environment
  5. Launch production
  6. Rollback in case there is any problem
  7. Troubleshooting