Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Duplication d'une instance ONYX Server Linux/49/en

De MappingDoc

Any changes in the template (linked to an intentional change or to a delta because of the upgrade) will then be done with a Designer using the same version as the Mapping server.
All Designer and Connect projects need to be copied before any change is made by a newer version of Designer and Connect.

SIMPLE Migration: template simple copy

This method can only be applied if all the templates are already in XPS.
It consists in a simple copy of resource files to copy Designer formats, as explained below (copy of the map400 and lgobitmap folder). The templates are not re-generated.

Technical problems

If you notice disparities in the mapping of documents (Designer), the project must be re-generated with the latest Designer version which is adapted to the server version.