Translations - ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Installation ONYX Server sur Linux/67/en

De MappingDoc

The Mapping server of httpd.conf should then look like something like this:

#DO NOT MODIFY THIS BLOCK. It will be automatically updated.
Listen 8002
NameVirtualHost *:8002
<VirtualHost *:8002>
       ServerName MAPPING-v9-0-0
       DocumentRoot "/apps/mapping/MapHTTPServer"
       ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/ /apps/mapping/MapHTTPServer/cgi-bin/"
       <Directory "/apps/mapping/MapHTTPServer">
               AuthType Basic
               AuthName "Identification"
               AuthBasicProvider file
               AuthUserFile "/apps/mapping/MapHTTPServer/.htpasswd"
               AuthGroupFile "/apps/mapping/MapHTTPServer/.htgroup"
               Require valid-user
               Options None