Translations - ONYX - 9.1 - Utilisation

Gestion des logs AMETHYST/1/en

De MappingDoc


By default, the log files generated by Mapping are in a proprietary format so they can be read by the MAPPING user interface. The log files can be converted to text using the map_log_txt command but in this case you won't be able to change the formatting. With Amethyst, you can now generate log files with customizable formatting for use with various third-party solutions. Enabling Amethyst and disabling the old log system also improves system performance.


Amethyst is still in its early stage of development. In release 9.1.0 you can use Amethyst for Workflows only (map_809 binary). Future enhancements will be made to use Amethyst with other binaries (mapcpysplf, map_lpr and more).