5 dernières pages visitées :ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:mapSoapRunStreamFro...  » ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:Connecteur OnBase  » Map import fonts  » ONYX:9.0:Utilisation:eDoc extension  » MapReplaceInFile


De MappingDoc


This command replaces character strings in a file.

-oldstring:   : String to be replaced (in quotes)
-newstring:   : New string (in quotes)
-infile:      : Input file
-outfile:     : Output file
-ucs2         : indicates -oldstring and -newstring hex codes map unicode encoded strings

Hex code is supported for parameters -oldstring and -newstring using \xFF syntax.


mapReplaceInFile -oldstring:insererTAB -newstring:\x09 -infile:infile.txt -outfile:outfile.txt
mapReplaceInFile -oldstring:carriageReturn -newstring:\x0A\x0D -infile:infile.txt -outfile:outfile.txt
mapreplaceinfile -oldstring:\xa9\x03 -newstring:\xa9\x03\x20\x00 -infile:infile.txt -outfile:outfile.txt -ucs2 replaces unicode char omega