Map count page

De MappingDoc


Counts the number of pages in a file.

-file:XXXX         : file name
-type:PCL          : the file is PCL
-type:TXT          : the file is TEXT
-type:IGP          : the file is IGP
-type:PS           : the file is PS
-type:AFP          : the file is AFPDS
-type:XPS          : the file is XPS
-type:PDF          : the file is PDF
-type:AUTO         : For automatic file type detection among the previous list
-ucs2              : for an accurate page count in an Unicode Japanese document 
-count_blank_pages : Count blank pages at the end of the file
                          By default blank pages at the end are ignored if they include only the following characters:
                            - space
                            - tab (\t)
                            - carriage return (\r)
                            - line break (\n)