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De MappingDoc


This command converts ebcdic to ascii or ascii to ebcdic.

Usage: map_convert options

-ascii    : Convert ebcdic to ascii
-ebcdic   : Convert ascii to ebcdic
-ucs2     : Use internal mapping table
-revert   : If the code page is DBCS, switch bytes
-fcfc:xxx : Output is FCFC for iSeries
-defaultcharspace : Replace each unknown character with a blank space (else replace with 0x00)
-arabicdigits     : convert 0-9 into Arabic numbers
-base64bin        : converts base 64 files into binary
-hex2bin          : converts hexadecimal files into binary
-listucs2         : lists all supported code pages
[-infile:]          :  source file (default: stdin)
[-outfile:]         : target file (default: stout)
[-lengthrec:XXX]    : truncate after XXX characters (only with -ebcdic)


mapconvert -from:1256 -to:1200 -ucs2 -infile:/myfilein.txt -outfile:/myfileout.ucs2
mapconvert -base64bin -infile:/myfilein.hex -outfile:/myfileout.bin