5 dernières pages visitées :Spécial:Pages liées/Mapkey  » Spécial:Pages liées/Map 857  » Spécial:Pages liées/Map lp  » Aide:Mapsndmail  » Mapcpysplf


De MappingDoc
Cette page est une version traduite de la page Mapcpysplf et la traduction est complétée à 100 %.

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Document remapping command.

-infile:XXXX           Input file
-mapnam:XXXX           Mapping format name
[ -mapseq:XXXXX       ]  Sequence 00010,*ALL,*MRG
[ -mapmod:X           ]  Running mode C:Print, D:Print+Archive O:Archive, K:Print+Unix Archive, U:Unix Archive
[ -printer:XXXX       ]  Printer
[ -overflow:XXX       ]  Max number of lines per page
[ -lang:XXXX          ]  Lang: XPS, PCL, AFPDS, ZEBRA, DPL, IGP, TEC, IPL, F_D, PDF or EPL
[ -html               ]  Html reply
[ -pagform:XXXX       ]  Paper format
[ -state:XXXX         ]  Initial status (ready/held)
[ -keep:X             ]  Keep spool file (yes/no)
[ -sndfdp:XXXX        ]  Send overlays (yes/no)
[ -sndpol:XXXX        ]  Send fonts (yes/no)
[ -sndlgo:XXXX        ]  Send logos (yes/no)
[ -startpage:XX       ]  Start page
[ -stoppage:XXX       ]  Stop page
[ -spoolname:X        ]  Spool file name
[ -drawer:X           ]  Input bin
[ -userdata:XXX       ]  User Data
[ -pgmsource:XX       ]  Source Program name
[ -nbexem:XX          ]  Number of pages
[ -nbcopy:XX          ]  Number of copies
[ -inputbin:X         ]  Input bin
[ -outputbin:X        ]  Output bin
[ -outfile:XXX        ]  Output file
[ -infilecodepage:XXX ]  Codepage for input data file (ex: 1252)
[ -pipe               ]  Use stdin/stdout
[ -user:XXXXXX        ]  Spool file owner
[ -printoption:X      ]  lp option parameter
[ -forcename:X        ]  Use this spool file name
[ -lengthrec:X        ]  Spool file width
[ -archive:XXXXX      ]  Unix Archive File
[ -ucs2               ]  UCS2 Mode (Unicode)
[ -xml                ]  Specifies that the input stream is in xml format (xmldraw)
[ -indexfile:XXX      ]  Index filename Template for custom Archive
[ -addPageCmd:XX      ]  Insert hex command on each page
[ -codepage:XX        ]  Codepage for AFPDS stream conversions (unicode only)
[ -xmloutfile:XX      ]  File name to use as XML outfile
[ -xmlmapping         ]  Specifies that the output will be in xml format (Mapping compatible)
[ -xmlexcel           ]  Specifies that the output will be in xml format (Excel compatible)
[ -setlang:           ]  Set lang for translation
[ -dbcssize2          ]  Shift-in shift-out. EBCDIC file with DBCS data


  • The default values of optional parameters such as value lists are found in the mapping.conf, see MAPCPYSPLF_XXX
  • The result must be sent to a queue (using option -printer), not in a file (-outfile) so that the value *ALL can be used in the sequence option (-mapseq). A "cmd" command box must therefore be created to use option -mapseq:*ALL directly in the Workflow, the
    "[%PATH_BIN%]/mapcpysplf" "-mapseq:*ALL" "-printer:<queue name>" ..... command must then also be entered manually.