5 dernières pages visitées :Mapqualspl  » Mapasa2txt  » Mapconvert  » Map import  » Mappagifs


De MappingDoc


Send file to PC command.

[ -infile:XXXX    ]  Input file
[ -outfile:XXXX   ]  Output file
[ -overflow:XXXX  ]  Max number of lines per page
[ -startpg:XXXX   ]  Start page
[ -stoppg:XXXX    ]  End page
[ -lengthrec:XXXX ]  Max page width
[ -removepjl      ]  Remove PJL tags
[ -ucs2           ]  Convert into Unicode
[ -codepage:XXXX  ]  Original infile codepage (default: 1148)
[ -tocodepage:XXX ]  Output file codepage (defaut: 1252)
[ -isPCL          ]  With -ucs2 and/or -codepage, parse PCL code first.
[ -isAFPDS        ]  With -ucs2 and/or -codepage, parse AFDPS code first.
[ -isSCS          ]  Allows you to also parse SCS code (iSeries)
[ -dbcssize2      ]  Keeps SO/SI delimiters (for DBCS Spoool files only)

Convert AFPDS to TEXT:

if working in non-unicode (with UNICODE=OFF in mapping.conf)

mappagifs -infile:/tmp/t.afp -outfile:/tmp/t.pag -isAFPDS -overflow:66 -lengthrec:132 -codepage:1148 -tocodepage:1252 -ucs2

if working in unicode (with UNICODE=ON in mapping.conf)

mappagifsU -infile:/tmp/t.afp -outfile:/tmp/t.pag -isAFPDS -overflow:66 -lengthrec:132 -codepage:1148 

Convert SCS to TEXT:

mappagifs -infile:/tmp/t.scs -outfile:/tmp/t.pag -isSCS -overflow:66 -lengthrec:132 -codepage:424 -tocodepage:1252 -ucs2

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