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De MappingDoc


MAPPING environment manager.

Display MAPPING environments:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -display

Display the MAPPING_PATH variable of the specified environment:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -getenvbyname:NAME
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -getenvbyport:PORT

Display environment NAME:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -getnamebypath:PATH
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -getnamebyport:PORT

Display environment PORT:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -getportbyname:NAME
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -getportbypath:PATH

Add environment to the list of MAPPING environments :

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -addenv:NAME -pathenv:PATH -portenv:PORT [-disabthenv]

Delete environment from the list of MAPPING environments:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -dethenvbyname:NAME
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -dethenvbypath:PATH
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -dethenvbyport:PORT

Modify environment in the list of MAPPING environments:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -modenvbyname:NAME -pathenv:PATH -portenv:PORT [-disabthenv]
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -modenvbypath:PATH -portenv:PORT [-disabthenv]
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -modenvbyport:PORT -pathenv:PATH [-disabthenv]

Enable environment in the list of MAPPING environments:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -unabthebyname:NAME
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -unabthebypath:PATH
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -unabthebyport:PORT

Disable environment in the list of MAPPING environments:

mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -disabthebyname:NAME
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -disabthebypath:PATH
mappingenv [-pathconf:MAPPINGTAB] -disabthebyport:PORT

Interactive mode:

mappingenv -interactif

Help: this screen

mappingenv -h | --h | -help | --help

Default values:

- MAPPINGTAB=/etc/mappingtab

- Any newly added or modified environment is active by default.

Use the parameter -disabthenv to modify or add an environment while keeping it disabled.