5 dernières pages visitées :Map comprt  » Map grpcfg  » Map actif  » Map 004 2  » Maprunprt


De MappingDoc


This command runs a report.

-rptname:XXXX     Report name to execute
[ -outfile:XXXX  ]  Output file name (if empty, use stdout)
[ -param:XXXXX   ]  Input parameters like 'DB.PARAM=value'
[ -ucs2          ]  UCS2 mode (Unicode)
[ -ip:           ]  map_855 IP address (persistent connection mode)
[ -port:         ]  map_855 port (persistent connection mode)
[ -timeout:      ]  map_858 timeout (persistent connection mode)
[ -info          ]  map_858 status information (persistent connection mode)
[ -reloadProcess ]  map_858 force reload (persistent connection mode)
[ -printer:      ]  Send output file into Mapping printer
[ -forcename:    ]  Give a name to the spool sent
[ -spoolname:    ]  Give a title to the spool sent
[ -nbcopy:       ]  Number of copies
[ -map_hold | -state:held ]  Send spool in held state
[ -map_save | -keep:Y     ]  Ask Mapping to keep spool after being processed
[ -printoption:  ]  Optional parameters to the print command
[   e.g. "-printoption:-title:Title of the spool" ]