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De MappingDoc


This command sorts and splits documents.

-infile:XXXX        Input file
[ -inpath:XXXX      ] Path to the input file
[ -tempfile:XXXX    ] Temporary data file
[ -overflow:XXXX    ] Number of lines per page
[ -dumptext         ] Display data position
[ -keyline:XXXX     ] Line where the key can be found
[ -keycol:XXXX      ] Column where the key can be found
[ -keylgn:XXXX      ] Key length
[ -keysearch:XXXX   ] Use key only if this word is found
[ -keyline1:XXXX    ] Line where key 1 can be found
[ -keycol1:XXXX     ] Column where key 1 can be found
[ -keylgn1:XXXX     ] Key 1 length
[ -keysearch1:XXXX  ] Use key 1 only if this word is found
[ -keyline2:XXXX    ] Line where key 2 can be found
[ -keycol2:XXXX     ] Column where key 2 can be found
[ -keylgn2:XXXX     ] Key 2 length
[ -keysearch2:XXXX  ] Use key 2 only if this word is found
[ -key2usebreak     ] If key 2 change make new file
[ -breakon:XXXX     ] Page break if this word is found
[ -headersize:XXXX  ] Header size to be skipped
[ -key2notempty     ] No page break if key 2 is empty
[ -iscmd:XXXX       ] Yes/no run sub-command
[ -cmd:XXXX         ] Sub-command to be run
[ -create:XXXX      ] Yes/no create output file
[ -split:XXXX       ] Yes/no create one file or multiple files
[ -nosort:XXXX      ] Yes/no sort or don't sort output files (no by default)
[ -outfile:XXXX     ] Path to and name of the output file
[ -numspool:XXXX    ] Force spool file number
[ -lengthrec:XXX    ] Force input file width