ONYX - 9.0 - Installation

Guide d'installation ONYX Server sur Linux

De MappingDoc

M-Processing Server 8.0 Installation on UNIX or Linux



This section explains how to install, update or remove M-Processing Server 8.0 for UNIX / LINUX. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that you also update other software modules in the Mapping suite accordingly to prevent any version conflicts.

One part of this section also explains how to duplicate one M-Processing Server instance when you need to change servers, implement a back-up server, or implement a High Availability architecture.


Operating System

M-Processing Server 8.0 is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • AIX (deprecated): AIX 5L (5.1, 5.2 and 5.3), AIX 6.1, AIX 7.1
  • LINUX: all lib 6 LSB (Linux Standard Base) certified distributions

Because M-Processing Server is compiled in 32-bit version, the compatibility packages for libraries C (glibc) and STDC++ (libstdc++, GLIBCXX_3.4.19 minimum 32-bit) must be installed before installing M-Processing Server on 64-bit operating systems.

On LINUX, SELinux must be disabled. Run this command to disable SELinux: “setenforce 0”.

The operating system must be up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates installed.

M-Processing Server uses 3 ports for internal (processes) and external communication (Web-based administration UI). The default ports used are 8002 (Web port), 515 (LPD listen port) and 2000 (internal Spooler port). The ports need to be open and available (not used) for M-Processing Server, or other ports can be selected during installation. The system’s LPD/LPR server needs to be stopped to free up port 515.

Access to the server is required via FTP (or SFTP) and SSH/Telnet.

System Requirements

  • x86-32 or x86-64 processor type
  • 2 VCPU
  • RAM: 2GB minimum, 4GB recommended. And potentially more according to architecture complexity

Required disk space:

  • Minimum 1 GB for uncompressing the installation package
  • Minimum 2 GB for installation
  • About 10 GB for work files and for current and saved jobs

Apache Web Server

Apache Web server – v2.2 recommended – is required and must be installed prior to installing M-Processing Server. The access paths to the Apache Web server binaries and configuration file will be asked for during the installation steps.


M-Processing Server must be installed on a server using an Administrator account or the root account. Two new user accounts will be created automatically if necessary when installing the software: mapadmin (default admin, can be changed) and nobodyma.

To follow the installation steps below, the existing Mapping environment(s) must be identified in the Environment Manager.

Installation Steps

You can download the installation packages from: http://server.mappingsuite.com. Each package is called after the pattern “[OS]_[version].tar.gz”. For example: AIX_autogenbuild_v8.0.5.29105.tar.gz

To install M-Processing Server, the package should be transferred to the AIX or Linux server via FTP in binary mode to the folder of your choice e.g. /tmp.

Reminder: Make sure there is enough free disk space available to uncompress the installation package.

Then, uncompress the package under the root account:

 gzip -d AIX_autogenbuild_v8.0.5.29105.tar.gz
 tar –xvf AIX_autogenbuild_v8.0.5.29105.tar
 cd autogenbuild_v8.0.5.29105
 gzip -d mapping_install_AIX_autogenbuild_v8.0.5.29105.tar.gz
 tar –xvf mapping_install_AIX_autogenbuild_v8.0.5.29105.tar

A “mapping_install” folder is created where you can run the installation script (still under the root account):

 cd mapping_install

Let the script guide you through the different steps. You will need to answer quick questions and provide some information. Below is a typical example script:

 Control user permissions
 Checking installation files folder
 Do you want to update mappingenv binary
 yes | no ?

Note: The mappingenv binary is the environment manager in M-Processing Server. It must be installed when M-Processing Server is installed for the first time. It should then be updated each time M-Processing Server is installed or updated so the new environments can be saved correctly.

 Enter installation path of mappingenv binary
 default: /bin
 Do you confirm this path: /bin
 yes | no ?
 Detecting existing version
 No version has been found
 Do you want to search for mapping.conf files?
 Warning: this operation can be long...
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to:
 1: install a new version?
 2: exit?
 > 1 | 2 ?
 Do you confirm the installation of a new version?
 yes | no ?
 Installing a new M-Processing Server version...
 Initializing System variables default values...
 Initializing installation variables...
 Enter matching values
 If the propositions are correct, validate with "Enter"
 Enter system type: AIX, Linux
 default: AIX
 Enter system version: AIX: 6.1, Linux: Linux
 default: 5.2
 Enter owner name
 default: mapadmin

Note: This is the default name for every M-Processing Server installed. The name can be changed.

 Enter group name
 default: mapadmin
 Enter language to be used
 default: english
 Enter your company name
 default: COMPANY
 Enter server IP address
 default: aix49

Note: Value recommended to make it easier to duplicate environments later on, including on a new server.

 Enter port to be used for web server
 default: 8002

Note: The script checks whether the port entered is already used by another M-Processing Server. If so, you will be asked to enter another port number.

 Enter connection address to the spooler
 default: aix49

Note: Value recommended to make it easier to duplicate environments later on, including on a new server.

 Enter connection port to the spooler
 default: 2000
 Enter port to be used for LPD server
 default: 515
 Enter environment name
 default: MAPPING-autogenbuild_v8-0-5-29105
 Enter path and name of the apache configuration file
 default: /usr/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf
 Enter path and exact name of the executable htpasswd
 default: /usr/HTTPServer/bin/htpasswd
 Enter path and exact name of the executable apachectl
 default: /usr/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl
 Do you want to connect Infoprint Manager to M-PROCESSING SERVER?
 default: no
 yes | no ?
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER root directory
 default: /apps/mapping

Note: The script then creates all default paths from each root folder so all M-Processing Server files are in the same folder. However, each path can be modified according to the target architecture.

 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER configuration directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/conf
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER executables directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/bin
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER web server directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/MapHTTPServer
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER import directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/import
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER temporary files directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/temp
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER production files directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/map400
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER spooler files directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/spool
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER spooler log files directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/spool/logs  
 Enter path to stderr.txt and stdout.txt directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/temp
 Enter path to M-PROCESSING SERVER archive files directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/mapout
 Enter path to web server log files directory
 default: /apps/mapping_8/spool/logs
 Do you want to validate following parameters:
 M-PROCESSING SERVER Group: mapadmin
 Use Infoprint: no
 OS System: AIX
 OS Version: 5.2
 Apache configuration file: /opt/freeware/apache/conf/httpd.conf
 Executable htpasswd: /opt/freeware/apache/bin/htpasswd
 M-PROCESSING SERVER web log files: /apps/mapping_8/spool/logs
 Language: english
 Company name: MAPPING
 Server IP address:
 Web server connection port: 8002
 Default LPD port: 515
 Connection address to the spooler:
 Connection port to the spooler: 2000
 M-PROCESSING SERVER environment name: MAPPING_8
 M-PROCESSING SERVER root directory: /apps/mapping_8
 M-PROCESSING SERVER configuration directory: /apps/mapping_8/conf
 M-PROCESSING SERVER binary directories: /apps/mapping_8/bin
 M-PROCESSING SERVER web configuration directory: /apps/mapping_8/MapHTTPServer
 M-PROCESSING SERVER import directory: /apps/mapping_8/import
 M-PROCESSING SERVER temporary directory: /apps/mapping_8/temp
 M-PROCESSING SERVER archive directory: /apps/mapping_8/mapout
 M-PROCESSING SERVER production directory: /apps/mapping_8/map400
 M-PROCESSING SERVER spooler directory: /apps/mapping_8/spool
 M-PROCESSING SERVER std files directory: /apps/mapping_8/temp
 M-PROCESSING SERVER logs directory: /apps/mapping_8/spool/logs
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to create this group: mapadmin?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to create this user: mapadmin?
 yes | no ?
 Working directory creation
 Binaries installation in /apps/mapping_8/bin
 Web server installation in /apps/mapping_8/MapHTTPServer
 Configuration files installation in /apps/mapping_8/conf
 Usage files installation in /apps/mapping_8/map400/help/
 Production files installation
 Updating M-Processing Server environment
 Web environment update script creation
 Execute ./envcfg.sh to configure this environment
 Do you want to update the configuration file of Apache web server for this environment?
 yes | no ?
 Passwords configuration
 Enter web password for mapadmin:
 New password: **********
 Re-type new password: **********
 Adding password for user mapadmin
 Do you want to update system password for mapadmin?
 yes | no ?
 Changing password for "mapadmin"
 mapadmin’s new password: **********
 Enter the new password again: **********
 Web access files configuration
 Translation files installation
 Registering version in the version manager...
 Installation finished!
 To use this environment in telnet mode:
 export MAPPING_PATH or use the command: mappingenv
 Thanks for choosing MAPPING!

M-Processing Server Environment Manager


On UNIX and Linux systems, several M-Processing Server environments can be installed and used in parallel on the server. Each environment is completely independent from the other ones and has its own configuration, processes, engine version, and activation licenses. The different M-Processing Server environments are managed using the mappingenv program.

M-Processing Server Environment

On the server, the different M-Processing Server environments are saved in a file called ‘mappingtab’ found by default in /etc. If the file is in another folder, you will need to specify the path in the command lines below using the -pathconf:XXX arguments. Each environment has a name, connection port (Web port through the Apache server) and configuration path (full path to mapping.conf). Each parameter must be unique. On the same server, two M-Processing Server environments may not have the same name, Web port, or configuration file.

Selecting an Operating Environment

Before using M-Processing Server, the operating environment should be selected even if only one M-Processing Server environment has been installed.

Console Mode (Telnet session)

You will need to use the mappingenv binary. When installing M-Processing Server, you will be prompted to copy the binary onto the system. The binary is needed to save and use the installed environment. The mappingenv binary must accessible to all users who need to run M-Processing Server in console mode. To load a M-Processing Server environment using a command prompt, establish a Telnet connection to the server, run the mappingenv command, and then enter the name or number of the desired environment:

 AIX Version 5
 (C) Copyrights by IBM and by others 1982, 2007.
 login: mapadmin
 mapadmin password: ******* 
 *  Welcome to AIX Version 5.2!                                     *
 bash-3.00$ /bin/mappingenv
 Which environment do you wish to load:
 1 : MAPPING_720  /apps/mapping_720/conf/mapping.conf    8003    Active
 2 : MAPPING_8  /apps/mapping_8/conf/mapping.conf    8002    Active
 Enter the name or number of the environment: MAPPING_801

Graphical Mode (Web-based UI)

To load an environment, simply log on to the M-Processing Server Web-based UI on one of the ports specified. Example: means that environment MAPPING_8 is loaded.


The environment should also be loaded prior to running any script that calls M-Processing Server commands. The mappingenv (interactive mode) binary cannot be used here. You will need to use the MAPPING_PATH environment variable which identifies the configuration file of the M-Processing Server environment you wish to use.

Sample script starting the M-Processing Server Spooler of environment MAPPING_801:

 # Mapping Suite Spooler Start                                  #
 export MAPPING_PATH=/apps/mapping_720/conf/mapping.conf
 TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d-%H.%M.%S")
 echo "Mapping is starting at $TIMESTAMP"
 /apps/mapping_8/bin/map_daemon start

Software Activation

After installing, the software needs to be activated using hardware-dependent license keys. To activate the software:

Server ID

In console mode, load the environment and then run the mapkey command in the M-Processing Server binaries folder. The command lets you enter license information and also shows the server identification information required to create the license keys:

 bash-3.00$ /bin/mappingenv
 Which environment do you wish to load:
 1 : MAPPING_720  /apps/mapping_720/conf/mapping.conf    8003    Active
 2 : MAPPING_8  /apps/mapping_8/conf/mapping.conf    8002    Active
 Enter the environment name or number: 2
 bash-3.00$ /apps/mapping_720/bin/mapkey
 Serial number: 000593BA
 Processor type: aix49

Entering Activation Codes

When the license keys are created by Mapping, repeat the steps above to enter each key provided. Each key has a Product Number (1 to 5, or 250 to 254 in on-demand pricing) and Value (44 hexadecimal characters, may include hyphens).

Example (after loading the environment):

 bash-3.00$ /apps/mapping_8/bin/mapkey
 Serial number: 000593BA
 Processor type: aix49
 Enter product number: 5
 Enter key: FE158D-609021-8B15FE-15FE15-7615AA-6CFE85-FF10FE-15

Note: There is no message telling you that the key you have entered is or is not correct. If the key is correct, control is handed back over to you. If not, you will be prompted to try again.

Page Refills

In an On-Demand environment where pricing is adapted to the quantity of pages processed, Page Refill keys also need to be entered to initialize the quantity of pages purchased. Similar to main license keys, this one is created based on system dependent information.

Run the mapaddpts -create command in console mode to initialize on-demand mode:

 bash-3.00$ /apps/mapping_8/bin/mapaddpts -create
 System id: d51da800(0)
 Your system: VALID (aix49)
 Your file: VALID (/apps/mapping_8/map400/key/map_key.key)
 Next reset: Thu May 14 16:23:47 2019
 Points remaining: 0.0
 Points acquired: 0.0

When you have the Page Refill key, run the mapaddpts command with no argument to stay in interactive mode. Each Page Refill key has a type or number (1) and a value (38 hex characters) and comes with an additional Security key (type = 1) to be used in case of emergency only.

 bash-3.00$ /apps/mapping_8/bin/mapaddpts
 System id: d51da800(0)
 Your system: VALID (aix49)
 Your file: VALID (/apps/mapping_8/map400/key/map_key.key)
 Next reset: Thu May 14 16:23:47 2015
 Points remaining: 0.0
 Points acquired: 0.0
 Enter key type: 1
 Enter key value: 0118B0C15341A85CD541097C00400041000041

Note: There is no message telling you that the key you have entered is or is not correct. If the key is correct, control is handed back over to you. If not, you will be prompted to try again.

At any time, you can run the mapreadpts command to know how many pages there are left:

 bash-3.00$ /apps/mapping_8/bin/mapreadpts
 System id: d51da800(1)
 Your system: VALID (aix49)
 Your file: VALID (/apps/mapping_8/map400/key/map_key.key)
 Next reset: Thu May 14 17:11:05 2018
 Points remaining: 3794803.0
 Points acquired: 4000000.0

Updating M-Processing Server

Follow these steps to update your Mapping environment. First, stop all M-Processing Server processes. Repeat the first steps of the installation procedure for downloading and uncompressing the installation package. In the “mapping_install” folder created, run the installation script (as the root profile):

 cd mapping_install

Let the script guide you through all the steps as shown below. You may want to back up the environment before proceeding.

 Control user permissions
 Checking installation files folder
 Do you want to update the binary mappingenv
 yes | no ?
 Enter installation path of mappingenv binary
 default: /bin
 Do you confirm this path: /bin
 yes | no ?
 Detecting existing version
 1 : MAPPING_DEV  /apps/mappingdev/conf/mapping.conf    8002    Active
 2 : MAPPING_PROD /apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf       8003    Active
 Do you want to use one of the versions above?
 yes | no ?
 Enter the name of the version you want to use or ":q" to exit
 Do you want to:
 1 : install a new version ?
 2 : update current version ?
 3 : uninstall current version ?
 4 : exit ?
 > 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ?
 Do you confirm the update of this environment?
 yes | no ?
 Updating current version...
 Initializing installation variables...
 Searching environment variables...
 Do you want to validate following parameters:
 M-PROCESSING SERVER Group: mapadmin
 Use Infoprint: no
 OS System: AIX
 OS Version: 5.2
 Apache configuration file: /opt/freeware/apache/conf/httpd.conf
 Executable htpasswd: /opt/freeware/apache/bin/htpasswd
 M-PROCESSING SERVER web log files: /apps/mappingdev/spool/logs
 Language: french
 Company name: MAPPING
 Server IP address:
 Web server connection port: 8002
 LPD well-known port: 515
 Connection address to the spooler:
 Connection port to the spooler: 2000
 M-PROCESSING SERVER root directory: /apps/mappingdev
 M-PROCESSING SERVER configuration directory: /apps/mappingdev/conf
 M-PROCESSING SERVER binaries directory: /apps/mappingdev/bin
 M-PROCESSING SERVER web configuration directory: /apps/mappingdev/MapHTTPServer
 M-PROCESSING SERVER import directory: /apps/mappingdev/import
 M-PROCESSING SERVER temporary directory: /apps/mappingdev/temp
 M-PROCESSING SERVER archive directory: /apps/mappingdev/mapout
 M-PROCESSING SERVER production directory: /apps/mappingdev/map400
 M-PROCESSING SERVER spooler directory: /apps/mappingdev/spool
 M-PROCESSING SERVER std files directory: /apps/mappingdev/temp
 M-PROCESSING SERVER logs directory: /apps/mappingdev/spool/logs
 yes | no ?
 Update binaries in /apps/mappingdev/bin
 Update web server in /apps/mappingdev/MapHTTPServer
 Update configuration files in /apps/mappingdev/conf
 Update usage files in files in /apps/mappingdev/map400/help/
 Update production files
 Updating M-Processing Server environment
 Translation files installation
 Execute ./envcfg.sh to configure this environment
 Do you want to update configuration file of Apache web server for this environment?
 yes | no ?
 Update finished!
 To use this environment in telnet mode:
 or use the command:
 Thanks for choosing MAPPING!

Uninstalling M-Processing Server

Follow the steps below to uninstall your Mapping environment. First, stop all M-Processing Server processes. Repeat the first steps of the installation procedure for downloading and uncompressing the installation package.

In the “mapping_install” folder created, run the installation script (as the root profile):

 cd mapping_install

Let the script guide you through all the uninstallation steps as shown below.

 Control user permissions
 Checking installation files folder
 Do you want to update mappingenv binary?
 yes | no ?

Note: The mappingenv binary is M-Processing Server’s environment manager. It is strongly recommended that you update it in order to remove the environment correctly.

 Enter installation path of mappingenv binary
 default: /bin
 Do you confirm this path: /bin
 yes | no ?
 Detecting existing version
 1 : MAPPING_DEV  /apps/mappingdev/conf/mapping.conf    8002    Active
 2 : MAPPING_PROD /apps/mapping/conf/mapping.conf       8003    Active
 Do you want to use one of the above versions?
 yes | no ?
 Enter the name of the version you want to use or ":q" to exit
 Do you want to:
 1 : install a new version?
 2 : update current version?
 3 : uninstall current version?
 4 : exit?
 > 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ?
 Do you confirm the removal of this environment?
 yes | no ?
 Removing current version...
 Searching environment variables...
 Removing version...
 Caution: Some folders may contain files that do not belong to M-Processing Server.
 List of folders to be deleted:
 Confirm removal or ":q" to exit
 Do you want to delete sdterr.txt and stdout.txt folder (/apps/mappingdev/temp)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete log files folder (/apps/mappingdev/spool/logs)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete web log files folder (/apps/mappingdev/spool/logs)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete configuration files folder (/apps/mappingdev/conf)?
 yes | no ?
 Deleting version in the version manager
 Do you want to delete binaries folder (/apps/mappingdev/bin)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete web configuration files folder (/apps/mappingdev/MapHTTPServer)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete import files folder (/apps/mappingdev/import)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete temporary files folder (/apps/mappingdev/temp)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete archive files folder (/apps/mappingdev/mapout)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete production files folder (/apps/mappingdev/map400)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you wish to delete spooler folder (/apps/mappingdev/spool)?
 yes | no ?
 Do you want to delete M-Processing Server root folder (/apps/mappingdev)?
 yes | no ?
 Removal finished!