ONYX - 9.0 - Usage

XPSConfig and conversion to ZEBRA

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Conversion to ZEBRA

Language Tags

To enable the XPS to ZEBRA conversion profile, you first need to create a ZEBRA profile using the <language> tag like this



To change the resolution of the ZEBRA output stream, we need to use the resolution XML tag.


Fonts settings

Utilization of the resident text fonts

In order to make the ZEBRA stream ligher, it is possible no to include the fonts in the Zebra job. To do so, we need to use the fonts tag.

Exemple :

   <font name="Arial" italic="0" bold="0" codeFont="I"/>
   <font name="Arial" italic="0" bold="1" codeFont="J"/>

In our above example, if in the Designer project creating the XPS file, we have :

  • Arial , Not bold then in the output stream will have the call of font I
  • Arial , bold then in the output stream will have the call of font J

Barcodes case

Barcode tag

This parameter is to embed or not the font of the barcode in the datastream. If the barcode font is not embedded, the barcode will then be managed by the printer itself using its own resident fonts.

La syntaxe dans le profil est :<barcode>PRINTER</barcode>

Valeurs supportées : IMG, FONT, PRINTER

Valeur par défaut : PRINTER

IMG : embarqué sous forme d'image
FONT : embarqué sous forme de police
PRINTER : le code barre est généré par l'imprimante

For retrocompatibily reason, the following values are also possible :

  • ON (on, YES, yes, 1) : The font will not be embedded in the datastream
  • OFF (off, NO, no, 0) : The font will be embedded in the datastream

Custom Barcode Size

  • bcheight: barcode height in points.
  • bcwidth: two comma-separated values, corresponding to, respectively:

- width of a thin bar in points

- ratio between a thin bar and a thick bar


        <barcode type="19" height="100" size="46" bcheight="55" bcwidth="3,2.6" />

Means that a Code39 (type 19) barcode, with font size 46 and vertical deformation 100%, will be printed in Zebra as a resident barcode of 55 points high, with a thin bar of 3 points, and a thin bar/thick bar ratio of 2.6.

Cutter Management

<cutter config="MMT" cmd="MMC" />

Activates the cutter at the end of printing

Exemple de XPSConfig.conf

     <font name="Arial" italic="0" bold="0" codeFont="0" />
     <font name="Arial" italic="0" bold="1" codeFont="0" />
    <barcode type="80" height="100" size="56" bcheight="200" bcwidth="2,2.0" />
    <barcode type="80" height="100" size="54" bcheight="250" bcwidth="3,2.1" />
    <barcode type="80" height="100" size="55" bcheight="150" bcwidth="4,2.2" />
    <barcode type="80" height="100" size="57" bcheight="100" bcwidth="5,2.3" />
    <barcode type="80" height="100" size="58" bcheight="50" bcwidth="1,2.4" />
    <barcode type="20" height="100" size="20" bcheight="60" bcwidth="2,2.9" />

Type de code barre

2 PDF 417
11 Data Matrix
12 QR Code
14 MaxiCode
17 EAN 13
18 EAN 8
19 Code 39
20 Code 39 sans contrôle
21 Code 128 alpha optimisé
22 Code 128 alpha non optimisé
23 Code 128 numérique
24 2 Parmi 5 Entrelacé
25 2 Parmi 5 Entrelacé sans contrôle
26 2 Parmi 5 Industriel
27 2 Parmi 5 Industriel sans contrôle
28 EAN 128 alpha non optimisé
29 EAN 128 numérique
30 EAN 128 alpha optimisé
31 Postnet
32 Planet
35 Native
77 Japan Postal
78 Codabar
80 UPC-A
81 UPC-E
82 MSI
83 MSI 2 mod. 10
84 MSI mod. 11
85 MSI mod. 11 mod. 10
86 MSI no check