OPALE - 10.0 - Usage - Executing an action for multiple spooled files


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Cette page est une version traduite de la page OPALE:10.0:Utilisation:Exécuter une action du robot sur plusieurs spools : MAPRUNSPL et la traduction est complétée à 100 %.

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The MAPRUNSPL command allows you to run an action defined in the spooled file manager on several spooled files at the same time (e.g. move all the files of a particular user to a specific output queue).

You will need to:

  • Define all the parameters to select the spooled files and action that you will run on those files.
  • The action must be created before running the command (Operations menu option 2).


  • User USER
  • Outq OUTQ
  • Outq library
  • Spooled file name SPLF
  • Form type FORMTYPE
  • User's reference USRDTA
  • Job Name JOB
  • Prtf Name PRTFNAME
  • Prtf library PRTFLIB
  • Prog Name PROGNAME
  • Prog Library PROGLIB
  • Print Text PRINTTEXT
  • User Text USERTEXT
  • Spooled files older than x days OLDERTHAN
  • Name of the action ACTIONNAME

See also Managing actions and commands